When I Really Shouldn't Be

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Brody Joussane

OOC First Name
Well, as the title says.... xD When I really shouldn't be asking for more plots, here I am doing so... And this is just for my adorable new charries... ^_^ xD :wub:

Scarlet Joussane

Scarlet Naomi Joussane is a 9 year old and the youngest and only female among siblings, Justin, Crische, Brody and herself. Scarlet had lost both her parents not more than a year ago and has only been living with her brothers as Justin tried to provide for their family. They all live in Paris near the restaurant where Justin works. So that Scarlet would not be bored at home with Brody and Crische off at Durmstrang and Justin at work, they decided to let the girl go to a muggle school at first. But Scarlet hated school as she was always bullied there and treated as an outcast. She's talented in singing, drawing and acting but she was always teased and criticized by her classmates in which their teacher failed to notice. Because of this, the once confident and happy-go-lucky Scarlet became a quiet child learning to speak only when spoken to, in which made her protective brothers worried about her (except Crische)...

For Scarlet, I guess I'm looking for friends and bullies since I don't see her fighting back anytime soon. It could be for her at present, or maybe also for the future for when she enters wizarding school. Nothing in the romantic department for now, but if you have some ideas for that in her future, I'm welcoming it with open arms...

Brody Joussane

Brody is an 12 year old boy and basically the meanest of the siblings. Brody was the one that was most affected by their mother's death as they were very close, but their father's death... Brody had little to no reaction about it. He and his father would always fight because of his bad attitude of frequently getting into fights and not attending school. Also, Brody is the one most protective of Scarlet since they were the one who grew up together. Brody is only kind and caring to those he considers his friends although he doesn't straight out shows it. Brody and Crische are pretty much fighting all the time because of their attitude that doesn't like to lose.

For Brody, I could always use some friends and enemies... ^_^ ... Crushes are also good and maybe future relationships... ^_^ ... They can always be from outside of Durmstrang....

Crische Joussane

Crische is a 17 year old and your typical playboy. He used to have a lot of ex-girlfriends before he transferred to Durmstrang. He is also an airhead, attention-seeker and boastful because of his appearance and mostly only cares about himself. He considered his ex-girlfriends to be only a fling or a flirt and knows that he is yet to find someone who he will be in a serious relationship with. He was very close to his Dad and thus got mad at him for choosing to leave them alone. Justin and Crische get along quite well since they are both close in age and Justin was not one to get into fights. But he and Brody were quite in a rivalry thanks to their nature of not wanting to lose. But Crische was not particular into liking Scarlet as he wanted all the attention to himself, but whenever they were together, the attention would be on his younger sister...

I'm looking for friends and enemies for him too.. ^_^ .. And also a fling or a girlfriend.... And finally a potential final, who could accept who he was in the past as he would be serious on his relationship with her...

Justin Joussane

Justin is the oldest among the siblings and a fresh graduate from Durmstrang. He chose to work as a waiter in the L'Astrance restaurant in Paris to provide for all three of his siblings along with Scarlet's schooling. Justin had tried to look strong when they had lost both parents and tried to quickly move on, but deep down he was still struggling and doubting if he could continue providing for his family by himself and even considered putting Brody and Scarlet for adoption. He loves his family very much and is quite a bit like Scarlet. He is a bit shy and rarely starts a conversation with anyone, but he is really caring and kind. He is very protective as well to those he loves and cares about.

I'm looking for friends for Justin, possibly his old friends from Durmstrang or maybe ones he could meet somewhere. Then, a girlfriend and a potential final as well... ^_^

Karen Andrews

Karen is a 23 year old muggle. She is a kindergarten teacher and a part time artist. She enjoys being an artist a lot even waking up early or staying up late at night to work on her paintings. She just loves being with children and is much fun to be around with. Karen is ready to help and is always understanding, even to the point of not getting angry at certain issues. Right now, she is in a relationship and is very happy with it. She has a happy life all in all, except for the fact that she has acrophobia. And that when she does get mad because of the right buttons pushed, she's really, really scary.

Looking for friends and maybe people who dislikes her and be mean to her... Or maybe someone who could find out about her phobia and uses it against her... Anything is fine really, except anything romantic since it's already covered.

Clarisse Richards
<I><FONT font="Monaco">

Clarisse is a 19 year old pastry chef and just loves to bake and bake and bake... She's always a happy girl even in the midst of problems. She tries to hide it when she feels anger or sadness as she doesn't like to worry people because of her. She was raised by her parents who were a bit protective of her and she was allowed to be independent by her parents when she reached 18... She was a graduate of Beauxbatons and now rarely uses magic unless well-needed... She's a very friendly girl and trusts others easily and makes sure to not betray others' trust on her...

