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Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa decided it was a good day for a walk since it was one of the few days of sunshine during early spring. Armed with her camera Arisa made her way out to the lake front hoping to get a few good shots while the sun still wasn't very high up. Once she got there Arisa however didn't feel like taking pictures, so instead she sat down on the grass and looked out on the lake. Arisa had heard rumors that Viv was back, although she hadn't caught a glimpse of her yet. She couldn't help but frown as she realized how distant she had gotten with one of her closest friends. "I hope she is back, that would be awesome" Arisa thought out loud before before resting her chin in her cupped hands and continuing to look at the lake.
Vivienne had just left the Hospital Wing, after having yet another insulin injection. She was able to do it herself now, and not take time out of the nurse's day, but Vivienne still had to visit the Wing since that was where her medicine kit was kept. It would be very unsafe to leave it lying around the dorm. Still, she found it rather embarassing to have become a regular in the Hospital Wing. A daily visit, sometimes more.. that must have been a record. Now, Vivienne found herself strolling towards the lake. It was pretty far from the Hospital Wing, so she was more than happy to be headed that way. As she walked, Vivienne been to think about things. Mainly her friends, and how she'd unfortunately lost contact with many of them. Over her few months being home-schooled back in France, she had tried to write letters to friends. However, sometimes no reply came. Or the owl got lost, things like that that were really out of Vivienne's control. The young Hufflepuff had only been back a couple of days, but already she was trying to repair as many relationships as possible.

Luckily for her, the perfect opportunity had presented itself, as Vivienne spotted her good friend Arisa quite close to where she was standing. She had heard about some of the events through Arianna's letters, but didn't really know too much about what had happened to Arisa. Apparently something had happened to her father, or step-father, or something.. Running over, Vivienne overheard her friend thinking aloud, and decided to surprise her. "Hope who's back?" she asked cheekily, sitting herself down next to Arisa. She did it casually, as if no time had passed since their last meeting. Vivienne presumed that Arisa meant her when she mentioned someone returning, but since everyone at Hogwarts was so messed up and constantly moving, she thought it best to ask.

[ :lol: Sorry for the crappy post, I'm not as good as Jesse, remember xD ]
Arisa gasped as someone snuck up on her, she was just about to verbally abuse them when she turned to see it was just the person she was thinking about. "Viv!" she cried out happily as she hugged her friend, "So it is true your back!" she said letting go and grinning like an idiot. Arisa grabbed her camera and quickly and took a surprise shot, "Wow you've changed allot" Arisa commented lowering her camera. For one thing, she had grown quite a bit, and her clothes seemed very... unvivish.
Vivienne couldn't help but laugh when Arisa nearly flipped out from shock. It was good to see that she hadn't changed too much, and still seemed fiery and bubbly like always. "I'm back? Really?" Vivienne joked sarcastically, as she returned her friend's hug. When Arisa took a quick photo, she couldn't help but wonder when she got into photography. That must have been something Vivienne missed during her time away, or just a hobby never noticed. She nodded when Arisa pointed out the fact that she'd changed, agreeing somewhat. "I'm taller, aren't I! Still shorter than everyone, but no longer a midget." Vivienne laughed, picturing her younger self. How tiny she'd been! "And I don't dress in those stuffy prep clothes anymore. Mum's started letting me actually dress myself!" she continued, looking down at her jeans and sneakers. Vivienne still liked wearing 'pretty' clothes, but thought it wasn't very practical for mucking around at school.
Arisa rolled her eyes at Viv's sarcasm, she hadn't changed that much. Arisa laughed along with Viv when she talked about how short she had been, "Awe Viv, you weren't a midget, you were just... Vertically challenged!" Arisa joked Arisa was a little surprised when Viv said she didn't dress preppy anymore, that had been really one of the things that made Viv stand out the most, she had been the proper one. Arisa sighed as she realized they were all growing up so fast. "So how was your summer?" she asked with a weak smile.

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