Closed We promise always will be together

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer ♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 25
@Jenna Jusantrea

As soon as Thomas received the rose from his sister, he returned to the common room to place the rose and the notebook in the room, then went to the Hufflepuff common room. Thomas thought there stand there so long to meet a Jenna. He was missing sister, although self respect was always go first to ask for forgiveness, but here's sister gave a rose and told her that she miss him. He came to the Hufflepuff commons at the exact moment when they went up to a girl and was about to go inside. Thomas reached her before she disappears behind the paintings and ask shush out Jenna Jusantrea saying that his brother is waiting.
Jenna was finished her all dileviries and today she spend more time in the library and read realy so meny good books. Today she take with self and walked to hufflepuff coomon and she saw her brother Thomas. Jenna didn't say eneything and ran to him and gave hug. Jenna missed her brother so much and also she missed her brother new T-shirt.
Thomas focused on the portrait of the Hufflepuff common room he was expecting Jenn to come out, but suddenly he felt the familiar hands that wrapped around him. Thomas automatically embraced his arms in a tight embrace. '' Received your rose. I also miss you. '' he said quietly sister's right ear.
She was so glad that was end of fight but somtimes she remember some thing and blame for hear what happened that night and she can't forgot that talk but she wanted this forgot becouse she miss him. "You like the rose?" She wanted asked him and she alredy told him.
"Yes. As soon as I got in, was go looking for you." he said. Thomas might not have accused his sister of anything, but he didn't want to show his fears that he might be lost. "Forgive me .."
"I'm glad you like the rose!" Jenna get a lot of relief and she was happy see Thomas smiling. She wanted spend more time with him becouse when she finished shcool, Jenna would be going to another contry and spend more time with dragons not her brother Thomas. " I forgive you and you?"Jenna still hug hig and then she later let him. She know that is the right moment ask about new T-shirt becouse that red one alredy tired. "So, do you have a new T-shirt for me?" Hufflepuff girl joked.
Thomas nodded because he really liked the rose his sister had given him. He still hasn't really been able to decide his future proof, but Thomas is starting to shout at Auror more, but then he'll see what time will show. '' Forgive. After all, we promised each other that we are always together, to hold or that. You're part of my heart. Let us promise not to argue anymore.'' he said, dismissing Jenna open and looked into her eyes. Thomas began to laugh when he heard the sister's next words. '' There are some new shirts, but I need them myself. I can be returned to any of the elders. One is yellow.'' gryffindor realized that the sister was joking. However, a smile did not leave his face.
"Aww, Thomas! I promise no more fight! But what you think about Danae and is she nice? Dad told me, this year she would be go shcool? I'm not ready!" Jenna was so afraid about her sister Danae and mayby she don't like Jenna and she will be fight all life time. Jenna don't wanted this and new family to.

"Oh, i so hoped you gave me one t'shirt. Mayby that yelow? I have your red one T'shirt to my coomon room!" Hufflepuff girl smiled.
'' I also promise. I think so. Then we will see. Next year at school? I don't know how it will be, but I think it will be fine. I'll be here next door if anything. '' Thomas was of course shocked that he has another sister, but there was nothing more he could do. They had a younger sister with Jenna and had to get used to the idea.

'' Remember how to wear a shirt? I can bring a yellow shirt now or wait until summer. The red shirt fits me more and you get the yellow one. '' Thomas smiled Jenna.
-I hope so Thomas- Jenna again hug brother. Tha was long time no aee him and she wanted today be with him.

-Sure, but i gave you red shirt when you bring me yelow.- Hufflepuff girl was to smart and she know Thomas

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