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- OOC First Name
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- Wand
- Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Full Name:
Warren Hewitt
Warren was named by his father, Hades, at birth. At the moment the two met gaze Hades had declared the boy's name to be Warren Hewitt. Warren's mother, Yelana, often said, "it was as if your father had entered a trance, and he said your name with a powerful voice I'd never heard before." Interestingly, Warren's name can be roughly translated as "The Animal Spirit Within". If this has any relevance is not known to anyone.
Date of Birth:
Warren was born on November 19th 2016.
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Warren's appearance is best noted by looking at the play-by face chosen to represent him (play-by is Tony Oller). Warren's hair is rather short and often kept up. His eyes are a hazel, though he often wishes they would be a full green. When there is more light in the surroundings Warren's eyes appear more green. Warren has almost no style at this age, and mostly wears whatever clean clothing he has which doesn't have holes in it. This tends to be genes and a tee-shirt. He is average height for his age. Overall, Warren has a rather average appearance.
Warren's greatest virtue is his imagination. He can often be found strolling about while moving from reality to the fabricated world in his mind. His imagination has lead him to be rather clever. He can see relationships between mathematical, scientific, and hopefully magical principles rather easily. He uses his imagination to create mnemonic devices which increase his ability to take mental notes dramatically. Warren's great confidence comes from his imagination. He often feels as if he is capable of doing anything and is rarely intimidated by people (aka he is extroverted).
However, Warren often fails to be empathetic because of his imagination. He finds it rather difficult to relate to people's emotions or "read between the lines" of a conversation. This occurs mostly because he never pays full attention in a conversation and will often drift in and out of the discussion.
Warren's greatest vice is his sense of jealousy. He always tries to be the best in subjects and can get rather disheartened when he realizes he isn't the best. If he cannot achieve his goals, he will often belittle the subject and refuse to continue. Many times he will convince himself of his talent in areas and simply put on an un-interested persona.
Warren has always felt like there was something more the world. It was often just considered an elaboration on his imagination. But the "questing call" is always heard in his ear and drives his goals to learn magic and to explore.
Warren comes from the basic nuclear family. Basic until one realizes they are wizards. I digress, Warren has a father mother and one sister. They are a well off middle class family.
Hades Hewitt
Hades is Warren's father. He has often gone by the name "Dale" as a more anglicized form of his name. He is a half blood wizard. Originally from a small town, his family were the only wizards of the village. They practiced there magic to ensure the successful growth of crops by manipulating the weather. Hades had never gone through formal magical training, and many of his spells are limited to weather manipulation or mimicry. His family was never aware of the larger magical communities, as they had kept their powers hidden from general society and cut all ties to the wizarding world since the rise of Christianity.
Hades had left the small town to obtain a university degree. During his studies he had learned about different forms of magic from the fellow wizards he met. Preferring not to leave the muggle world, especially because he had recently fallen in love with a muggle, he hadn't explored the magical community in depth and as such has few ties to the magical world. Hades and his family had immigrated to New Zealand just before Warren's birth.
Hades was the family member who discovered the letter from Hogwarts. At that time he had never told his children or wife about the existence of magic. He decided to allow Warren to attend the magical school, and told him that he had magical powers. Magic is still hidden from his wife and daughter. This was mostly done because traditionally only two members of the family are to be trained in magic. Currently Hades and his mother are the magical practitioners in his family. Warren was allowed to break the tradition because of the opportunity he was given to train in the classic magical arts.
Hades and Warren have grown considerably closer as they now share the burden of magic. Hades is proud of his son and believes he will flourish well in the magical world. The two often spend time together as they see the magical community in New Zealand.
It is interesting to note that Hades Hewitt roughly translates as "the hidden spirit".
Yelena Hewitt
Yelena is Warren's mother. She is a muggle. Her family has come from a large city. She attended university with Hades where the two fell in love at first sight. She currently works as a high school teacher specializing in geography and mathematics. Her father died when she was very young. However, this did not taint Yelena's personality.
She does not know about the fact that her family is magical. It has always been kept hidden from her. She currently thinks Warren will be attending a school for exceptionally gifted children. She is very proud and close with her son. The two are able to relate often, and Yelena had always paid more attention of Warren's wants and emotions when compared to Hades. Much of Warren's imagination has been inspired by his mother who had always encouraged him to dream big.
