What can I say?

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden sat in the garden of the park that was right outside her brand new little home in Brightstone. She had asked Selwin to meet her here so that she could talk to him and maybe make this easy for the both of them but how could she? Looking down at what she was wearing she knew she looked breathing taking and that was only going to make things worse for the both of them. "Why did I not wear sweats Judas?" Eden asked softly. For the first time in forever he did not say a word. Biting her lip Eden did not move from where she had seated herself well over an hour ago she did not want to ruffle her dress or her hair she wanted to look perfect for what would be the last time he would see her as his.
Lucky to have been sent on a mission, there was one thing that Selwin had to sacrifice
along the way, and it was the time with Eden. Having not met her in a while, the last
encounter he had with her, a lot of important events took place. Being rather a bit
nervous, Selwin said farewell to his fellow death eaters that he was on a mission with,
he apparated himself to his house. He was going to be meeting Eden today, after so
long. It seemed like a eternity since the last time he had met her. What was he going
to say to her when he would confront her? What would be the consequences of his
actions to not meeting Eden for this long? There was much on his mind right now that
he was too puzzled to even get dressed properly. Going to his closet, he grabbed his
black and white suit which a friend of his had gifted him a while back, he placed it on
his bed and suddenly, while looking at the bed, he started to get previous vision of
what had happened in his room, more specifically his bed. A smile grew on Selwin's
face remembering the un-forgettable night he spent with Eden here. Giving up her
most precious gift, and the purity ring, which to this day has been with Selwin, it made
him think more about Eden. The love he shared with Eden was phenomenal. Words
could not even describe the kind of connection Selwin had shared with Eden.

Finally getting dressed, Selwin faced the mirror, one last time before he would be on
his way to see Eden. 'Looking spify Selwin.' Said Selwin to himself. Though
usually, Selwin would not comment like he just did, but today was a special day for
him. Tucking his coat in and wear another black cloak on top of it, he instantly
apparated himself to Bridgestone. Looking to his right, he started to walk where
he could sense Eden was getting more and more closer to him. Not long after, he
reached a garden near a small home and there she was. Innocently and beautifully
sitting in the garden, just waiting for him to arrive. Selwin grew more nervous by
the minute as he stepped closer and closer to reaching Eden. He just hoped that she
would not do anything to punish him after being disappeared for so long. Reaching
behind her, he pulled his face next to Eden, giving her a small kiss on her cheek
and saying, "You look rather dashing today my love." Words could not describe
how joyful he felt to have finally been around Eden right now, being around his love.
Eden looked up as she heard someone behind her. Seeing it was only Selwin. Eden could not hide the sorrow in her green eyes. "Selwin my love everything has gone wrong. Come with me please." Eden said as she stood up and led him up the path way. "I would like to welcome you to my home away from home." Walking into the living room Eden did not really take to much notice to what Selwin was wearing. Most of the bite marks that where left on her spine where fading but could been seen.

Walking over to the couch. Eden took a seat no longer caring if she ruined a one of a kind dress or if she looked a mess her life was falling apart and it was partly her fault and it was partly this mans fault how could he let her fall in love with him? Why did he have to show her kindness? Eden wanted to hate him but she just could not it was just to much for the seer to handle.
Greeting in Eden in the most beautiful way Selwin could, he got
nothing of that nature back from her. Instantly, Selwin's senses
started to go wild. It was as if something had gone horribly
wrong and that there was not anything he or Eden could do about
this situation. What was this situation? Hearing Eden say that
everything has gone wrong, Selwin's mood quickly swung to a more
serious mood, yet still retaining his mood that he usually has
around Eden. "But..." Said Selwin cutting himself off as
he started to follow Eden to a house in front of them. Approaching
the house, Eden introduced the house to him as her own home.
This devastated Selwin in a way that got him thinking of what
had actually happened while he was away on his mission. 'Did
something major happen? What is going on?'
Thought Selwin
to himself. The suspense was starting to irritate Selwin, although
he knew that things would soon be revealed to him anyways.