I'm looking for friends, maybe from when she was in school or maybe ones that are mean to her... Romance is covered for now.... I'm willing to take in ideas and all.. ^_^

Well, questions are always welcome... ^_^ ... Especially since I am yet to fully learn about these charries... You can post here or PM me at my main account (Ai Edogawa) for questions and plots alike... ^_^

If you want to RP with meh other charries here are all of them...

David will be graduating in a year and I could see him being friends with Justin, Clarisse, or Karen. ^.^ If you have any ideas, feel free to PM me. He's shy, kind of sarcastic, but nice at heart. He has minor bipolar disorder, which means he's either normal, or very depressed. So, it changes a lot.
I shall PM you right away... xD :p
I have quite possibly, a few things to offer you Marga! We don't RP often enough together, and should!

Firstly, for Brody Joussane, I have a young durmstrang by the name of Wes who would be interested in being friends. He is not the friendliest guy. He distances himself from most things. Doesn't put in any effort anywhere and really couldn't be arsed with most things. He's a pretty rusty character, I haven't used him in forever, and wouldn't mind bringing him out for the sake of a possibly friendship.

Now for Justin Joussane, I have two options for you. Though I'm open to ideas, one being my Beauxbatons student, who is graduating at the end of the term. She's a kind and beautiful young woman, full of life and happy to do new things. She's a high society girl who sort of wants to shake her roots. However she's incredibly self conscious person and will never dress in anything that isn't smart or fancy. Which is why Paris life will suit her upon graduating.
Or I have Zander Valentine, who is in a very similar situation, he is 22 or 23 and dropped out Hogwarts Scotland at the age of 16 following the death of his parents. He began sole guardian of his brothers and sisters with the help from old family friends. He cares a lot for his family and would do anything for them, even if they wouldn't do anything for him. Since the death of his parents, three of the kids have left, and one died. One ended up getting pregnant but gave it up to Zander. He would really sympathise with a guy who was in a sort of similar situation.

That's all I have for now. I'm open to suggestions, and if you think anything wouldn't work just let me know! If I've got a character that you want to RP with, I'm open to suggestions there.
Let me know what you think! :)
I think I have a couple of characters for you Marga!!!! :woot:

So, I would really like Raymond&Scarlet to know each other. Raymond Mandy is the middle child of the Mandy siblings. He has a younger twin sister and and an older brother. He is nine and he lives in New Zealand, but his adoptive mother is French. He is fluent in French and English. (Also Gibberish, but that is only to his doggy.) He did some counseling for a little bit for his anger issues. Now, he is starting to conform to his mother's wishes. He notices more than he lets on, and he is not very open to his family. He would gladly tell everything to a stranger. He could be in Paris visiting his adoptive mother's parents which is normal for him and his sister. Raymond would want to on an adventure, and he would try and get Scarlet to open up and have fun. He has a lot of energy.

Justin&Freddie Raska& Bobby Sanchez could have known each other. They both are Durmstrang graduates, and I think they are either 19 or 20 now. One of the two. Freddie was Head Boy in his seventh year. He is now a Healer at St. Mungo's, and he is also a Seer. He is very kind and respectful, but now, he is in a little bit of a funk. So, he is a little careless and apathetic now. But, Freddie would love chat with him or do manly things.

Bobby Sanchez. He is narcissistic and self-centered. He graduated from Durmstrang, and he is now a Beater for New Zealand's Quidditch team. He is really grumpy, and he is not interested in conversations if they aren't about him. Surprisingly, Bobby and Freddie are best friends. He is dating Vicxen Dodge, but he plans on breaking up with her soon because she is boring to him now. Bobby was a bully his days at Durmstrang. He and Justin could probably be enemies. Yep.

For Karen and Clarisse, I have Heath James's sister, Luvesha James. She is 26 year old pastry chef. She is very outgoing and motherly. Clarisse and Luvesha are both pastry chefs, so they could have met at a convention or something. Luvesha went to school in France and was an apprentice to a famous pastry chef. She is really humble about how much money she has. She is not flashy, but she does spoil her friends with gifts! She doesn't have a boyfriend and this makes her sad. She feels like her beauty is just wasting away. Karen could have tried some of her sweets or something. I don't know. But, this is what I have for you Marga! :wub:
Yes, Emzies... We probably should... :D .. ^_^ And it's time for you to know that I agree to almost anything! xD And I just love your ideas!!

