Well, Hello World

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Bryce Rhys Dalglish
Went walkin' through town just the other day
With nothin' much to do
As the sun came breakin' down through the clouds
I never seen the sky so blue

Bryce here is a lovely, sweet man. He is polite and shy and, well, often compared to a child with his innocence. He's the friend everyone wants and needs. He hates violence but can deal with it if it's necessary. He is loyal to those he cares for forever and it takes a lot to get him to turn on his friends.

Bryce does, however, need friends and other people. He is looking for a girlfriend but any relationship he has won't even be close to serious. Not even physical at all. He needs quite a few of them before he realizes he doesn't actually like women.

If you have any character at all appropriate please reply. Bryce is a true sweetheart and would love some company.

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