What is left to do

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida was walking around Brightstone, she ran her hands through her hair as she looked around Brightstone, she didin't know what she was going to do today, she allread had brought everything she needed what else was left to do.
Kida sat down on a seat she was carrying her broom around, she opened her bag and grabbed out her broom Cleaning and trimming kit. Kida started to pluck the stray parts of her broom.
Stepping off the ship that had found itself at Obsidian harbor, Drafis took his eyes to glance around the place before him. He was to apparate to Brightstone, after all there was nothing for him to do here - at least not yet. After coming back to a land that you left behind - hopefully for good, you didn't exactly have much to do. Sighing as he took glance at what the Wizarding community had become, Drafis placed one hand over his heart and his other hand rest just upon that hand. Apparating with a crack, Drafis found himself landing outside of the main part seen in Brightstone.
Children were fretting and running about - it seemed as if none of them had been attending school - it almost seemed as if it wasn't Important to go to school any more (Of course being unaware of current holidays didn't help).

It had been so long since Drafis had shown his face in the sight of the men and women of the Wizarding world. He was gone - for oh so long, long enough for his son who he left at the age of around five was now a grown man at the age of thirty-six. The thought made Drafis stomach churn for a moment but soon enough it calmed itself once more. Why had he returned? Just because a gut feeling told him that something was surely going to happen to Remus Firn, his son?
What stupid old fool acts on stomach - Than again he had planned to see a Seer. Not any Seer, Dante Davenport to be precise. It was something that distracted him from that Goal - the fact that Drafis had not once seen his Son's God Daughter, Kida.
Kida was just about finishing trimming her broom when she had a cold shiver up her spine, one of those someone had just walked over your grave shiver.
Kida looked up and saw a man standing infront of her, not sure if she should ask him if he was lost or not but for some reason didn't want to say anything.
Kida put her things away and looked at the Man she used her gut feeling and just asked the man, she put her things down and looked at him "Can i Help you at all, you seem lost" she said smiling trying to keep back her chills.
Standing where he was, it wasn't long before some one spoke to him; Unusual really, considering that he didn't appear as one of the most approachable of characters. Turning his head to whom it was that spoke to him, Drafis found that his eyes could not get view of the girl by looking straight across, but he rather had to look down. The girl was sitting on a bench and cleaning away at a broom, though she had put it down just to take some time out and talk to Drafis. It was then that he clicked - the girl looked familiar. Her hair, her eyes, her face, her body shape - He had seen a picture of her before. Standing there in Silence as he thought, Drafis could only imagine how awkward the Girl must have felt, and then he clicked once more, this was Remus' God Daughter.

"By Merlin's Beard. You're Remus' God Daughter are you not? Come, come, Respond with ease, I don't have all day good daughter. I have to venture soon - coming here was of not immediate purpose, nor did it pose to be the most important of things I had to do today. Have you're answer or statement heard, so I can be on my way, a cold feeling thrusts itself through me, and staying here any longer,I believe, may cause danger for the future of My son." Said Drafis. It was a rather long speech to give to some one who you weren't so much as sure of, but that was how confident Drafis was that this girl was in face, Kida Frost. It was rather abrupt the way he had outlined what he said, but that was Drafis, straight out into the open without any consideration for others feelings - it was his opinion, he was entitled to it.
Kida looked at the Man who seemed to realise who she was she was slightly confused but she wouldn't show it "Yes, i'm Kida Frost, Remus' God Daughter, i'm Sorry, you Seem slightly Familiar but i don't know who you are" she said trying to say it in the nicest was possible.
"oh i didn't mean to keep you long sir, you seemed lost" she said as she picked up her broom and flung her bag over her shoulder, she leaned on her broom and looked at the man, Why could she not realise or figure out who he was, he seemed familiar, she was sure she hadn't seen him before.
Looking at the Girl, Drafis was intrigued by her response, "It's impossible for me to be familliar, Dear Girl. I have not met you in the flesh before, ever, Nor have i communicated with you in any way." Drafis said, the words rolling off his tongue like a water droplet, slowly moving from ones lips.
Cocking an eye brow at the girl, Drafis took a step back in what appeared to be some form of him being insulted. "Lost, Dear Girl? Lost is something I'll never be. I am a man who had lived long enough to know my way around all parts of the 'real' Worlds and all parts of this mythical land of magic." Drafis knew what he was saying - this land he was in wasn't as real as the one outside - the real world.

