What the...!?

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah sighed as she dipped her toes into the cold lake. It was a warm day and she needed to cool down but taking her hoody of was not an option. It was her mask, her way of hiding from the world. Maybe it wasn't the best disguise but it was the easiest. She wiggled her toes a bit to stop them freezing and leant back on her hands.
Shay wished that time would just stop for a while so she could just take a breathe without all the complications of life getting in the way. She now lived by herself in the half way house and she had one friend who was in the school. He wasn't exactly amazing. He was a fifth year flirt. Even though Shay was starting to have feelings for him, she wanted a proper friend-one her own age and own gender. Someone she could talk to about anything...
The water, it brought back memories to Angela. She didn't understand why she kept coming back, all she knew was that the breeze from the lakefront, was something she hadn't enjoyed in a long time. Lately, everything that Angela had once enjoyed, had just become a thing to her. It was all a blur, and she didn't even take time to smell the flowers that she used to. But, since talking to Dakota, she felt so much better; freer. Angela stopped, and stood downwind, sniffing the lake smelling air. To her, lake's always smelled different, this was didn't smell bad; but it didn't smell like seaweed. She looked at the lakefront, scanning it almost. that's when she saw her. A wave of familiarity sprang over Angela, and she walked, almost in a dreamlike state. She sat down next to the girl quietly.

"Hey." She said, staring off into the distant lake. It had to be her.
Shaylah was surprised when she saw someone sit next to her. She was even more surprised when she saw who it was. This was someone she hadn't talked to since first year-even in classes. The two of them had drifted apart and Shay hadn't bothered talking to her again-until now. "Umm...hi" She didn't know how to react around Angela anymore. They used to be best friends but they'd pretty much ignored each other and suddenly Ang was talking to Shay like nothing had even happened. If this was any other person then they would have had a broken nose by now but Shay couldn't do that to Ang and she didn't know why. It might have been because of their past friendship but then if that was the case then why did she beat up Lily on a daily basis. After all, Lily had once been a good friend as well.
Angela was quiet, she just sat there thinking of what to say. She turned her head to look at Shaylah. "You haven't changed, you know, on the outside." She felt a bit awkward, it was like Angela was trying to make a first impression again, but she wasn't Angela... and Shaylah wasn't Shaylah. She kept looking at her, she really hadn't changed. Same black hair, same dark eyes, same skin tone. Something, though, wasn't right about her, and Angela knew it. Most people changed over time slowly, Angela had been jerked into change, and from what she had heard, so had Shaylah. "How are you?" She asked, though it was a slightly redundant question.
Shay shrugged at what Angela said. "Nor have you." It was the truth. Angela hadn't changed on the outside. She looked exactly the same as she had done the first day of Hogwarts. That was ages a go and Shay wished she could go back there. That was when things were easy. Boring but easy. She just went through everyday with a smile on her face. Now was the opposite. Every day seemed to last a lifetime and it was a rare thing to see a smile on her face. "I've been better. You??" Shaylah didn't feel like talking but she didn't feel like sitting by herself in omplete silence either so she thought she might as well get a conversation moving.
"Really?" Angela knew she had changed, she had started wearing makeup and dyed her hair. She pulled her hood off, the red locks falling in waves on her shoulder. She was sure that she looked different now. She smiled a bit at Shaylah. "I've been..." She paused, what would be the real term for her. Numb? "Living." She said in a falsely sweet tone. She kept an eye on Shaylah and then at the water. She hated being here, it reminded her of what she had done with Teddy. A boy she knew to be gone for a long time. "How has school been?" She asked, her voice gentle; holding no remorse for anything. This included her loss of touch with this young girl.