The fact that Warren has to keep his magic a secret has yet to affect their relationship. Warren hasn't started school yet and so spending his time away from home and the fact that he will not be able to share many experiences with his mother has not been realized yet.
Rachel Hewitt
Rachel is Warren's sister. She is a half-blood witch however she is not aware of this. She is ten years older than Warren, and at the time she was not offered a place in any magical institution (likely as a fault to the fact that my family was currently traveling and in the process of changing home countries). She has a very fiery personality and is quick to rage.
Warren and Rachel are very close despite a ten year age gap. The two often get along even though they have very different personalities.
Warren has no pets. His mother is a rather cleanly person and feels that most pets are anything but cleanly. Warren does technically have a pet rock named "Rocky". However, he will not be taking him to Hogwarts.
Area of Residence:
Warren has never moved from the house he was born in. He has always lived in New Zealand in the suburbs of Auckland. However, his family are all immigrants from Canada.
Blood Status:
Warren is a half blood. This is because his father is a half-blood and his mother is a muggle.
Warren is not actually clear where his heritage is. His family originated from Canada and it is likely they came from a Slavic or Balkan area before that.
Special Abilities:
Warren does not have any special inherited abilities. When he was younger he displayed the ability to have basic weather control through magic (much like his family). This would be noted by the start of light rain in the area whenever Warren would cry. However, this is basic uncontrolled magic often noted in young wizards.
Interests or Hobbies:
Warren loves television. He has watched television from all ages, and all genres. He will often talk about television and the programs he had watched in the past. Warren is also a big fan of classic Nintendo video games. He had never enjoyed shoot 'em up games. However, when playing classic Mario, or Donkey Kong, Warren is extremely happy.
Warren does have friends from his school. However, he has always felt a bit different then the average child. He is more excited to meet fellow wizards than he is upset that he will be away from his current friends.
Hogwarts House:
When Warren is sorted he is likely to go to Hufflepuff. This will be the best environment for him to grow up in, as being in Hufflepuff will teach Warren of the humility he needs to succeed in life. Currently he is a tad courageous, he can be clever, he often wants to be the best, but he needs to be humble.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Warren hopes to do well in school. However, his family are encouraging no matter what marks he obtains. Past that he hopes to make lots of friends and to be well accepted. He wants to learn all about magic and to start his dramatic and amazing adventure through the wizarding world.
Best school subjects:
Currently Warren's strongest school subjects aren't determined. However, his best subject is likely to be divination. His imagination will always have him wanting to see what is in store for his future, and as such he will find divination one of the most entertaining classes as broad predictions come to life in his imagination has heroic tales.
Worst school subjects:
Like before we are not sure of Warren's weakest subject yet. However, it is likely to be Herbology. He had never had a pension for keeping plants alive, or for recognizing the differences between similar plants before.
Plans for your future:
Warren is not sure what he will do in the future. Though, he hopes to go on adventures.
Your Patronus memory:
The joy Warren experienced the first time he held his wand and properly preformed a spell.
Your Patronus:
Warren has yet to form a corporal Patronus. Nevertheless, it is likely to be a werewolf. A patronus is often based on the memory used (at least it should be in my opinion). Warren's happiest memory comes from the moment he realized that he was a wizard. That he was magical. Ergo, Warren's patronus is a magical creature and the first one that comes to mind has always been a Werewolf for Warren.
Your Boggart:
A boggart which attacked Warren will take the form of a werewolf. The large protruding arms and demonic shape of the wolf will always give Warren chills.
Your Animagus:
Warren does not hope to be an animagus. However if he did, he would likely transform into goose. The animagus transformation is often related to the person's personality (if not I think it should be). To be specific Warren would transform into a Ross's Goose. Naturally this animal wanders far during the winter months, which mirrors Warren's questing call. The goose travels an innate direction without conscious reasoning, much like Warren chooses his path on intuition.
Mirror of Erised:
If Warren was to look into the mirror of Erised he would see himself coated in armour. He would be the hero of his kingdom and given many gifts and rewards for his heroism.
Warren can only speak English. His favorite food is ice cream. This is because it is sweet (who doesn't love sweet things) and he get warm very easily.
