Well look at what the cat dragged in...

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Nora Davis

OOC First Name
Well hi there! So this post is solely focusing on two of my characters. Two that I never really get to RP but who I actually really love. If you guys could help out in any way at all, I would love you for life. No srsly. For Life.</FONT></SIZE>

This is one of my newest characters, Nora, say hi. I'll give you a little bit of history just because she's a little bit new. Nora grew up in New York all of her life, quite well off too. Anyway, Nora - a muggleborn - was sent to Salem to learn magic however it wasn't all that easy being in an entirely different world from her family and friends especially when she had held that muggle world so dear. One summer, back in NYC, Nora's old friends got mixed in with drugs and so brought her down with them. She was busted only a little while later and was then grounded every summer, to New Zealand where her grandmother lived. Her parents felt keeping her in New Zealand would take her away from her friends and partying and perhaps maybe drugs in general. To keep this semi-short, Nora's grandmother helped her face the road of recovery and by the time she was eighteen, was clear of drugs completely. Sucessfully graduated from Salem now, Nora prefers to live a more muggle sort of lifestyle, and works alongside her parents in their magazine offices, as a fashion journalist, a job she absolutely loves. Life seemed to be perfect for Nora up until a few months ago when her grandmother fell ill with lung cancer. It utterly broke Nora's heart when she heard about it because she had done so much good for her life and so, Nora wasn't going to see that to waste and decided that every weekend she would apparate to New zealand - a second home almost - to visit her until she sadly passes away.

Now what I'm looking for is pretty much everything. Nora needs a best girl friend and a best guy friend, she could also do with more acquaintance-y, 'chats over coffee' type friends. The beauty is, because Nora will be both in New York and New Zealand it means she can have friends from both sides of the planet and which opens up a lot more options for characters. For lovers, I think this plot could get interesting, for a final or just a long-term relationship I don't mind. But yeah, I think if Nora finds someone who she can properly open up to about everything, the drugs, her grandmother and maybe other little secrets she keeps from everyone? Someone who can show her a new way of life other than her stressful job, her pressurising parents and of course, the weight of her grandmothers illness on her shoulders. Someone who could really bring the fun back into her life maybe someone that she wouldn't have originally classified as her 'type'? A simple plot, but it could be cute? Other than that, flirts, brief boyfriends, all are welcome! And then, enemies are enemies, if you got a plot in mind, let me know.

Well this rockstar up there is Matthew, and not really a rockstar at all. Really just trying to make it in the music business....but failing, big time. Continuously falling out with his bandmates, for creative differences or just drunken banter, Matthew doesn't really know where he's going with his life anymore. Matthew was born and raised in Boston up until several years ago where he and his family moved to New Zealand. Since then he has moved to New York, like I said, trying to make it big. During his stay in New Zealand, Matthew became romantically involved with one Jennifer Wilkonson, an old time friend. The two split up about two/three years ago and since then, Matthew hasn't been the same. Using late night partying to cover up any heartbreak he felt over Jenny, it never seemed to help heal the cut, instead it might have just made it deeper. He was even creatively affected by the split, not being able to write decent music since. In recent times, Matthew has been visiting New Zealand and his family more and more often, as a form of escape from his current lifestyle and to reconsider his future plans.

What I need for Matthew is a girlfriend. Someone who will be good for him, not a final, just a long term girlfriend. He needs someone who will get him on track again, someone who could manage his tempers and become close enough to see the softer side of him. Which he does have, Matthew is actually a hopeless romantic but masks it cleverly. I think it would be nice just to have a super cute, super functional relationship. So if there's any possible match out there, please post! Also, I think Matthew could do with a best guy friend, someone outside his band? So again, if there's any matches, you know what to do.​
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And that's all I think, if you have any other plot suggestions post here or PM me on Sam Prince's account. Thanks a bunch guys, get postin'!
Heeey Louise!

So lookie who I have here :r xD Yes young Nia isn't so young anymore. She left school in the summer before her 6th year to work for Wang International as a designer. So in Gossip Girl terms she pulled a young Jenny stunt and got home schooled etc xD

So I think she could work for Nora or Matthew. I think her and Nora could be friends maybe they could meet with Nora doing a piece on Nia as an up and coming designer or something for the magazine and could be friends after?

Nia and her boyfriend broke up as she didn't want to have any sort of ties while working away from home and became a bit of a wildchild, partying etc so maybe her and Matt could get talking at a club or something?

Just an idea (the PB's mainly xD ) but let me know ^_^ ...Also, we should discuss other plots with two certain Gryffindors sometime :r xD
Love how you're killing two birds with one stone here! ^_^ :wub: Young Nia really isn't so young anymore xD But yesh, I'm totally up for these plots.