Shaylah's eyes widened slightly. "Wow. I wasn't expecting that." She laughed slightly. It felt weird to laugh. It was something she didn't do much anymore. It took someone special to make her laugh. Shaylah shrugged at Angela's question. "Same as always really. GO to a lesson, pretend to listen, do the homework, then sit around getting bored for the rest of the day." Shaylah's only motivation in school was that she wanted to make her dad proud. She felt her hand automatically move to the necklace around her neck. Her dad had given it to her just before he was sent off. It was silver and had the family crest engraved into it's smooth surface. Inside was a picture of her and her dad. It was one of her most prized possessions and she never took it off in the fear that someone would steal it. "What about you?? Has school been good to you??"
She smiled. She knew that Shaylah meant the red hair. Angela still remembered when she had black hair, how young she had looked. She figured the more bright her hair was, the less people would expect her to hurt. She listened to Shaylah's drone about school, it was the same for Angela. Often, though, she didn't even attend a lesson, she would just skip. She smiled a little bit more though and answered Shay's question, taking note of how she rubbed the locket. "I don't really do school, haven't really been to classes since Sarah died. Had to take leave for a bit to take care of Kairi, and help Sky." She stated, being honest to her new-old friend. "Where's the locket thingy from."
Shaylah shrugged. "I go to every lesson. I don't want to but I feel I have to." Shaylah wanted to get her best grades and then go on to be a death eater. Then she could full fill as much as possible in her life. Shaylah's jaw dropped. "Sarah's dead?! Since when?!" She couldn't believe it. Sarah had always been so kind to her. Shay looked down at the locket and smiled. "It was a gift from my dad. It's got the family crest there..." Shay pointed at the markings on the locket. "...and on the inside..." She then pointed at the photo of her and her dad. This was one of the only things she had left of what her dad used to be like.
Angela nodded. She didn't really understand why, by she got what Shaylah was saying. She then looked up in shock, her aqua eyes burning at Sarah's name. It was easy for her to say, and hard for her to hear. "She died a while back... Giving birth to this beautiful baby. Kairi Kelly, Kala Kelly's brother, he's the father. No one besides me and Skyle is allowed to touch her. But... I love her dearly, she's got green eyes. Weirdest thing ever." She smiled with a tear glistening on her cheek. "How is Jay?"
Shaylah felt sorry that she as ked the question. "Oh, umm...sorry." She didn't know what to do with people who were upset. She was never used to caring for people as she had never had to do it. "I guess the baby is a present from her to say goodbye then." It was the best she could think of. Shaylah felt her stomach knot at the question and she had to look at her feet. "Not great. He's going the same way as everyone else in there. His letters don't sound like him any more." Shaylah found this the hardest thing. In a way she wished that he would stop sending letters so she could remember him the way he was.
Angela was aware that Shaylah hadn't been good with situations like comforting and such. Last time Angela had really talked to her, everything was great with her. So, it was understandable, like much of everything else. She nodded at Shaylah's words. "So it's true. Shay, if I can ask, what really happened?" Angela had heard many stories, and none of them were good. He had gone berserk, or he hated people and just killed them. That wasn't Jay, Angela had trusted Jay.
Shay realised that she had never told Ang about any of what happened. She looked up at her and then back at her feet. "My mum was in labour and he was trying to protect her from two idiot kids. He accidentally killed the one and the other ran at him so he killed that one as well." Shay knew her dad had gone down valiantly but that didn't make her ignore the fact that she had only just found her mother before she lost her father and now she was living alone in the half way house. "An auror just happened to be near enough to hear him shout the killing curse and run to see the kids dead and my dad trying to help my mum." Shay found it hard talking about this as she had only found out about it through a letter from her mum. She had been in school when it had all happened.
Angela had trouble listening to Shay's story. Angela had been through a lot, but, whenever she heard anyone else talk about their lives, she felt like a baby. She felt like her problems were so small. it became a bit more difficult as Shaylah went along her story. Angela could feel the empath in her taking flight, and she felt the pain that Shaylah did. Cautiously, Angela put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Shay. I promise, it'll get better." Angela couldn't promise that, she knew she couldn't.