As he saw Eden sitting on the couch with utter-most non-caring
attitude, what was going on? Selwin was truly puzzled as to why
Eden was behaving this way. Sitting next to Eden, having his hand
bonded into her own, he gazed straight into her eyes and said,
"Eden, what has gone wrong?" Selwin knew something big
was the deal. Eden being a seer, did she foresee this coming, or
did this actually happen already? If this has to do something with
the two of them going apart now, Selwin doesn't know what he is
going to do. He had already gone through a break up with Eden
before and he did not want to go through the same phase again.
Last time, he barely got a hold of himself. Only from the help of
his fellow death eaters was he able to regain control of his life
once again. "I'm sorry I have been away for sometime. A death
eater mission came up and I was required to go. I really had no
choice in the matter."
Explained Selwin about his previous
situation. Selwin's senses were still going wild, very puzzled indeed.
Eden held onto Selwin's hands and cried. How could she tell the man she loved the horrid things she had done? It was just so unfair that she had to do this. "Selwin I love you but somethings have come to pass and we can no longer be together. My brother and sisters came together and decided that because we slept together before we where married we could never be." Eden let the tears fall from her eyes. There where other things she had to tell him but she did not want to destroy him but if she did not he would find out and hate her. "Before my family found out about you and I, Alexander Le'Creigh did. He freaked out and become crazed like someone else. He took my right there in the Silver Snake and once it was done he said that if I broke up with you. Your life would be saved."

Eden looked down and removed her hands from Selwin's. She had never cheated in her life and she was so ashamed of what she had done there where no words for it. "I hate myself for ever letting myself getting tied up with the Silverback's. Maybe if I had not than I don't know." Eden let her voice trail off. "It doesn't change anything. Lilith went running to Hoshi and Tohoru and they voted we break up because if we had gotten me with child than it would destroy many things." Looking at Selwin, Eden wanted to touch him. To kiss him and hold him like he was still hers but she he was not. "I don't think I can live without you."
Selwin could not believe the words that were coming out of Eden's mouth. She actually
wanted to break up, and for good this time. Selwin expected some sort of consequence
from Eden when he returned from his mission, but this? He suddenly fell backwards and
fell into a state of shock. This death eater's dark side was started to take control over
him once again. The dark power that Selwin worked so hard to lock away for good was
not wanting to come back out. In this state, Selwin was now in a two sided war. A war
with himself, and the war of the break with Eden. Clinching his fists, he felt that there
was a lot more to this than just Eden listening to her siblings stating that she had to
break up with him just because she had slept with him. "Eden, how could you
do this to me?"
Said Selwin forwarding his face away from Eden, with small tears
falling from his eyes. He could not believe how easy it was for Eden to say this,
she just flat out came and said those 17 words without even flinching. Selwin feared
no one and he would never fear anyone. He did not care who was talking behind
his back, or who ever it was, even from the Zhefarovich, he feared non of them. Despite
him standing against Kalif's wife in the death eater meeting a while back, he didn't care
who it was, he feared no one, so who the hell was this Alex person that was coming in
between him and Eden. "Eden, you think I'm afraid of this Alex person from the
Silverbacks? You think I'm scared of the Silverbacks? Let me tell you this and this
will be the last time I will tell you."
Selwin took a small pause, standing up, then
continued, "I fear NO ONE, and I mean when I say NO ONE." Selwin being in
this state of shock was overwhelming even himself as his darker side was starting to
come out, but he was trying to keep in control so that no harm would come to Eden.

Despite what Eden has done to Selwin, even the first time when they broke up, Selwin
forgave Eden because he had no choice in the matter. This time, Selwin did have a
choice in the matter, but he didn't want to take any ridiculous actions that would not
only put his life in danger, but would but Eden's life in danger as well. Seeing Eden
removing her hands from his own, Selwin could sense from Eden that she no longer had
any feelings for him. The question that arose right away from Selwin's heart was that
did she ever love him? Thinking about this question made Selwin even more angry, so
he slowly and calmly asked, in a more emotional manner, "Tell me this. Did you
ever love me, or were you just using me as a tool, and was this just a time passing
relationship for you?"
Selwin had hundreds of questions in his mind right now that
were rising up because of what she said. Going through a second heart break now,
Selwin did not know if he would even last this or not. The next words that came out
of Eden's mouth started to build up more anger inside Selwin. "Can't live without
me? Then when are you leaving me? Or are you just lying? or have you been lying
all this time?"
Said Selwin in a more aggressive manner. He could not believe
Eden was constantly contradicting herself. It made more doubts build up in his mind,
which he had no choice in the matter. The evidence was right there. "Voted
you say? Let me tell you this. What if they voted that you get out of the
Silverback's family for good? Would you? It's easy for you to leave me because
for one, you never loved me, and two, you obviously don't know me like you say
you do."
Said Selwin as more tears starting to fall from his eyes.
Eden couldn't breath. This whole thing was to much for her. She couldn't do this it was unfair. Now she knew what it had felt like for her mother when she had to give her husband. She felt so helpless like she was not in control anymore, and anyone who knew her knew that Eden had to be in control or she would freak out. "Selwin you knew that this was going to happen. I warned you. My mother warned you. My life is not my own. I don't get happy after after." Eden said her voice cracking. She wanted to scream and shaking him. How could he not understand this? Of all people Selwin should understand the best, but no he still did not. "I know your not scared of anyone or anything. But my life is not a simple one. Not even close. Why don't you understand this?" Eden shook her head, her stomach was in knots she almost wished that she could throw up maybe that would make her feel better.

