Warren Hewitt

Warren Hewitt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash

Basic Info​

Full Name:
Warren Hewitt

Behind the Name:
Warren was named by his father, Hades, at birth. At the moment the two met gaze Hades had declared the boy's name to be Warren Hewitt. Warren's mother, Yelana, often said, "it was as if your father had entered a trance, and he said your name with a powerful voice I'd never heard before." Interestingly, Warren's name can be roughly translated as "The Animal Spirit Within". If this has any relevance is not known to anyone.
I like my name. I haven't met anyone who actually dislikes their name. I guess its conditioning. You hear it so often that you simply grow to like it. However, I prefer to think of it as a fluke of fate. Your name is destined to be the name you need to be who you are, to grow into the person the universe wants out of you. But that sounds kinda crazy, doesn't it?

Hometown & Current Residence:
Warren has never moved from the house he was born in. He has always lived in New Zealand in the suburbs of Auckland. However, his family are all immigrants from Canada.
It's a nice place. I really like it. I'm rather fortunate to have been born after my family got all settled down. The house has never changed for as long as I can remember. I love it. The big comfrey couches! They smell of smoke and the sink in the places my dad usually naps on, but I don't think anything will ever feel as safe a place to rest. I know where every creek on the hardwood floors is. I smile every time I can get around my house as silent as a ninja. I love the way the sun sparkles in the dew on the tree just outside my window! Oh I love my house, its more than a house its my home. Oh you can see it if you like. Magic of google street view!

Blood Status:
Half Blood

Health Status:

Warren was born on Novermber the 19th 2016. Making him a Scorpio and Monkey.
Being a Scorpio is actually really cool. I love reading how badass I am in all those astrology books. I also enjoy being a Monkey. For the most part, both signs say I can do anything I want... So I guess the future is mine to concuer Eh?

Warren's appearance is best noted by looking at the play-by face chosen to represent him (play-by is Joseph- Gordon Leavitt). Warren's hair hasn't been cut since he had began attending Hogwarts. He grows his dark brown hair into a short ponytail which he hides behind his neck. His eyes are a hazel, though he often wishes they would be a full green. When there is more light in the surroundings Warren's eyes appear more green. Warren has almost no style at this age, and mostly wears whatever clean clothing he has which doesn't have holes in it. This tends to be genes and a tee-shirt. He does have one balck suit which he wears on all formal occasions. Warren has an average height for his age. Overall, Warren has a rather average appearance.
Well I don't look bad... Sure I'm a little scrawny and such. But I am only fourteen what could you expect? I try not to stare into mirrors too often, cause I have a tendency to obsess over the parts of myself that I dislike. Like my eyes, I hate the boring brown in my eyes. I honestly wish they were a pure green. It would look so much more stunning. Now most of the time, people don't even see the green in my eyes unless they are looking for it.

<COLOR color="#825D02">Personality:
Warren lives life with the motto Carpe Diem. He does his best to spend every day with unique and enthralling adventures. Warren has little care about what his adventure is like or where it is held. He does, however, aim to have someone to share the adventure with. Often, Warren will try and plan out an adventure based on the likes and dislikes of his partner. He does this partially because he likes to see people’s dreams come true, especially if he knows how to fulfill them.

While around people Warren is very extroverted. He feels comfortable, and has no problem talking to people about light topics which come to mind. He does not like to share his inner thoughts or feelings with even his closest friends. Generally, Warren enjoys being around people. Yet, at times Warren despises being around people, as he finds it distracting and makes it difficult to deal with his more meaningful thoughts.

Nevertheless, while this is some of the most important aspects of Warren's personlity it is still a rather shallow detail. Other aspects will clearly become noticed throughout his interactions with others.

