Watson Lockhart

OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
Full Name:
-Watson Forrest Lockhart

Date of Birth:
-October 30, 2015

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
- Watson has messy dark brown hair that's not necessarily short, but not very long either. He has a slender nose and pale, thin-ish pink lips. He has stormy gray eyes that easily reminds you of thunderclouds. He has a pale-ish complexion that brings out his eyes. He's got a lanky build with maybe a few muscles in his arms and legs.
Watson is the kind of guy that likes to see the bright side of things. No matter what the situation, he always finds something to make the situation seem a tad worse. He's a pretty laid-back guy, too. He doesn't like drama at all. He'll just ignore it, no matter how many times it tries to get to him. Watson is the type of guy who can be friends with anyone. He doesn't discriminate and he's pretty open-minded. He likes to play around, too. He's cracking jokes every second of every day. He can make you smile on your worst day. He's patient as well. He can sit there and listen to you drone on and on about whatever and he wouldn't mind. Watson tries his best to be a good friend. He often tries to make sure everyone around him is comfortable before worrying about himself. He can get protective of someone he really cares about.

He's the type of guy that likes having fun, if you haven't noticed. Watson mind breaking the rules if it means a fun night. In fact, it gives him an adrenaline rush he enjoys. He isn't the smartest guy around, but he isn't the dumbest either. Though, sometimes he won't do his homework because he just doesn't want to.

Mother: Emilia Cross
Watson's mother is a considerate and thoughtful individual. She's a stay at home mom. She loves being in the kitchen as well as taking care of her children. She graduated from HNZ as a Hufflepuff. Watson loves her, and he's protective of her. She's a half-blood witch.

Father: Kellan Lockhart
Watson's father is a very stern man. He's very strict with his children, though he is loving. He's protective of everyone he loves. Though Watson gets in trouble a lot with his father because of his rebellious nature, he does look up to him. Kellan is a half-blood wizard as well. He graduated from HNZ as a Ravenclaw.

Sister: Kaitlyn Lockhart
Might be a witch
Watson's very protective of his nine year old sister, Kaitlyn. He's sure she'll be a witch when she reaches the age to go to HNZ.

Uncle: Rosario Cross
Rosario, like his sister, is a family man. Though Watson doesn't know Rosario very well nor is he close to the man, he loves him as he would anyone in his family.

Cousin: Rosalind Cross
Watson is actually close to his cousin, Rosalind, Though she's impatient and sarcastic, they have been close since they were in diapers. They often got into mischief together when they were younger making them listen to many lectures from Watson's father.

-A female gold retriever named Polly. She's the family dog
-A female black cat named Felicity. Watson wants to bring her with him to Hogwarts.

Area of Residence:

-New Zealand

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood


-Watson is half Italian and half British.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:

Watson enjoys playing the guitar. He also enjoys muggle sports such as soccer and basketball. He's practiced quidditch with his father, uncle, cousin, and sister. He wants to beon his house's quidditch team when the time comes.

Additional Skills:
Because of his part Italian heritage, he speaks Italian. He's good at sports as well. He's a people person and he has a talent for making people laugh.

-Loyal friend

-Trusts too easily
-It's hard for him to let things go
-Sometimes forgets to make himself happy
-Rebellious nature that can get him into trouble

Describe your character in three words:

-Humorous, trusting, rebellious

Favourite place to be:
-Anywhere where he can have some fun

-Rosalind Cross

Hogwarts House:
-Not sorted yet, He doesn't really have a preference, either.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

-Watson hopes to graduate with at least okay grades. He wants to get on his house quidditch team as well.

Best school subjects:
-Math; it comes easily to him.
-DADA: He likes learning more stuff to do with a wand.
-Transfiguration: He thinks it's pretty awesome to turn yourself or other things into stuff.

Extracurricular Activities:
-Watson has been part of muggle sport teams (soccer, lacrosse, and basketball).

Your Patronous:
-A stag: basically courageous and adventurous and values others.

Your Patronous Memory:

-When his younger sister was born. The minute he saw her, he loved her. She's one of the most important people in his life.

Your Boggart:

-Seeing everyone he cares about dying a slow and painful death.


-Otter: A social animal, revelling in play and friendship.

Mirror of Erised:
-Seeing everyone that he cares about happy as well as himself.


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