We're Bringing Quidditch Back.. Yeah!

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Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
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Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair

So i was thinking.

<SIZE size="150">We have quite a few Professional Players... So why not mix the Professionals with the Aspiring Players for a Mix up game.
Now ofcourse this will need the approval of the plot, but why not get some guys interested!

So what if we have a Mixed Professional Team Vs a Mixed Hogwarts Team?
(Or a Mixed Hogwarts and Professional vs and Mized Hogwarts and Prossional Crew)

It'd be a great Quidditch match and a good way to get some of the professional players playing a good game again!
So what do you guys think

If you're Interested Simply express your interest below and what type of team you would like to vs what other team (Like Professional vs Mixed Hogs or Mixed both)​

If it's for students I'll offer Kate Moon.Hufflepuff Chaser and I'd go for the mixed team
I'd love to have Alyss join, especially since she wants to be on a Professional Quidditch team after Hogwarts. :) And maybe Mixed both for her. :r
Well my Parker is a Chaser for the Chudley Canons.... i'd be willing to put him up for this.
So, at the moment we have....
Students said:
[ul][li]Kate Moon - Chaser</LI>
[li] Alyss Summers - Chaser[/li][/ul]

Professional said:
[ul][li]Kida Frost - Beater
<LI>[li]Parker Smith - Chaser[/li][/ul]

I see an issue with Chasers allready... anyone have good idea what to do if we get to many... tehe
Alternates and more than one game?
I'm seeing that as the only answer, MANY GAMES!
Students said:
[ul][li]Kate Moon - Chaser</LI>
[li] Alyss Summers - Chaser[/li][/ul]

Professional said:
[ul][li]Kida Frost - Beater
[li]Parker Smith - Chaser
<LI>[li]Icarus Stratis - Keeper[/li][/ul]

(Adding Liam cause i know he might be interested)
Though ina, curious as to how this would work?? Cause theoretically, you would think that alot oof tne professional players would be able to easily beat a student...
Most Professional Players were Students once

Students are kinda Mini Professional Players.. Anyone can be beaten.
and in Quidditch, Anyone from Professional to non Professional could accidently not be paying attention and be knocked out by a bludger

(thats why i also suggested maybe mixed teams so we wouldn't have to worry about Professional/Students)
Well I think this is an excellent idea. I suggest that it should be a team of students and professionals versus another team of students and professionals. There could be multiple games or something. Let's just see what Cyndi and Nick think about this awesome plan. And also, Teigan is quite correct. Maybe the proffs (shortcut for professionals) shouldn't play hardcore against the students. It would be unfair for those students who are underage and would get an injury. SO BEATERS PLAY GENTLE ON THOSE YOUNG KIDDIES WHO ARE WILLING TO PLAY. I'm just suggesting so hmm, yeah.

I'd like Artemis Jackson to play as well for the Keeper position. But before I even want to sign her up, when will this game probably happen? A week from now? 2 weeks from now? I dunno when I'll have a short time again to spend on the board so I just wanna make sure.

So yeah. Just tell me what date (OOC) this game will happen.
Briar will be so playing (if timing is nice) she would be a chaser. She woullove an opportunity to play with or against some professionals (to be read kida and Icarus :r ) she wants to go pro at the end of the year too so it would be a good opportunity for her she would probably still play if it was the day of the full moon and was in the worst state ever as quidditch means an awful lot to her.
This would be fun if we don't have trouble already sorting a regular game.

It takes a lot of effort and if you're playing the way we play quidditch at Hogwarts, I have no idea how this will work out.

Still, it would be nice.

- madz
Students said:
[ul][li]Kate Moon - Chaser</LI>
[li] Alyss Summers - Chaser
[li] Atremis Jackson - Keeper
[li] Briar Rowan - Chaser[/li][/ul]

Professional said:
[ul][li]Kida Frost - Beater
[li]Parker Smith - Chaser
[li]Icarus Stratis - Keeper
<LI>[li]Kiera Potter - Chaser [/li][/ul]

It would be just like Hogwarts Quidditch :p
Once we have a decent amount of people and we have a rough idea of if we will need many games etc. then we can go to nick and see what he advises we do and what time we can do it that will be good for everyone.
Maybe have "Quidditch Week" at Hogwarts or something.

