Closed Weight lifted off the shoulders

Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
The fourth year Slytherin thought that this year was going to be the best year ever because he had a lot going for him now. His brother seemed to be doing well with his girlfriend, and Samael was in a completely different house than him. The problem was that his mom told him to break up with Callie, but Dante did not want to, so he lied to her and told her that he would. To this day he still has not. And he was not going to, until they decided to on their own terms. Dante had a letter to send out, and once he had, he descended the towers until he managed to make it to the sixth floor corridor, and looked out the window at the cloudy sky to see his owl head toward his home. He hoped that his owl would not have any sort of issues. He did not know anything about them to help heal them if they had something wrong with one of their wings or legs.
Elodie had a letter for Byron in her hands, humming to herself as she made her way to the tower. She was missing the man, but she knew she'd be back for the break and things would be alright then. Surely. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of her troubles, and paused as she saw a boy she knew. "Oh, hi, Dante," She greeted, giving him an easy smile.
Dante turned to leave but he saw someone there that he had not talked to so far this year. He had nothing against Hufflepuffs. Hell, he was dating one. He smiled easily at Elodie, "Hi! Are you sending a letter too? How have you been?" Dante asked her, a lot more friendly than he was with her before. After all, he was calmed down now, his family still loved him even though he was a werewolf. So, he had notihng to worry about! Dante was safe, and he was happy. Finally.
Elodie turned to face Dante, nodding at his question. "I am, yeah, to my dad," She offered easily. "You?" She returned the question, motioning that he could walk with her if he wanted. "I'm doing alright, just trying to get through school. What about you, how are you?" She asked, thinking she'd seen him around with her roommate before.
Dante could definitely relate. He just finished sending a letter out to his family. "To my parents, yes. I'm writing to them regularly now." Dante never mentioned that he was having issues with his parents before, but he kept most of that to himself. It was a burden that was too much for someone his age to carry. Now, he could just relax and do as he pleased. He loved that about himself now. "I'm really good! I have a girlfriend now. Every now and then I get sick but that's another story. Unless you want to know about it."

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