What do we have here?

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Vladmir Sykes


*Vladmir Sykes*

Alrighty then...here we have this handsome young fellow. I created him ages ago and well...ah heck I forgot I had him. I don't think I ever did anything with him to be honest which makes me sad because look at him...he's absolutely adorable and needs to be used (that sounded wrong, but we'll go with it). He graduated from Hogwarts Scotland and was a Hufflepuff. Definitely your typical nice guy and super super sweet. He's traveled all over since he graduated and now has decided to settle down in New Zealand. Going to be working on getting him a big boy job at the ministry here. So, what is it I'm needing for this precious looking young man? Well funny you should ask because I need a couple different things. First, my man here needs friends. What with him having traveled so much over the last few years he hadn't had much chance to get to know anyone all that well, but now that he's moved here he'll be needing a couple good pals. You know, someone to show him the hot spots. Secondly, he's going to need a girlfriend or two and then will definitely be needing a final. On that note...he's always eager to please so if perhaps one of the girls he dates takes advantage of his nice guy persona that would be okay.

Well okay then...all of you there. Break out those characters that I know you all have and let me know you have that I can work with.
Irene would be glad to be Vladmir's girlfriend and if goes smoothly be his final..If you would also check out somewhere here,I also posted a plot thread for Irene because for the same reason I need to get her active again..

Irene Meredith is younger than Vladmir by 11 years..An auror who graduated from Durmstrang..She relocated to New Zealand for her auror training and eventually decided to permanently reside in NZ..She is brave and sweet..Even with her auror exterior,she still needs someone who could protect her and make her feel secure after all the heartaches she went through at an early age..
Well I have looked through my magic bag here and I think...hold on....ughh... no not that one... ah here it is... yes... here they are:

Zaria Love
The storng girl
- Girlfirend

Zaria needs a big beefy man to make babies with.. well sorta. She is the future owner of Love Diamonds multibillion dollar business and so she will need to find a man to wed and produce a future heir to the Love Family Dynasty and is getting a huge amount of pressure to wed from her all to loving father and his evil wife.

She is well educated and is classy through and through as she is not one of the frilly helpless girls out there or ditzy any sense of the word. She values a real mans worth and can be passioate and supporting every step of the way. She is slightly younger than yourself and has traveled the world.

Eric Evan
THEE coolest friend you will ever know

Eric Evans is the whole package when it comes to friends he is supportive smart funny and wild. He is also gay though it does not really play a part as to who he is as much as it plays a part. In who he loves. He is not frilly girl guy around anyone and is a more of a bear and football kinda guy who will always be there for you when you need him he works at the ministry for fun since his dad is pro soccer player and his mom is a big wig healer in the states.

So that is what I got for you!
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