Eden forced herself to stay clam as Selwin started to get angry. She would keep her cool. Eden was not known for being the calmest person but she had to or things could get bloody. "Of course I love you there is no past tense to that. I still do. I know I always will." Eden felt her blood start to boil. She was really getting angry. She could not believe that he would accuse her of lying. Without thinking about it. Eden felt her hand raise and watched as she slapped Selwin in the face. It was almost like she was not in control of what was going on. "Don't you ever say something like that to me again Selwin Snape. I would give the very last breath in my body for you. My family can't say anything about Silverbacks because of promises that where made. How dare you suggest that I would lie to you about loving you or wanting to be with you. I gave you my virginity. The most precious thing I could ever give to someone. I did it because I love you!" Eden screamed not caring if one of the maids heard it. Eden was not a lier and would not let anyone call her such.
Selwin knew that this was coming to him, that this was eventually going to happen to him, so
why was he having a hard time letting go of this issue. In the past, he had never had issues
with letting go of things or even people, so why now? He was too much in love with Eden to
let her go so easily. How could Eden let herself get carried away with the Silverbacks? What
was she thinking at the time when she decided to join forces with them? This was all so
puzzling to Selwin. He just wanted to start destroying stuff to get his anger out. Having his
anger bottled up inside all the time was starting to show on his face, and his attitude. He had
to let his anger out somehow, one way or another. No one would be able to hang on to their
anger inside them forever, it would just be a matter of time until it all came out, and it seemed
Selwin's anger was starting to come out. As much as he didn't want it coming out, he could
not help it. He was now losing someone so dear to him, someone whom had gotten the closest
to him all his life. "You're the one not understanding. You don't know how painful this is."
Said Selwin as he faced Eden. Did Eden really understand what Selwin was going through right
now? She was the one that wants to break up everything between the two so that she can
start her journey with the silverbacks. Selwin was just too puzzled right now to even think.

The next segment really through Selwin back on his curve. Getting a big slap on his face really
got him thinking that maybe him saying she didn't love him wasn't such a good idea. Normally,
if someone were to even touch him in an un-mannered way, Selwin would break their finger's
and arms, but he he could never do that to Eden. He would never dare to that to her, nor
anyone he really cared in his life. Another portion of what Eden was saying was making Selwin
believe more and more towards Eden that she gave up her virginity for him. He remembered
that very night, the night where she gave him the ring, her most prized possession, and only
because she loved him. Selwin, feeling a little ashamed, looked back at Eden in a shameful
manner. He walked up closer to her, moved her instantly closer to him, and started to kiss
her wildly, pushing himself and her towards the couch, where Selwin was now on top of Eden.
"I'm sorry Eden. I never really mean't to say all of that. I.. I'm just still in denial that
our roads must end here."
Said Selwin as he put his arms around Eden's waist and still
kissing her like crazy. Kissing her from her lips, down to her neck, then down to her chest.
Eden could not believe what she had done. Had she really just hit Selwin? She had never lost control before but she could not help it she was tired of people calling her a lier among other things. Maybe it was time to let all the feelings that she had inside of her out so she could become a heartless thing like so many others in her family. Seeing Selwin come closer to her. Eden wanted to back up but she could not. She could never be scared of him. Selwin would never hurt her or her family. He might as well be a Koshiba with how loyal he was to them. When his lips touched hers all thoughts went from her mind. Laying on the couch under him. You better be sorry. I don't want this to be the end for us. We must figure something out. I can't accept that this is over." Eden said as she roughly ripped Selwin's shirt open sending buttons flying.

