We've made every mistake

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ squad mother
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (30)
It was the week of exams, and the last thing Geo needed was to be distracted from her studies. She'd gotten herself up and ready, due to meet Flavio as usual for their sessions in the library, however on that morning she felt as though she was disappearing from the person she'd started the year as. She hadn't known it was possible for things to go from bad to worse, but they were, and it was taking all of the Hufflepuff's effort to stay focused. After last year, she'd hoped she and her friends would be able to repair the frays that threatened to unravel them, but perhaps they'd not been so lucky. Friends were her family, and her family was the most important thing to her, and now she was losing it all over again. There was so many parts of her early teen life that she was feeling as though she had no control over, and throwing her bag of books over her shoulders, she walked quickly down to the library in the hope that the speed at which she was walking would dry her eyes before she reached the older Ravenclaw. Pushing open the door, her blonde hair up in a bun as she'd not been feeling as though she had any energy to spare, she hunted around for Flavio, trying her best to keep her emotions under control. She had work to do. He had work to do. They were here for a reason and Geo didn't want him to think she didn't appreciate what he was doing for her.
Flavio knew his owl exams weren't until the end of the year, but he also knew that Geo's exams were only a week away and he wanted to make the most of their remaining study sessions for her sake. In his third and fourth years, studying for exams was incredibly stressful and the only reverie from the stress was the fact he had someone else to study with that helped him memorize everything. He was glad to be that friend for Geo, and arrived to the library early that day to set up for their study session. Unsure of what subject they were going over, Flavio decided to bring all of his old notes thinking that it was better to have all the information he was able to bring so Geo could revise whatever she thought she needed to revise most. He was sitting at their usual table, flicking through one of his textbooks when he heard footsteps approach him. When he looked up he expected to see Geo in her usual cheery demeanor but he instead saw her in a disenchanted way that he did not think was possible for her. It caused the smile on his face to change to a concerned frown. Something was evidently wrong and in a bout of worry for his friend, he immediately stood up from his chair and stepped towards her. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, concern etched in his voice. He was unsure of what could make Geo seem so upset but he wanted to know so he could help her. Seeing Geo that way was such an unexpected and unsettling sight and he wanted to do what he could to fix it. That is if she was comfortable talking to him about it and he was able to do something to make her feel better.​

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