Closed what you want

Elio Boneheart

your exception to your rule
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
Elio yawned as he sat back in chair looking over his charms notes again. He had a bunch of his old notebooks from last year that he hoped might come in handy for Hinata, since she'd told him she was thinking of becoming an Auror he had put a lot of effort into trying to find time that he could sit down with her and help her catch up on some of the subjects she had struggled with before. He was still sort of working on what he wanted to do, his mother wanted him to go into healing, but he wasn't sure that was what he wanted anymore. There were a lot of options, but it wasn't always easy to tell what those options were since he was trying to do everything all at once, and honestly he just wasn't sure he could keep it up. He had almost no free time with all the homework he had to do, avoiding certain people in the school and the clubs he had joined, sometimes he wondered if it was a miracle he managed to do anything at all honestly. He looked up when Hinata finally wandered into the abandoned classroom - he'd chosen here because he sometimes found the library to be too daunting, and it was a lot easier to run into people he wanted to avoid, and this was still set up like a classroom space, so it was a better set up. "Hey, I have some notebooks for you, I warn you most of it is homeschool stuff, so... I hope it's at least somewhat helpful?"
Hinata hadn't told anyone except two people about the possible shift in her career prospects. This year had been a bit eye-opening for her when it came to the classes that she could do. She'd never been one for consistently pursuing academics until this year. Partly, it had been because her younger siblings had been surprisingly sent to Hogwarts New Zealand instead of Mahoutokuro. She wanted to be a role model for them, so just ignoring her schoolwork had not been an option. And then surprisingly, Kael had started to mind his studies too and Hina didn't want to be left behind. With her newfound focus, she'd found that she actually liked some of the classes that she was taking. Particularly Defense Against the Dark Arts. And she thinks she isn't doing badly in other classes either. And now, the idea of becoming an auror was on the table. It was daunting. But Hina, for the first time, wanted to give it a try. But first, she had to get on top of her studies. She thinks though that she's pretty much done with approaching professors for the semester - or for the year really - or she would spontaneously combust. Which was how she ended up telling Elio. She didn't want to tell Kael yet - she wasn't sure if he would support it, as protective as he was. She wasn't ready to tell her parents yet either, not until she was sure that her chances of succeeding were much higher. So, now, she's sort of sneaking around to meet up with Elio. When she had finally wandered into their meetup place, map in hand, she breathed a sigh of relief. "A-arigato," she said with a bow as she approached the older boy. "Anything would be of help. A-are you sure you're not going to be needing them?" she asked for what was probably more than the third time since she'd asked the Gryffindor for some help.

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