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Eden rested her head on Selwin's chest. Looking around her living room everything seemed so different. She would need to replace the pillows. Pulling the sheet up so that it covered them better. Eden saw the claw marks that she had left on Selwin. <B>"Sorry about that." Eden said softly as she inched her way up and kissed Selwin full on the mouth and than bit him on his bottom lip hard. Eden could not believe how alive inside this man made her feel. "I can't believe how amazing that was." Eden said as she got up sheet wrapped around her as she made her way down the hall toward her bedroom.
Selwin as well could not accept the fact that things were starting to end for
the two of them. It was as if life for Selwin was about to end. He made Eden
everything to himself, and the silverbacks were taking Selwin's life away. It
was horrifying for him to see all of this happening, but there was very limited
that he could do to help the situation. He loved Eden, a lot, and he knew
that she loved him very much, but there was no future for them anymore. He
wondered as to why she even joined the silverbacks in the first place. Selwin
knew that she wanted power, but there are more ways to gain power other
than joining the silverbacks. "Yes, I am sorry Eden. We have to figure
something out."
Said Selwin now seducing Eden all to himself. He was
still having a hard time accepting this, but tonight, he was going to make this
an everlasting memory for Eden, and is going to make love with her and fill
all of her desires and do what would please her the most. There was nothing
that Selwin wanted more than Eden's happiness. Her happiness was something
that fueled him, and now she was going away. Something that Selwin knew
was to come, but denied it. Now he has to suffer for the rest of his life.


Laying there with Eden, Selwin did not want this moment to end. He knew
that this day would be the last day he would ever see her, or so he thought.
Having spending the night with her, Selwin tried his best to make sure he
could give all that she desired from him. Seeing her lay there on his chest,
he was not wide awake, but he was partly awake, with his eyes closed.
Hearing Eden say sorry for the marks she had left on him, Selwin was glad
that she did leave those marks on him because those marks symbolized
that Selwin did actually loved someone dearly in his life, and they will be
there for the rest of his life. "Those marks will stay there forever to
symbolize that we once shared love for each other."
Said Selwin as
he kissed Eden back. Seeing her get up and walk towards her bedroom,
Selwin couldn't help but follow her. He snapped his fingers and his shorts
were back on him before he started to walk. Walking into Eden's room,
he said, "So, what now Eden?" Selwin didn't really know what to
do anymore. He was losing the most precious part of his life now.
Eden could not believe that Selwin had followed her. She had wanted him to but at the same she was scared what would happen if he did. Eden knew that what they had just done would get back to her family but she no longer cared. Eden knew what path she was on and she knew where it would lead her. She accepted this. No one could do what she could. Eden was not full of herself but she knew that she was different, special more powerful than any in her family and soon they would find that out and than they would fear her. "Yes Selwin we do need to figure something out. I can not just stop seeing you. I had to give up Chase but I can not do that with you. I want to keep seeing you I want us to share a bed but we must be careful. I will not have a child out of wedlock cause if I did than they would be a slave born and would have no standing in Japan and I will not accept that."

Eden looked at Selwin as he stood in her doorway. Eden stood in the center of the bedroom. The morning sun shinning on her from her huge picture window. Letting the sheet start to slip. Eden smirked, at the man that she had come to crave. "Oh I don't know but I am sure that you and I could think of a few things." Eden said as she crossed the room and pulled Selwin in and slammed the door behind them. "What do you think about us running away and getting married?" Eden said recklessly as she forced Selwin up against the now closed door. Eden knew that what she was saying could get them both killed but she was crazy for this man.
Standing there in the door, seeing Eden in the middle of the bedroom, Selwin was beginning to wonder
what was on her mind. Selwin could see that Eden was starting to change, somehow, she was now
changing herself a little bit. He knew that she loved him a lot, and that she was also going to have a
tough time letting go of him, and that went same for him as well. The two shared a bond so strong
that even if the two wanted, they could not get away from each other so easy. It was as if the two
were made for each other. Listening to Eden say that both of them needed to figure out a way to
keep seeing each other. She wanted to keep seeing Selwin, she wanted him and she symbolized that
she could not live with out him. Selwin too knew that they both had to be very careful because
now that Eden was part of the silverbacks, their eyes would be on her all the time, but he knew he
could protect Eden very easily. Selwin use to be a master of disguise, and he would have no problem
hiding Eden under certain circumstances, and putting his own life in danger. "Yes, we need to
figure out another way to keep in touch. Well, speaking of child, we can have a child if 'you' want,
but I will take full responsibility of the child. I will raise it, take care of it, since it will be my own
child. You can come see it any time you want."
Said Selwin. He knew that this was a big risk,
but he wanted Eden to bare his child for a long time now. He didn't know that this would all happen
soon after, that he would be losing her so suddenly and so quickly. "The child will not stay in
Japan, it will stay with me, and it WILL be protected, I can guarantee you that."
Said Selwin.

