Closed What's all the fuss about?

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Jacob did a few circles with his shoulders, testing out the work that the healer had just performed to put his shoulder back in place. He'd taken a turn much too quickly during his most recent mission and learned that steel was not very forgiving. It was the easiest of the damage he'd taken to fix, and the Auror tried to be still and calm like the Healers ordered while he waited for someone to come take a look at his other injuries. Jacob wasn't too worried about most of them, scrapes and cuts would heal. But one of his wounds was a magical injury and of much more concern to him. Jacob touched it and winced before laying back on the medical chair to wait.

The man was busy thinking about the paperwork he'd have to do and acknowledging the fact he'd probably be on desk duty for a bit as he healed. He sighed. He hated that part of the work.
One of the first things he'd learned as a trainee healer was to expect the unexpected. Like the fact that even though he was still in his trainee-ship, he would sometimes be expected to work on patients with strange or interesting magical wounds. It made sense, he supposed, since he'd elected to study in potions and spell damage, but that didn't mean he'd expected to be set to task immediately. It was really true that they did things so differently on this side of the pond. Or... really big body of water.

His green healer's robes sat slightly off of his shoulders as he walked into the main department, being gestured to the closest case. He cast a cursory glance over the man's body to see him favouring his side and stepped over quickly, a frown etched on his face. "Auror?" he clarified, though given the section of the hospital they were in, that was probably a given. Most Aurors had a bed with their name on it here, another difference between this place and America. Must have been a strange kind of a thought for them, he supposed.

August pulled his wand out and touched it gently to the man's head and then swept it over his full body for a diagnostic, frowning at the result. Hm, interesting. "Protego wasn't good enough for you huh, decided to dodge into a curse?" it was... sort of a joke, though he realised as he said it he didn't know the man, and had no way of knowing whether or not he would take a joke well. Ah, well he'd said it now, no point in agonising over it. He waved his wand again and summoned one of the basic healing potions, and something to numb the pain. He'd been hit with a ripper of a curse, probably on the job if it was anything to go by, so this might very well take a while. August was going to have to carefully and intricately remove the spell work layer by layer. There goes his lunch break.

@Jacob Kingsley

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