Noting that Drafis had not introduced himself, nor had he confirmed to the girl who he was, his eyes trailed off to some walker-by's and than focused back on the girl, "I'm Drafis." he spoke. Giving a last name wasn't something he wanted to do just yet - after all if Kida was to know that Remus' life may be in danger, who knows how she would act. It had only been a month or so since Remus' last letter to Drafis and it had said that the two of them were close, Like father and Daughter.
"I'm Drafis Melignus. I come from the United Kingdom, though the accent has clearly vanished. I am a - friend of Remus'." he quickly concluded - hence concluding both himself and the conversation he had with the girl - or so he tried.
Kida looked at the man and simpley nodded
When the man introduced himself she raiesd her eyebrow "Drafis" she said as she looked at him curiously 'If i'm not mistaken, the only people who know that Remus is my God Father is family or close friends to me, and Remus' Middle Name is Drafis, is it possible that there related' she thought to herself before she shook her head and focused again.
"Nice to meet you then.. Mr Melignus" she said smiling
Looking at the girl, the thought was not hard to pick up, "Yes Drafis." smiled the old man - Shorely Remus hadn't spoken of him to the girl? Shuffling his body over to the bench he took a seat and lay back a little, "A Small rest couldn't hurt now could it?" he smiled briefly. This conversation would be one to lead places - something that Drafis didn't have time for, going places meant explanation, explanation meant time. Taking the greeting from the girl with a cock of an eye brow, Drafis responded with a "Mhm." as if to imply what the girl had said.
She had said nice to meet you, he had nodded and spoke 'Mhm', in Drafis' language often referring to 'like-wise'.

"So young Lady. Why are you not in school? Why is no one in school? As i remember the education at schools such as these were very good and the rules were strict. Having more than half their school running around Brightstone is hardly what the Wizarding community expect from such a School - that includes the Ministry." Spoke Drafis in a deep voice. If the Head Master and Mistress allowed this to happen, god knows what occurred at the school - especially after hours. Good God!
When Drafis asked why she wasn't in school she let out a light laugh, one just like her fathers when he was younger "My Good Man, its the Holidays" she said smiling
"Usually on the Holidays i would be with Remus not out here, but he ignores me now because of his Stu...." Kida paused and ran her tounge over her teeth holding back a snarl "Wife" she said finishing her sentance "I Assure you no one in Hogwarts is going against the rules" she said
It was the Holidays? What time of year had he chosen to come venturing back into the wizarding world?
If Holiday's were in the process than it'd be rather noisy for the next-day-or-so. It wasn't something that he was pleased about but hey, he didn't rule the world and nor did he make the rules for the Hogwarts School itself.
"Ah, I see. Remus has other privileges at the moment than?" Questioned Drafis in a low tone. His voice was deep and cold, and his face slowly scrunched it self up.
'How Typical of him' Drafis thought to himself. It was hardly a surprise that some one such as Remus had taken himself away from some one close to him, to be with another that was just as close - Drafis did it once - When he met his wife.

Smiling boredly at the girl as she confirmed that nothing was going on at Hogwarts, Drafis began, "That's hardly interesting. I've been gone for a while from this world, I come back, and no excitement to intrigue me on my visit here." It was true, what was so interesting about perfection. In one shore moment, Drafis could have answered that with the simple deliverance of one word, 'Nothing'. Looking over at the Girl, Drafis noted her attitude - It was hardly how Remus had described it in one of his letters. He said that she could be stubborn, but that was hardly what Drafis was seeing. She appeared like one og the most well mannered young girls he had ever met.
Kida nodded "but i doubt they would be privileges" she said holding back her snarl again,
"You have been away from the Wizarding World?" she said curiously, usually most people stay i the wizarding world, she hardly knew anyone who would leave and then come back later.
"Well if you want Excitement go to bleak street, there is always a dark wizard waiting to cause trouble down there" she said smiling
Drafis cocked an eye brow at the girl, "And Why is it that you doubt that they are Privileges?" questioned Drafis - It was clear she wasn't happy about what they were talking about, hence the reason that Drafis didn't mind if she answered him or not. Nodding his head, Drafis shifted so that he was standing again, "Yeah - I've been away for... for a long time." Drafis smiled sadly. He wasn't going to go into much detail on the matter, mainly due to the fact that it hurt and it hurt bad, deep down, it was the only thing that Drafis regretted; leaving his son alone in the world.

Smirking at her next comment, Drafis shook his head and raised his hand as if to gesture, "No, No, I doubt those dark wizard would like having a Ministry Official in their midst's." Drafis chuckled. It was one of those jokes that was based in true fact. Most didn't find it to funny, but than again, no one ever really found Drafis to be a comedian.
Kida shrugged "i don't know i just don't get along with them" she said sighing
"oh well" she added as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Kida laughed lightly "Dark Wizards don't like anyone in their midst's" she said knowing this for a fact, all or most dark wizards were closed in and didn't let anyone else in.
Drafis sighed as Kida said that she didn't get along with Pearl. It was fair enough, but none the less, it wasn't really Drafis' business and after all this he started to seem a little too friendly - almost family like. Smiling at the girls reply to his joke, Drafis brushed everything that they had said out of the way and placed his hand out as if to shake the girls.
"I must be on my way... I'm late for a - a meeting!" he spoke quickly as if to save himself.

Once the girl had said what she had too, Drafis took off in the opposite direction which he came and then almost instantly apparated away to the front of the Ministry. If he had stayed around any longer, Kida would have discovered exactly who Drafis was - she seemed witty enough to do such a thing.
Kida saw the man hold his hand out and she took it giving it a Firm Shake, she looked at him curiously once he left, he seemed different from other... well other old men you find walking around, he seemed like he knew more about her then she did about him

Kida shook her head and went back to cleaning her broom

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