Waoh! New Person alert!

Anika Saffron

OOC First Name
Anika was bored and that was never a good thing. "I'm bored!" She yelled out into the street. Luckily, weird things happened here all the time so nobody even gave her a first glance let alone a second one. She decided, it a very short amount of time, that she could do with someone new. All of her friends had been her friends for a while. She wanted to meet someone and learn about them and stuff that friends do but with someone new. Anika looked around the street, looking for a suitable person. She couldn't really go for the old guy at the end of the road could she.

Eventually Anika's eyes settled on a small girl, definitely younger than her but not by much. Anika bounced over to her, stopping right in the girls way. "Hi there, I'm Ani. Who are you?" Her pleasan voice asked the girl as her hands smoothed down her dress.

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