We Could Be Up In The Clouds.

Madeline Walden

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Everything had been getting on top of Maddie recently, there was no time to relax. Everything was intense and stressful and she craved a time where she could just be still, without any interruption from unwanted visitors. Something that she couldn't get in Gryffindor Tower and the Great Lake seemed like the perfect place. Barefoot, she walked across the grass to find the perfect spot to lay down which was near the edge of the lake so she could hear the rippling water.
Excited because of the warm weather outside, Kasper decided that today would be a great day to relax at the Lake and read a book that wasn't school related. After the exams Kasper definitely deserved to outside of the school for once. Though he was nervous to get his grades back, once he was walking outside and felt the warmth on his skin, Kasper forgot all about his exams. When he approached the lake and was about to walk to his favorite tree, Kasper a familiar face and with a big smile on his face said, ''Hey Maddie!''
Maddie heard a familiar voice call her name so she leaned up on her arms to get a better view of who the person was. She covered her eyes with her hand to block the sun and she suddenly realised that the person was in fact Kasper. "Kas!" she shouted as she jumped up and hugged him. "Join me!" she ordered as she sat back down and patted the ground next to her. "It feels like forever since I last saw you, how are you?" she asked her Hufflepuff friend.
Kasper hugged her back and joined her on the ground. It was good to see her again, he hadn't made a lot of friends last year and hadn't seen the ones he had made previous year yet. ''Because it is!'' Kas told her with a smile. ''I'm doing okay, glad that the exams are over and I can go back to drawing again.'' As he mentioned drawing he wondered if she still had the drawing she made of him when they first met. ''How about you? What have you been up to lately?'' he asked her, curious as to what she had been doing in her second year at Hogwarts.
Maddie was grateful that Kas returned her hug and decided to join her by the lake. She lay back down and listened to him talking about what he had been up to since they had last seen each other. "Ugh!" Maddie exclaimed "I don't even want to think about exams right now" she said to her friend, exams were the last thing on Maddie's mind at that moment. "Oh yeah! Have you done anymore drawings then?" she asked him. Maddie looked over at Kas and smiled when he asked her what she had been up to. "Oh you know, much of the same... reading and classes that sort of thing..." she paused, wondering if Kasper had known about the dramatic events that had happened with Maddie and James at the end of the last semester. "So I don't suppose you heard about what happened between me and James outside the greenhouses?" she asked the Hufflepuff boy.

Sorry this is so late!

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