Shaylah shook her head. "You can't promise that. He's earnt himself a one way ticket to azkaban and I'm never going to see him again. For the first ten years of my life, he was the only family I had. I never knew my mum and nobody knew where she was. Then I met her and dad ended up in azkaban." Shay was struggling to hold back tears but she didn't want to let them out. She wasn't great at showing emotions. "The day he got arrested was the day after their honeymoon. They had only just got back when she went into labour. He never even saw Calliopa and Malikai because the stupid auror wouldn't let him go with my mum to help her give birth. She went through four hours of pain while he was being escorted to azkaban."
Angela took in the pain that Shaylah was feeling, and spit it out in the form of tears. Whenever someone Angela cared about or new was sad, she was sad also. It was just who she was, she couldn't help it. She pulled Shaylah too her, into a very embracing hug. Angela was icy, cold. Her body had lacked warmth though she burnt up. "I'm here though, You can talk to me and let it out, it'll get better." She said. This time, she didn't promise.
Shaylah couldn't hold it in any longer. After all the time she had completely ignored Angie and anything to do with her, she was being an amazing friend. She wrapped her arms around Angela and felt the tears roll down her cheeks. "Thank you Angie." Shay felt the words come out as a shaky whisper. She had been by herself for six months now and it was affecting her in a bad way.
Angela's arms only tightened as she held her old friend very close. She never wanted anyone she knew to feel any pain, she wanted to take it all away. She wished that she could for Shay especially. She made comforting shushing and cooing noises, like she did when Kairi cried. "I wish I was there for you before, Shaylah. I'm sorry." She said rocking her back and fourth, keeping her close. She started to warm up a bit and smiled slightly.
Shaylah felt weird behaving like this. She never let people see her real feelings. She kept herself closed up inside and dealt with problems by herself. This was one problem that was just too much for her though. It wasn't like she had anyone other than Angela. Her dad was in azkaban, the rest of her family were in Scotland, the person she loved was in Salem with her best friend and the only other friend she had was a fifth year boy who she barely knew. "Cr@p. I look terrible." Shay whipped the tears from her cheeks as she laughed slightly.
Angela felt good being there, holding her. She felt warm again, like she had just contributed to someone's life in a good way. That was all she really needed to be happy. She was pleased by the simple things, and by making someone's day better, she made her own better. Angela looked at her. "You look beautiful." She said. She didn't know why she said it, but Shaylah really did look beautiful to her.
Shaylah shook her head. "You're the only one who thinks so." Shay had never thought of herself as beautiful. Her dad had been the only person to ever tell her that but he was her dad. He obviously thought his only daughter was the most beautiful thing in the world. It was how dads worked. Everyone else just thought Shay was a disgusting tomboy who needed to realise that mud is not good make up.
Angela smiled a little and wiped at some of the dirt Shay had attained. "I think you are because it's true. If anyone else says differently, it's because they are jealous. I know I'm jealous of you." She said with an honest voice. Angela had always though Shaylah was a better looking person, with more charisma and personality. now that she had changed, Angela wasn't so sure. she was still beautiful on the outside, but, it seemed like she was rotting away on the inside. It pained Angela to know that, and not be able to do anything about it. She loved Shay dearly, in a sisterly way.
Shaylah sighed. "What is there to be jealous of?? I live a life in hell and spend my every minute wishing I was someone else. Why would anyone be jealous of that??" Shay could hear the honesty in Angela's voice but she didn't understand it. She hated being her. She would much rather be Angela. "I used to be so glad that I was me. I had everything. If I wanted something, all I had to do was hold my hand out to my dad and he would get it for me. Now I have nothing. A few pets and some clothes, yeah. Amazing. I don't even have my dog because she's not allowed in Hogwarts so she's staying with my mum." Shaylah found this one of the worst parts. Sasha had been there with her for five years-like best friends. Now they couldn't see each other.

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