What I Never Had

Heath James

OOC First Name
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Curly 15 Inch Whippy Spruce Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Heath James was certainly just waiting for the right moment. He sat up against a wall in the dungeons. Being in the dungeons helped him think. It was dark and comforting to him. His dorm and common room were just too bright for him. Heath still hated being in Hufflepuff, and he always would. Hufflepuffs had no real quality. They were nothing, and he did not see why he was worthy to be in such a house. Ugh. It was annoying. It annoyed the boy to bits. He still always wore all black. Epiphany always dragged him to the Slytherin table. Even she was ashamed if him making it into Hufflepuff, and it had been three years. Heath did not necessarily want to be in Slytherin. He just wanted to be anywhere buy Hufflepuff. He wasn't going to blame life because it was definitely the Sorting Hat's fault.
Hanna Mitchelle Freecss was once again not in a very good mood. At least it wasn't always. But then again, there were just times that she was very, very irritated that she was a Hufflepuff instead of a Slytherin. Really, what does it take for a student to enter that house?! Cunning and cruel? Easy as saying the word pie! Loyal and intelligent? Two things she can handle. But why the heck did she have to land in Hufflepuff. The bright, oh-so cheerful house. Sure, she was cheerful once in a while, but yellow was just not her style. She was totally sure to be mocked at home for it. Not being an assassin was bad enough, but being a Hufflepuff, oh! It really pulled the right switches to make an assassin's daughter's life miserable.

And at times like this where she wanted to feel, even just to feel, like a Slytherin, she would go down to the dark dungeons in the basement. In made her feel more at home there, and she preferred it much better compared to the bright Hufflepuff common room. Sure, she'd introduce herself as a Hufflepuff once in a while, but that doesn't make it that she was a happy camper at the yellow house. Irritations about her house flooded her mind, before she kicked the wall hard and screamed. "What's the d*mn deal with the Sorting Hat anyway?! The green one is not for you he says!" she shouted to herself, mocking the magical hat in the process. "Hufflepuff?! Ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Why can't it be Slytherin?!" she screamed down at the dungeons. Mitch could never be sure if someone heard her or not, but then again, she needed to release her anger at one point.
Heath had started to drift off to sleep. The dungeons tended to do that to him. He felt all of his tired feelings go away when he heard a girl throwing a fit about being in Hufflepuff. "What a brat." he thought coldly, but Heath could not talk. He had been the same way. At first, he only looked forward to seeing Satsuke and his smile, but no one he had nothing to look forward to. He did not really count Ai. She was a different story. "Hey! Sit down and stop making a scene." he told the girl. His tone was cold and demanding. This girl needed shut up and get over herself. He was tired, and she was making unnecessary noise. It was annoying, and Heath did not like annoying.
Mitch wanted to play with a knife or something sharp the way she always did when she was at home. Of course, knives of different sizes can be found in every room in her house, and that counted her room. When she was annoyed she would throw a knife like a dart pin, but now she had nothing. She kept on stomping her foot and trying to throw tantrums until a random boy had shouted at her. "Why should I?!" she answered back. Although the tone she sensed was seriously telling her to stop, she didn't care. Mitch wasn't the least bit afraid of the boy, not when she's a bad mood. And then, she remembered the girl she had fight with, throwing words at her just because she was happy with the Hufflepuff house and Mitch was not. "Or maybe you're unlike me who just like wherever house he ends up in!" she shouted at the boy much to her irritation. She had no clue who the boy was or what house he was in, one thing's for sure. Irritation was getting more and more harder to control for the young girl.
Heath was officially irritated she the girl decided to keep running her mouth. There as a reason she was in Hufflpuff. Just like there was a reason he was there. He did not know what it was, but until he found out, he was going to have to deal with being a Hufflepuff. He was going to be one for the rest of his life. "Are you spoiled or something? Normal people don't just go around complaining about not getting in the "right" house." he said. Heath stood up and dusted off his pants. He looked down at the girl. "Go to to the counselor if you wish to scream and yell about something because no one down here cares." he said in a lower tone. This girl was annoying. He wanted her to stop making herself look stupid. Heath definitely wanted to walk away from the girl. She made him look bad, and he did not even know her.
Mitch was still annoyed at being in the house where she was. Yellow was such an irritating color. Sure, she was childish and cheery at times. But not that cheery in her own point of view. The young girl can't help but keep a straight face as the boy asked her if she was spoiled. Not used to taking sarcasms nor insults, she answered, "A bit, yeah," with a nod before scoffing at the boy's next statement. "And I am ANYTHING but normal," she said as she pertained to herself being normal if she was an assassin just like the rest of her family. Upon hearing the seemingly older boy's suggestion, Mitch's childish nature took over. With all her frustration, yelling at someone would do just the trick, and by what the boy said, it sounded perfect, "Ooh! There's a counselor here? Where?" she asked excitedly while innocently looking in every direction her eyes could possibly see while her small figure still facing the older boy. And with a rather curious nature brought about by being raised in what she deemed as a prison, she asked, "And what's a counselor?" as she turned her attention back to her companion, her eyes filled with curiosity and question to what the boy had said a few moments ago.
This girl made Heath irritated. He rolled his eyes when she agreed to being spoiled. It was nothing to be proud of. It wasn't. To Heath i just showed that a person has no backbone. "No wonder you are being such a freak." he muttered. Suddenly, the girl went from freak to being a happy child. What was up with this girl? His eyes widened when she asked what a counselor was. "You really are magical." he stated. Who did not know what a counselor was? It was just insane to the boy. "A counselor helps you with your problems, and I am suprised you don't know what one is." he said and pushed his hair out of his face. It was getting so long and annoying. He could not stand it.
"Hey! Freak and spoiled are completely different! I know that my surname is Freecss but I am most certainly not a freak," Mitch said with a little annoyance shown in her tone. Well, she was quite sure that the word freak was different from spoiled, and she was quite sure that she wasn't a freak and only spoiled, but she wasn't THAT spoiled. "Uh... Not really magical, I guess... Just wasn't allowed to go to the outside world, but I do live in the muggle world," she commented on his statement. Mitch was taught of the dangers that she might encounter being a part of the Freecss family, even if she wasn't an assassin herself. She wasn't allowed to go out of the mansion alone, and therefore, she's already lucky if she manages to get out of the mansion thrice in a year. "I hope that makes sense," she said. "Ooooh! Do assassins need counselors?" the young Hufflepuff asked excitedly, her childish nature completely taking over. "You see, some of my brothers have their temper problems. Worse than mine, of course. And I would really like someone that could help me with that before Kil kills them," she ranted on as she put her index finger on her chin, thinking about a scene wherein her brother Killua just might kill their older brothers because of annoyance.

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