Watching the Clouds Go By

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Life was now at least bearable. Kat was getting through her days without crying now, she was attempting to move on. Not being able to stand being cooped up in her dorm room for a second longer she tied her hair back and grabbed her blanket before heading down to the lake. It was a beautiful Spring day out with just the slightest breeze that made Kat smile. She reached her favorite spot in front of the water and took a little bit to look out over the glassy surface. So many good times she'd had here and they were definitely memories that would last a lifetime, but those times were over...things were different and that was a fact that she was slowly getting used to.

Spreading her blanket out on the ground Kat sprawled out on it, letting the sun beat down on her. Folding her arms behind her head she watched the clouds pass by in the bright blue sky.
Alex was sitting down by the lake as per usual when he was beginning to get really bored. It was like his sanctuary, his place to go think and escape the rest of the world. He was starting to feel a little tired and he turned and began to walk back to the castle when he saw a girl laying down on a blanket. He was feeling up to a chat so he decided to approach her. " Hello, lovely day isn't it." He said referring to the weather. It wasn't a good opening sentence but it would have to do for now. " I'm Alexander Fields." he said as he extended his hand out to her. He had seen her around the castle but didn't quite know who she was.
Kat noticed a shadow being cast over her and when she heard a male voice she shielded her eyes from the sun and sat up looking at him. "Nice to meet you Alexander," she said in a friendly tone as she extended her hand, shaking the boys. Kat figured him to be either a sixth or seventh year, but definitely not any younger. "Katalina Vanderhol or, well, Kat...whichever you prefer really. I get both," she rambled on as she tended to do when she met new people. "Would you care to sit?"
" Very nice to meet you Kat." Alex said as he sat down, she was the second Kat that he had met in a few days. " It's so peaceful out here, don't you just love it?" He asked as he looked out at the water, it was so calm and peaceful. The sun's rays stun his skin slightly, causing him to slightly burn, which was good seeing as he would tan the next day.

[sorry it so short.]]
((That's fine...Sometimes shorter posts are better *nods*))

A slight knot formed in her stomach as she realized that the last guy she was out here with had been under extremely different circumstances...much happier times. Why can't I be happy now? I should be happy...I may not be perfect, but I deserve to be happy she thought to herself as she too looked out across the water. "It's always been my favorite place here...ever since first year. It's just...I don't know, you can almost come out here and it makes the rest of the world go away for a while," she said a little over zealously, her face going pink with embarrassment as she thought about how corny is sounded. "So, I'm going to take a stab at this and say that you're a transfer. What year?" She knew that her new roommate Alexis was a transfer and had seen a a few others roaming the school as well.
" Yeah your not wrong about that, this is the best place to come and escape all the crap that is going on and just live in the now." The Hufflepuff boy said with a smile. He liked how everyone thought he was a transfer, when he wasn't. " Nah actually I've been here since the first year, no one knows me here because I didn't really show my face around and draw attention to myself. I had a fair bit going on and I just stayed in my own little world."
Kat nodded as she looked at the boy. She was definitely shocked when he had said that he'd been here since his first year, but then again she didn't know everyone in the school so it was a great possibility that she'd never seen him. "Sorry, I assumed," Kat trailed off. "I can understand about staying in your own little world though, it's definitely easy to do." Well he definitely wasn't a sixth year or else Kat would have known him from classes so that made him either older or younger than her. "So are you a seventh year then," she asked curiously, wondering if he knew Rhyspa and Lily if he was.
" Yeah I'm a seventh year." He said feeling proud as punch, for accomplishing that. It was hard he often did think about leaving the school and going on with his own life back at home, but he was glad he didn't otherwise all the people he had met over the past week would mean nothing he wouldn't even know them. " Yeah it is really easy to stay in your own world, it was hard for me to even find it inside me to let someone in."
"You don't get hurt if you don't let people in," Kat said out loud, not meaning to. "So, um, have you decided what you want to do when you graduate," she asked trying to change the conversation from the painful path that it was about to take, bringing up things and emotions that she didn't want to bring up, especially not in front of a perfect stranger.
" I was thinking something along the lines of a Auror, my father was a Auror and so was his father. I thought i shouldn't break the line." He said with a smile on his face, he couldn't help notice how quickly she had changed the subject but didn't bother to press it seeing as if she wanted to talk about it she would have already. " What about you, what are your plans?"
"Wow, an auror? That would be a nice job to have. My dad works for the ministry in the the Regulation of Magical Creatures Office and my mum's a healer at St. Mungos," she said looking at Alexander and then out across the school grounds before adding, "Well, I had thought about being a healer at one point in time, but that's really not what I want to do. I think I may try-out for one of the pro-quidditch teams and play for a while then maybe come back and teach. My future is a little shaky right now, but I still have another year left to think about it all." If you would have asked her just a few short months ago then Kat would have known the exact answer. She would be marrying Sumner and they would both be playing quidditch, but now the one important part in that perfect scenario was gone for good, never to be figured into any equation she might have for her future ever again.

"Which classes are your favorites?" She was desperately grasping for anything to take her mind off current thoughts which no matter how hard she tried kept creeping their way back into her head.
"That sounds so cool, I would love to be a pro Quidditch player but i suck at it." He said with a smile." I love Transfiguration, I want to be a Animagus, but the ministry just wont approve me yet and I don't want to do it illegally. But my second would have to be Defense against the Dark Arts." Alex said as he scratched the back of his head, messing up his neat white hair. " What about you, what are you favorites?" He asked with a smile on his face.
"I live for quidditch and so does my an animagus huh? That would be an incredibly awesome thing to be able to do. My best friend who graduated last year happened to have been a ministry approved animagus. It was the coolest thing ever," Kat said quickly catching her near slip up and quickly diving into something else. She thought for a little bit and responded, "Herbology is definitely at the top of my list, but Professor Styx gives me a serious case of the willies. I guess my second favorite would have to be Transfiguration as well."
Alex noticed her slip up a little bit and she went to say something, most likely boyfriend, but he didn't press it any further. " well that's cool, I wish I would be able to pass. they reckon that I am to immature to be one. " He said with a smile. " they could be right, but I wouldn't be a idiot, when Im doing it." He said as he smiled at her having a passion for Transfiguration as well. " Yeah I think he just has that affect on people."
"I don't get it. His son was super normal and very nice, but that man has rotten written all over him. I just can't put my finger on it," she said contemplating what it was the bothered her about the man besides his horrible attitude and constant sour expression. "You interested in any of the clubs? You should check out the SDA. We have a meeting coming up soon," she said hoping that getting everything together for that would take her mind elsewhere.
Alex laughed at the thought of a Styx being normal, it was hard to believe, but obviously true. " Nah, not really. I haven't really heard much about the clubs. What clubs are there/" He asked genuinely interested, he might join up in one. He didn't know yet, it would have to be a good club for him to even think about it, it would be to many people for him.

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