Selwin noticed Eden sliding her sheet that was on her slowly, which gave him the idea that she
wanted him again. He could not believe how much Eden loved him. He just wished that there was
something he could do. Seeing her slam the door, and then push him against it, and then hearing
the next words truly surprised him. "You want you run away?" Selwin pulled her up and
took her onto her on to bed. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Selwin as he
pulled Eden closer to him and started to wildly kiss her from her lips, to her neck, and further
down. Selwin had never felt this way before, so wild, so crazy about someone. He had never
wanted someone so bad in his life that he was willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of
someone else's. There was a time in Selwin's past where he cared about no one but himself,
and look at him now, he was a changed man. A man that cared about Eden so much that he
would give up his own life for the sake of her's. "Eden, I want you." Said Selwin as he
continued to kiss her wildly. He was going crazy right now as to how much he loved Eden.
As Eden stood there so very close to Selwin, Eden wondered if that was what her mother had felt when she had first met her father. Stopping to think about that Eden knew she was wrong. Her mother had known all along that she was toying with a death eater. She had just been using him for a safe place to live and a pureblood so she could have a family without having to fear for there life. "Selwin we could never have a child. If we did they would never be able to see me. They would never know my touch my smile or anything about me because if they did they would be forced into a life they would hate. As much as I dream about you and I with a family I have to accept that it can not be."

Eden broke from Selwin's kiss. "I can not run away. What a dream I could see us having a family long before you and I could ever get away and be married. I can assure you if we did this than we might as well just jump off a cliff and end it." Eden wondered what harm could be done if she kept Selwin on a toy? Would he agree to that? "I want you as well. You don't know how crazy you make me. We might not be able to be a couple but I think you and I could be more than just friends." Eden said as she flicked a switch and the windows where covered leaving the room bathed in shadows.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, a little short. I'm tired atm.

The next words that Eden said truly started to break Selwin apart. He knew that she
loved him, but there was not much to do between the two of then anymore. He
could not be with Eden any longer, nor could he ever have her back again. Hearing her
say that she could never bare his child made him start to remember Lexi, whom was
carrying his child, more specifically twins. She had a miscarriage, and Selwin lost both
of the future kids he was looking forward to raising. First Lexi left him for some other
guy, and now Eden was leaving him for some other guy. "You know, you're doing
the same exact thing that Lexi did with me. First using me, then throwing me out
like trash. I'm getting so sick and fed up with this."
Said Selwin as he removed
himself out of Eden's arms and went into distance from her. Selwin was no longer
Eden's, and Eden was no longer Selwin's. He now understood that, and was now very
frustrated that this was the second time in his life that this had happened to him. He
was just fed up with all of this. "Sorry Eden, but I'm not going to be your boy
toy to have fun with. We shared our love while it lasted, but you're going to be with
someone else now, and I do not want you cheating on him."
Said Selwin. As much
as he hated the Silverbacks, he hated cheaters. He didn't want Eden to cheat on the
guy she was going to marry, so he didn't want to have any part in being the boy-toy
for Eden, sitting on the side lines and just looking at Eden. Selwin never stood in the
side lines and he never will. "It's better for us to just stay friend, if even that."
Said Selwin as he got off the bed and faced the door. "I've realized we will never
be together again. And it's better for you to realize this and consider it."
was Selwin saying? Eden had already realized and seen far before in her visions that
she was going to have to leave him and go with the guy that the Silverbacks have
chosen for her. Selwin was in a deep state of shock that history was repeating itself.

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