At the moment i am seeing that Mixed Teams is the way to go

And yes The Beaters will be Gentle to their own Students, but doesn't mean they can go full out on the other Professionals on the opposing team :3
Well I have three professionals, but I think I will stick with one. Jacob Holland as beater?
Students said:
[ul][li]Kate Moon - Chaser</LI>
[li] Alyss Summers - Chaser
[li] Atremis Jackson - Keeper
[li] Briar Rowan - Chaser[/li][/ul]

Professional said:
[ul][li]Kida Frost - Beater
[li]Parker Smith - Chaser
[li]Icarus Stratis - Keeper
[li]Kiera Potter - Chaser
<LI>[li]Jacob Holland - Beater[/li][/ul]

Thank god, i was worried we were going to be short on Beaters!
Well, I have two professional beaters, and one Hogwarts Chaser, if you want them. I see that there are already a few Hogwarts Chasers, and there will probably be more, but yeah, I just thought I'd throw them all in ^_^

Justin Kuya- Chaser
Jack Kaster- Beater
Ebony Fierce- Beater
I have Jennifer Wilkonson who plays with Kiera and Kida on the Holyhead Harpies as a Chaser and would be willing to throw her in. :)
Students said:
[ul][li]Kate Moon - Chaser</LI>
[li] Alyss Summers - Chaser
[li] Atremis Jackson - Keeper
[li] Briar Rowan - Chaser
[li] Justin Kuya - Chaser[/li][/ul]

Professional said:
[ul][li]Kida Frost - Beater
[li]Parker Smith - Chaser
[li]Icarus Stratis - Keeper
[li]Kiera Potter - Chaser
[li]Jacob Holland - Beater
[li]Jack Kaster - Beater
[li]Ebony Feirce - Beater
<LI>[li]Jennifer Wilkonson - Chaser[/li][/ul]

Okay now we're getting swamped with Beaters for Professionals :p
we need Keepers and Hogwarts Beaters aswell!!!

Nice can put his imput aswell on how we should do this

Who has any ideas?
I was thinking "Quidditch Week" at Hogwarts
Kinda like the Tri-Wizard Cup where the Teams come in and stay at Hogwarts for a Week though and Participate in like Matches and training Sessions?
Well, if there was going to be training sessions, it would probably have to be longer than a week, so that everyone has a chance, you know? And I was wondering, would this only include Hogwarts students that play Quidditch? Or would it be more of a, everyone can come and the Professionals teach some kids how to play Quidditch, and then try to get them all to form a nice team together.

Or is it only going to include the kids that actually play quidditch? Because, opening it to the whole school could involve first years and give them an excuse to want to join next year, because they were inspired and such, and it would also fix the problem of not having enough of one position, because the kids that don't play could probably be taught a position, you know?

I'm just brainstorming, feel free to ignore my rambling ^_^
It sounds like an Amazing Idea,
I just didn't want to over load Nick and Cyndi with such a load of things to manage!!!

It would be great to have a lesson with the first years (since Icarus is the flying Prof and Professional Quidditch Player)
Show them a few tricks in Quidditch with a few guests to display it properly and things like that

I'm not sure if you mean open it to Durmy and Beauby but i'm not sure if they have teams like Hoggies Do?

The Match would be professionals and Hogwarts Teams only, for safety and what not :p I think we have plenty of Professional and Hogwarts to make up two mixed teams and if we need to have many matches some people can play two games to fill in the blanks?

I was just putting this out for a general idea of whos' interested and then Gathering all data and presenting it to Nick and Cyndi with a pretty bow on it!
Love your Ideas though!
Oh no, I wasn't saying let's open it to Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, hat would be a little too much xD Sorry that I was not clearer, but you answered all my questions anyway, thank you ^_^
So just to catch up with things

Is there any more interest involved with this before i send it off to the Administrators to decide its fate?

So far we have
Students said:
[ul][li]Kate Moon - Chaser</LI>
[li] Alyss Summers - Chaser
[li] Atremis Jackson - Keeper
[li] Briar Rowan - Chaser
[li] Justin Kuya - Chaser[/li][/ul]

Professional said:
[ul][li]Kida Frost - Beater
[li]Parker Smith - Chaser
[li]Icarus Stratis - Keeper
[li]Kiera Potter - Chaser
[li]Jacob Holland - Beater
[li]Jack Kaster - Beater
[li]Ebony Feirce - Beater
<LI>[li]Jennifer Wilkonson - Chaser[/li][/ul]

I'll give this untill the end of the week for Final Interest then i'll bring Cyndi and Nick in to see where they stand and hopefuly we come to an awesome decision for it all.

So put your name down!
Hey Ash,
Seeing that there are no Beaters yet in the younger team, could you change Artemis here to be a Beater instead? I'd like her to get some experience with being a Beater. And perhaps the slot for the Keeper can be given to someone who could use it as an experience too. Is that alright?
Yeah, that's about it. ^_^
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