Warren Hewitt
Warren was named by his father, Hades, at birth. At the moment the two met gaze Hades had declared the boy's name to be Warren Hewitt. Warren's mother, Yelana, often said, "it was as if your father had entered a trance, and he said your name with a powerful voice I'd never heard before." Interestingly, Warren's name can be roughly translated as "The Animal Spirit Within". If this has any relevance is not known to anyone.
Date of Birth:
Warren was born on November 19th 2016.
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Warren's appearance is best noted by looking at the play-by face chosen to represent him (play-by is Tony Oller). Warren's hair is rather short and often kept up. His eyes are a hazel, though he often wishes they would be a full green. When there is more light in the surroundings Warren's eyes appear more green. Warren has almost no style at this age, and mostly wears whatever clean clothing he has which doesn't have holes in it. This tends to be genes and a tee-shirt. He is average height for his age. Overall, Warren has a rather average appearance.
Warren's greatest virtue is his imagination. He can often be found strolling about while moving from reality to the fabricated world in his mind. His imagination has lead him to be rather clever. He can see relationships between mathematical, scientific, and hopefully magical principles rather easily. He uses his imagination to create mnemonic devices which increase his ability to take mental notes dramatically. Warren's great confidence comes from his imagination. He often feels as if he is capable of doing anything and is rarely intimidated by people (aka he is extroverted).
However, Warren often fails to be empathetic because of his imagination. He finds it rather difficult to relate to people's emotions or "read between the lines" of a conversation. This occurs mostly because he never pays full attention in a conversation and will often drift in and out of the discussion.
Warren's greatest vice is his sense of jealousy. He always tries to be the best in subjects and can get rather disheartened when he realizes he isn't the best. If he cannot achieve his goals, he will often belittle the subject and refuse to continue. Many times he will convince himself of his talent in areas and simply put on an un-interested persona.
Warren has always felt like there was something more the world. It was often just considered an elaboration on his imagination. But the "questing call" is always heard in his ear and drives his goals to learn magic and to explore.
Warren comes from the basic nuclear family. Basic until one realizes they are wizards. I digress, Warren has a father mother and one sister. They are a well off middle class family.
Hades Hewitt
Hades is Warren's father. He has often gone by the name "Dale" as a more anglicized form of his name. He is a half blood wizard. Originally from a small town, his family were the only wizards of the village. They practiced there magic to ensure the successful growth of crops by manipulating the weather. Hades had never gone through formal magical training, and many of his spells are limited to weather manipulation or mimicry. His family was never aware of the larger magical communities, as they had kept their powers hidden from general society and cut all ties to the wizarding world since the rise of Christianity.
Hades had left the small town to obtain a university degree. During his studies he had learned about different forms of magic from the fellow wizards he met. Preferring not to leave the muggle world, especially because he had recently fallen in love with a muggle, he hadn't explored the magical community in depth and as such has few ties to the magical world. Hades and his family had immigrated to New Zealand just before Warren's birth.
Hades was the family member who discovered the letter from Hogwarts. At that time he had never told his children or wife about the existence of magic. He decided to allow Warren to attend the magical school, and told him that he had magical powers. Magic is still hidden from his wife and daughter. This was mostly done because traditionally only two members of the family are to be trained in magic. Currently Hades and his mother are the magical practitioners in his family. Warren was allowed to break the tradition because of the opportunity he was given to train in the classic magical arts.
Hades and Warren have grown considerably closer as they now share the burden of magic. Hades is proud of his son and believes he will flourish well in the magical world. The two often spend time together as they see the magical community in New Zealand.
It is interesting to note that Hades Hewitt roughly translates as "the hidden spirit".
Yelena Hewitt
Yelena is Warren's mother. She is a muggle. Her family has come from a large city. She attended university with Hades where the two fell in love at first sight. She currently works as a high school teacher specializing in geography and mathematics. Her father died when she was very young. However, this did not taint Yelena's personality.
She does not know about the fact that her family is magical. It has always been kept hidden from her. She currently thinks Warren will be attending a school for exceptionally gifted children. She is very proud and close with her son. The two are able to relate often, and Yelena had always paid more attention of Warren's wants and emotions when compared to Hades. Much of Warren's imagination has been inspired by his mother who had always encouraged him to dream big.