First off, I'd be really, really happy if Brody was to have a friend.. :D .. So, since Brody is not so friendly as well, maybe we could work out a situation that they could meet without getting into a fight with each other? xD :p

A nice lady for Justin would be nice... :wub: ... Well, if that would be the case, then maybe she could have maybe went to the restaurant where Justin works and well, we could start of from there whenever possible! ^_^

And Zander sounds really nice! ^_^ Maybe, he could give advice to Justin since he's really troubled about the fact on whether he's doing a good job or not...

Well, I agreed to everything... Again... xD But maybe we could trim it down if you want... I'm slow with replies but I can manage... :D

And Lovi!!! Yay!! :woot: ^_^

I would love for them to meet each other!! Scarlet really, really needs a friend, especially since she's being bullied and all. Maybe Scarlet could meet him at a park or something or on her way home from school... Just about anything sounds good to me... ^_^

Justin and Freddie are friends... Bobby and Justin are enemies... Freddie and Bobby are friends... And the three of them have no idea that the other knows the other? :r Did I make sense?? I probably did not...
Anyways..... They may have been friends back in Durmstrang and they could hang out during Justin's day off and he could talk about his problems to Freddie...

And then there's Bobby, yes... Justin would have not liked him since he is very anti-bully... xD Well, I have no idea how they could meet though.. xD ..

You should really get Luvesha a boyfriend... :r ... Heath already has his own love life... xD
Anyway, I think the three of them would get along well! Since Karen loves sweets and so does Clarisse and aside from that, they are all motherly and caring... Karen doesn't go out much though because of her work at the kindergarten but we could easily work on that... xD

And I once again agreed to everything... Want to trim it down, Lovi? xD Well, I don't mind either way though...

Ai Edogawa said:
Yes, Emzies... We probably should... :D .. ^_^ And it's time for you to know that I agree to almost anything! xD And I just love your ideas!!

First off, I'd be really, really happy if Brody was to have a friend.. :D .. So, since Brody is not so friendly as well, maybe we could work out a situation that they could meet without getting into a fight with each other? xD :p

A nice lady for Justin would be nice... :wub: ... Well, if that would be the case, then maybe she could have maybe went to the restaurant where Justin works and well, we could start of from there whenever possible! ^_^

And Zander sounds really nice! ^_^ Maybe, he could give advice to Justin since he's really troubled about the fact on whether he's doing a good job or not...

Well, I agreed to everything... Again... xD But maybe we could trim it down if you want... I'm slow with replies but I can manage... :D

i am equally slow in replying so no worries on that front! I'm glad you agree/like what I offered.

Perhaps even for Brody and Wes that them not getting along would be better. You know that way that they p1ss each other off, but eventually lean to enjoy each other's company. You want to start something or shall I? For that.

For Justin, both sound great! We can start both topics now. I think the idea of my Beauxbatons at the restaurant would be great. Could be a sort of end of evening last minute dinner idea? Her being super apologetic about keeping him? Do you want to start something or shall I?
As for him and Zander, I'm not sure how the two would meet? Got any ideas?
Stefan Archer said:
Ai Edogawa said:
Yes, Emzies... We probably should... :D .. ^_^ And it's time for you to know that I agree to almost anything! xD And I just love your ideas!!

First off, I'd be really, really happy if Brody was to have a friend.. :D .. So, since Brody is not so friendly as well, maybe we could work out a situation that they could meet without getting into a fight with each other? xD :p

A nice lady for Justin would be nice... :wub: ... Well, if that would be the case, then maybe she could have maybe went to the restaurant where Justin works and well, we could start of from there whenever possible! ^_^

And Zander sounds really nice! ^_^ Maybe, he could give advice to Justin since he's really troubled about the fact on whether he's doing a good job or not...

Well, I agreed to everything... Again... xD But maybe we could trim it down if you want... I'm slow with replies but I can manage... :D

i am equally slow in replying so no worries on that front! I'm glad you agree/like what I offered.

Perhaps even for Brody and Wes that them not getting along would be better. You know that way that they p1ss each other off, but eventually lean to enjoy each other's company. You want to start something or shall I? For that.

For Justin, both sound great! We can start both topics now. I think the idea of my Beauxbatons at the restaurant would be great. Could be a sort of end of evening last minute dinner idea? Her being super apologetic about keeping him? Do you want to start something or shall I?
As for him and Zander, I'm not sure how the two would meet? Got any ideas?
I could probably start Brody and Wes... :D

Hmm.. Maybe you could start the one with your Beauxbatons and Justin....