Umm... I don't like takling about this kind of stuff. I'm nice and all that. And I'll be a good friend, don't get me wrong. Though I guess that is obvious based on my Hufflepuff-ness.
Magical Stats​

Warren wields a Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash. The wand is useful in divination, Bloodwood is said to reveal secrets of both the past and the future and to aid its possessor in understanding the given knowledge. Well known for its brilliant red color it is also perfect for matters of the heart and healing.
It is a stunning wand. Sleak and bright red. Sometimes I think it looks too much like a toy. However, that isn't often. Also I just love the core. Phoenix Ash is practically a child pheonix. It makes me excited to think what would happen if I broke the wand.

Best Class:
Warren only does consistently well in a single class. Warren's best subject is Charms.
I don't really have a reason for why I do so well in my charms class. I don't think it has to do with my Professor, they've changed a couple of times already afterall. Something about the goal of that magic, to change the function of an object simply makes sense to me. It does help that early charms spells are way cooler than any other set of spells as well

Worst Class:
Warren's Worst Class is Herbology.
Okay I don't really try when it comes to herbology. I mean I know it is somewhat useful. I've used Gillyweed afterall. But meh I just don't have it in me to care for the strange subject.

Magical Ability:
Warren isn't the most talented wizard. He tends to have a difficult time summoning the necessary amount of magical power to complete many spells effectivly.
Well sure the pure power of my magic isn't quite that great. However, I have proven myself more than capable of besting others with my wit. I can think of the time I ussed a finite to allow my Alohamora to overpower a colloportus. If you don't have raw magical power, you have to learn to use your magic effectivly.</I>
Spellbook - The unique spells in my arsenal​
<I><COLOR color="#825D02">

Warren's first spell. A soft yellow orb of light, about 2 inches in diameter sits on the tip of Warren's wand.
It was the first spell I used! Well it was the first spell most people use. But still it is also one of the most easily cast and commonly used spells throughout my life. There is something very speicial about it because of that.

Accio/banishing charm:
Warren is rather skilled with the summoning and banishing charms. He found it rather easy to use early on, a rare thing for himself.
Well Accio is one of my favorite charms. I use it all the time to bring objects towards me. I don't even need to bother organizing my room. It just works beautifully. I would even be able to change the velocity with which objects fly at me. I can use it with the banishing charm to can make things dance in the air as they move closer and away from me at will.

Warren is unable to preform a proper shield charm. He is able to create about a two foot diameter shield which extends allong the end of his wand. Warren is able to change the orientation of the shield, so that it lies perpindicular to the wand, or in line with it. Warren makes up for his inability to create a full protego, by weilding it as a tennis racket batting away spells.
I do the best I can. I just don't have the magical power to create a full shield like the majority of students. So instead, I use the mobility of my small shield and simply bat away the various spells which come at me. While I'm more likely to miss and get hit, it lets me have more control over the reflection. So I don't think its entirely a flaw.

Warren wasn't particularily skilled with the charm. However, he found the spell so particularily enthralling that he constantly used the spell in new and creative ways. The spell takes the form of blue sprinkles which can enchant objects with the unique replling ability
I love this spell. I'm not better than the average person with it. However, I do use it more than the average person. So I'm getting way better with it that is for sure. I just love the way that it can affect everything in such small ways, that it seems so comprehensive and powerful.

Warren has always been able to effectivly use the scrougify spell. He releases a set of green sprinkles, which Warren has such control over he can control the shape at which they clean. Ultimately, on his third time using the spell he was able to draw images by cleaning only portions of the dirt away.
So the reason why I'm this good with this spell is that my mom is a neurotic clearn freak. So as soon as I learned about the spell... I just knew I had to master it for her sake.

Locomotor was a spell which used the same basic principlesa s Accio and its opposing charm. Warren was as skilled with locomotor as he was with the two precursors. From his wand is a strange clear distortion which travels through the air and moves the objects in the desired way. Warren has great aptitude with this spell.
Locomotor is probably my favorite spell right now. i'm good enough with it that the spell could distinguish unique objects in a pile of similar objects. All in all, using this spell gives me the greatest rush of power. Its practically telekinesis afterall

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