The fact that Warren has to keep his magic a secret has yet to affect their relationship. Warren hasn't started school yet and so spending his time away from home and the fact that he will not be able to share many experiences with his mother has not been realized yet.
Rachel Hewitt
Rachel is Warren's sister. She is a half-blood witch however she is not aware of this. She is ten years older than Warren, and at the time she was not offered a place in any magical institution (likely as a fault to the fact that my family was currently traveling and in the process of changing home countries). She has a very fiery personality and is quick to rage.
Warren and Rachel are very close despite a ten year age gap. The two often get along even though they have very different personalities.
Warren has no pets. His mother is a rather cleanly person and feels that most pets are anything but cleanly. Warren does technically have a pet rock named "Rocky". However, he will not be taking him to Hogwarts.
Area of Residence:
Warren has never moved from the house he was born in. He has always lived in New Zealand in the suburbs of Auckland. However, his family are all immigrants from Canada.
Blood Status:
Warren is a half blood. This is because his father is a half-blood and his mother is a muggle.
Warren is not actually clear where his heritage is. His family originated from Canada and it is likely they came from a Slavic or Balkan area before that.
Special Abilities:
Warren does not have any special inherited abilities. When he was younger he displayed the ability to have basic weather control through magic (much like his family). This would be noted by the start of light rain in the area whenever Warren would cry. However, this is basic uncontrolled magic often noted in young wizards.
Warren may have the gift of the inner eye. In his fifth year he will apply to be a seer.
Interests or Hobbies:
Warren loves television. He has watched television from all ages, and all genres. He will often talk about television and the programs he had watched in the past. Warren is also a big fan of classic Nintendo video games. He had never enjoyed shoot 'em up games. However, when playing classic Mario, or Donkey Kong, Warren is extremely happy.
Warren does have friends from his school. However, he has always felt a bit different then the average child. He is more excited to meet fellow wizards than he is upset that he will be away from his current friends.
Hogwarts House:
When Warren is sorted he is likely to go to Hufflepuff. This will be the best environment for him to grow up in, as being in Hufflepuff will teach Warren of the humility he needs to succeed in life. Currently he is a tad courageous, he can be clever, he often wants to be the best, but he needs to be humble.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Warren hopes to do well in school. However, his family are encouraging no matter what marks he obtains. Past that he hopes to make lots of friends and to be well accepted. He wants to learn all about magic and to start his dramatic and amazing adventure through the wizarding world.
Best school subjects:
Currently Warren's strongest school subjects aren't determined. However, his best subject is likely to be divination. His imagination will always have him wanting to see what is in store for his future, and as such he will find divination one of the most entertaining classes as broad predictions come to life in his imagination has heroic tales.
Worst school subjects:
Like before we are not sure of Warren's weakest subject yet. However, it is likely to be Herbology. He had never had a pension for keeping plants alive, or for recognizing the differences between similar plants before.
Plans for your future:
Warren is not sure what he will do in the future. Though, he hopes to go on adventures.
Your Patronus memory:
The joy Warren experienced the first time he held his wand and properly preformed a spell.
Your Patronus:
Warren has yet to form a corporal Patronus. Nevertheless, it is likely to be a werewolf. A patronus is often based on the memory used (at least it should be in my opinion). Warren's happiest memory comes from the moment he realized that he was a wizard. That he was magical. Ergo, Warren's patronus is a magical creature and the first one that comes to mind has always been a Werewolf for Warren.
Your Boggart:
A boggart which attacked Warren will take the form of a werewolf. The large protruding arms and demonic shape of the wolf will always give Warren chills.
Your Animagus:
Warren does not hope to be an animagus. However if he did, he would likely transform into goose. The animagus transformation is often related to the person's personality (if not I think it should be). To be specific Warren would transform into a Ross's Goose. Naturally this animal wanders far during the winter months, which mirrors Warren's questing call. The goose travels an innate direction without conscious reasoning, much like Warren chooses his path on intuition.
Mirror of Erised:
If Warren was to look into the mirror of Erised he would see himself coated in armour. He would be the hero of his kingdom and given many gifts and rewards for his heroism.
Warren can only speak English. His favorite food is ice cream. This is because it is sweet (who doesn't love sweet things) and he get warm very easily.