What Makes You Beautiful!

Javarius Askolov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Javarius Askolov was walked around Brightstone Village attentively. This part of New Zealand was unfamiliar to him, so he was making sure he kept track of where he was and where had already been. He carried his guitar on his back. He had a folder full of notes under his arm. It was not too windy, so he hoped none would get blown away. That was his worst nightmare. Losing songs was not a good thing. Especially for a person as emotionally attached to them as Javar. He sat down on a bench and set his guitar next to him. He started looking through his folder for something to play. "What do you want to play, babe?" he asked and looked over at his guitar. He laughed to himself. He needed to get a girlfriend because his guitar was just not cutting it. He picked a song. He took a mental picture of he notes and placed them back in his folder. To prevent his folder from flying away he sat on it. It his head I was a smart idea. He set his guitar on his lap and searched his pockets for his pick. Once he found it he strummed the guitar and tuned it before he started to make any music.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful (Oh),
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately (desperately),
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful (beautiful) ,
Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful
Kate was making her way to some a music store. She needed some new strings for her violin and it needed a bit of tlc. She had been ignoring it and it was in bad need of a proper clean and some general tender loving care. She felt bad for neglecting it for so long. She did love her instrument but over the past few years she had been too busy or sick to play it or practice any pieces. It was a shame because she really loved playing the violin and she knew she was good at it. She knew that she would be able to make some sort of a career out of it. She liked it as a hobby though. She felt good when she played it. It was her instrument. She could play other ones but they didn’t fit with her as well as the violin did.

She had come over to New Zealand last week. She had spent Christmas with her family and quite an enjoyable one. For once there hadn’t been anything wrong with anyone, there had been a at times tension between Ryan and Star but other then that Kate had thought it had been one of the best Christmas’ in years. She had come back to New Zealand to get ready for school . She had bring her violin with her this time, she was determined to actually practice this year. It was only when she had opened her violin case and saw the state of the violin she realized how much she had neglected it. When she had tried tuning it two of the strings had snapped. This had all happened when in New Zealand which was why she was now looking for a music store so she could get it totally fixed up.

After an hour she found one and brought her violin in. Around an hour and a cup of coffee later her violin was restored and Kate walked out of the store feeling much better. She put her violin case around her two shoulders and put her bag around her right. As she walked through Brightstone she stopped when she heard someone singing. Curiously she followed the noise. She knew the song and she found herself humming along. She saw someone ,he was holding a guitar and was singing the song. Kate walked up to him. She waited till he was finished “Your’re really good” She said smiling.
Javar always felt freedom overwhelm him when he sang and made music in general. Singing was something he had just gotten into, and in America he had met so many people that knew more about acoustics and vocals then he did. What had surprised him was that they were so willing to teach him. He always felt like he was in the background, but he had become a very popular guy in school. He had a ton of guy friends and all the girls fanned themselves when he was around. Yet he was still desperate for love. That love that every song in the world was about. It all seemed like an fairytale he could not make into a reality.

Javar finished his song. He smiled at his guitar."You did such a good job, Babe." he ran his finger over the guitar strings. T that moment he decided his guitar's name was Babe. That was that. He looked up and saw a girl. Was she talking to him? How long had she been standing there. He started in inwardly panic. She was too pretty to be starting a conversation with him!"Thanks, I guess." he said and took out his folder again. He needed to fiddle with something because he needed to stay cool.
Kate had found listening to music and singing great during the times when she was sick. No matter how down she had felt an upbeat happy song had always made her tap her foot to the beat and make her feel happier. The great thing is that you can always find a song or piece of music that reflects your mood. There is music of every different type of emotion. There is such a wide variety of music in the world. You can't say there isn't at least one song which doesn't fit your mood. It's great for helping people get back up on their feet again or to just help them have fun. For some people music was their way out. It was their way of expressing themselves in ways words couldn't. Thankfully Kate had never had that problem but that didn't mean she still didn't play music to express herself anyways.

The boy who had looked so comfortable singing and playing the guitar seemed to turn into a completely different person. He looked panicked and he started fiddling with his folder. "Where did you learn to play the guitar?"She asked curiously, deciding to cautiously ignore his nervousness around her. She wouldn't do anything rash, she was just curious about the boy. She was curious about anyone who played music but she had a feeling she would have to tread carefully and work hard at this boy. "I'm Kate"She said smiling hoping she would get a response.
Javar gulped and looked back up at the girl. "I taught myself. I also got help from some kids at school." he said and put his folder away. He ran his fingers over Babe's strings in order to try and get out some of his nervousness. Javar was surprised that the girl told him her name. Did he ask for it? Why was she still talking to him? He did not deserve to be talk to by the likes of her. All he had he did not deserve. He did nothing to deserve his sister guitar or anything. Nothing. "I didn't ask for your name!" he snapped at the girl. Why was she being so nice to him? Javar was not used to such kindness. It made him feel like the person had some sort of motive for talking to him. Why did people insist wasting their time on him? He did not deserve kindness. After everything he didn't do to help others. He was a brat for running away from home. Javar held his guitar closer to him. He looked at the ground. The only thing that really understood him was music. He could not let that get taken away from him.
Kate smiled "You're really good"She said her smile slipping a bit as she noticed his body language. He didn't look very comfortable. A range of emotions seemed to appear on his face till one of anger. Kate flinched back and his response. She hadn't been expecting that, she wondered what on earth was wrong with him. He was being very rude. Kate folded her arms "No need to snap"She said moving her violin and sitting beside him. She looked at him for a few moments for crossing her legs and leaving her violin on the ground. She wanted to do something, she didn't want to just walk away. He intrigued her and she wanted to help him. She hates seeing people wasting their life away thinking they are nothing. "How long have you been playing?"She asked. She decided to keep going on about music instead of asking for his name or any personal questions

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