Cute names eh? Anyways, yeah I think if Nora did that piece on Nia that would be really cute! Maybe it could be like 'A day in the life of an up and coming designer' so they kinda have to spend the day together, which means they would be able to become instant biffles. What do you think?

I could definitely see these two working out for a relationship. I think Nia would definitely be able to manage Matthew's tempers and it would be totally cute. Plus they're playbys together nomnomnomnomnom. And meeting each other in a club sounds perfect!

I don't know if you're up for taking part in both plots, if you're not that's totally fine! Thanks so much for you're offer though, Nia sounds perfect! :woot:

Also, I am going to PM you now on Pat's account about those two Gryffindors :shifty:
n o r a c h r i s t i a n
Christian is also from New York, and also has associations to the drug/party crowds. He's in a band, they're not famous but pretty successful in indie terms. Anyway, Chris's vice is more alcohol than drugs, but he tries them and is around them all the time. He would definitely want to sleep with her, but he's not one of those creeps that lurks on women when they're vulnerable, don't worry. xD Otherwise he could just be an acquaintance from her partying days that she never really talked to? Maybe they run into each other one day and reconnect. Chris is a bad influence, but he's a softie at heart, so he wouldn't let her get back into drugs or anything. He would just invite her to a party or concert or whatever.

n o r a z a v i e r
So I have another character, Zavier, who is twenty like Nora. I had this little idea, I don't know how it'll work for you, but I'll suggest it anyway. So Zavier is from the US as well, but from a large farming family as opposed to the city. He's quite the gentleman, but cynical and quiet too. He was beaten a lot as a kid which has made him quite a "follow the rules, keep your mouth shut" type of guy. But he's still really sweet and wants to help people. Anyway, he's training to be healer in NZ, because he has some friends here. Since Nora's grandmother is a Muggle, she wouldn't be in St. Mungo's, but maybe one day Nora goes to the Magic hospital to find out if there is any potion or something that could help her gran, and there meets Zav? Since they both come from such different backgrounds, yet both have their own issues, I think they could bond quite well and help each other to see the good in life. Plus they have photos together, so yay for that. :p Whether they're just good friends or have a relationship is up to you, I'm open to anything. :D

Read my plot thread if you want more info! ♥
Hehe I know, I'm just that awesome I suppose :r But indeed, Nia has definitely done some growing up and I need to get her out of her cage.

Nia & Nora:
Very cute ^_^ But yesss a day in the life piece would work out perfect for them, as a starter that is and these two could defo becomes besties, and the age difference isn't too bad but Nia is quite mature having been made to grow up quickly with her new lifestyle so it would work out well!

Nia & Matthew:
Ahhh who doesn't love these two together (loved Dan but these were my next fav xD ). Of course being a Slytherin at heart Nia definitely takes no crap from no one and she would be able to put Matthew in his place if he tried to mess her about etc! I think a club would be the best idea, a common area to meet ^_^
Also, totally up for both plots, they are too perfect to not want to do :lol:
OMG I love the idea of them semi knowing each other in the past! It makes perfect sense! How about they run into each other after one of Chris's gigs and they get talking and whatnot. Whether they sleep with each other afterwards? I don't really mind...maybe it could be fun to allow them to get a little carried away :r ... but yes, all in all, love this idea!

First of all Garrett Hedlund - YUM .
Now that that's out of the way, I LOVE this plot idea. It could be really really sweet! And perhaps we should see how things go before deciding whether they should become romantically involved or not. But I can definitely see them getting on really well so I can't see why they wouldn't?

Sounds good! The age difference doesn't bother me at all! Are you up for a RP with these two now?

Brilliant! I can't wait to see how these two will work out! They should be exceptionally cute! Should we go ahead with these now, or do you want to wait a little while?

Thanks so much guys, this is great! :wub:
Mmmm! I'm up for doing these now (which one I don't mind as neither really probably need a time frame) but because I'm in semi move (yet again :tut: ) I think I should really take on one plot but seeing as we technically have 3 (Clara & Ben) how about we do the two gryffies as they are slightly more important to get kick started...again xD
Excuse the non-prettiness, love. So I'm thinking that maybe Matthew and Jenn bump into each other because she is now living in NYC and it's all awkward moments and then they both tell each other that they are in a relationship? Jenn will get jealous but pull it off as nothing because that's how my girl rolls. Also, we should discuss how/when they are getting back together. PM me if you have any ideas.
Pats! I have PM'd you! ^_^

This sounds swell! Love all the awkward moments! And I shall PM you right away....
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