And then, Zander and Justin........ How about Justin invites him for lunch/dinner or something in their house... I have no idea... xD
Ai Edogawa said:

And Lovi!!! Yay!! :woot: ^_^

I would love for them to meet each other!! Scarlet really, really needs a friend, especially since she's being bullied and all. Maybe Scarlet could meet him at a park or something or on her way home from school... Just about anything sounds good to me... ^_^

Justin and Freddie are friends... Bobby and Justin are enemies... Freddie and Bobby are friends... And the three of them have no idea that the other knows the other? :r Did I make sense?? I probably did not...
Anyways..... They may have been friends back in Durmstrang and they could hang out during Justin's day off and he could talk about his problems to Freddie...

And then there's Bobby, yes... Justin would have not liked him since he is very anti-bully... xD Well, I have no idea how they could meet though.. xD ..

You should really get Luvesha a boyfriend... :r ... Heath already has his own love life... xD
Anyway, I think the three of them would get along well! Since Karen loves sweets and so does Clarisse and aside from that, they are all motherly and caring... Karen doesn't go out much though because of her work at the kindergarten but we could easily work on that... xD

And I once again agreed to everything... Want to trim it down, Lovi? xD Well, I don't mind either way though...
Ray Ray would love to be Scarlet's friend. He needs more people to bother. :r xD So, they can meet at the park. That sounds cool to me!!!! <3

Yes. You did make sense Marga. lol. Justin talking to Freddie about his problems would be great because Freddie needs to start giving advice again. He try to help him out whenever he could.

Sanchez would probably stalk him. Just kidding! I don't know how they would meet either, unless it is through Freddie. We can scratch this one if you want!

Luvesha&your Muggles
A love life he is never telling Luvesha about. xD He'd die.
So, both of your muggles sound awesome. I think we could do Karen and Luvesha first though because teachers are awesome and Luvesha loves children!
Heath James said:
Ai Edogawa said:

And Lovi!!! Yay!! :woot: ^_^

I would love for them to meet each other!! Scarlet really, really needs a friend, especially since she's being bullied and all. Maybe Scarlet could meet him at a park or something or on her way home from school... Just about anything sounds good to me... ^_^

Justin and Freddie are friends... Bobby and Justin are enemies... Freddie and Bobby are friends... And the three of them have no idea that the other knows the other? :r Did I make sense?? I probably did not...
Anyways..... They may have been friends back in Durmstrang and they could hang out during Justin's day off and he could talk about his problems to Freddie...

And then there's Bobby, yes... Justin would have not liked him since he is very anti-bully... xD Well, I have no idea how they could meet though.. xD ..

You should really get Luvesha a boyfriend... :r ... Heath already has his own love life... xD
Anyway, I think the three of them would get along well! Since Karen loves sweets and so does Clarisse and aside from that, they are all motherly and caring... Karen doesn't go out much though because of her work at the kindergarten but we could easily work on that... xD

And I once again agreed to everything... Want to trim it down, Lovi? xD Well, I don't mind either way though...
Ray Ray would love to be Scarlet's friend. He needs more people to bother. :r xD So, they can meet at the park. That sounds cool to me!!!! <3

Yes. You did make sense Marga. lol. Justin talking to Freddie about his problems would be great because Freddie needs to start giving advice again. He try to help him out whenever he could.

Sanchez would probably stalk him. Just kidding! I don't know how they would meet either, unless it is through Freddie. We can scratch this one if you want!

Luvesha&your Muggles
A love life he is never telling Luvesha about. xD He'd die.
So, both of your muggles sound awesome. I think we could do Karen and Luvesha first though because teachers are awesome and Luvesha loves children!
Someone to bother sounds really mean... Scarlet might enjoy his company! xD Want me to start this one?

Justin and Freddie would sound so nice!! ^_^ And yes, him helping out Justin would be great! ^_^ Should I start this one! ^_^

Karen is a muggle, but Clarisse is a witch though... Want to start Karen and Luvesha? And Heath should really tell Luvesha... :p
Ai Edogawa said:

Hmm.. Maybe you could start the one with your Beauxbatons and Justin....

And then, Zander and Justin........ How about Justin invites him for lunch/dinner or something in their house... I have no idea... xD
Here Is the topic for Charlotte (my beauxbatons) and Justin

What if they were to meet online, like he's asking for parenting advice, and they end up exchanging numbers and all that. To have then discovered both are magic, and they decide to meet up because they can?
Stefan Archer said:
Ai Edogawa said:

Hmm.. Maybe you could start the one with your Beauxbatons and Justin....

And then, Zander and Justin........ How about Justin invites him for lunch/dinner or something in their house... I have no idea... xD
Here Is the topic for Charlotte (my beauxbatons) and Justin

What if they were to meet online, like he's asking for parenting advice, and they end up exchanging numbers and all that. To have then discovered both are magic, and they decide to meet up because they can?
I guess I could live with that... :r .. xD Kidding! I love your ideas!! ^_^ Should I start it?
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