
Aimee Darkhart

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Aimee was happy, although her face didn't show it. She was still scowling but her eyes gave it all away, her eyes were twinkling just like her dads did when he was happy, 'stupid genes' she thought to herself but she wasn't really angry.
The lake was a beautiful sight and she sat herself down and pulled out her note book and began to write. Her hand was flying across the paper when she heard some one behind her.
Lea was sitting next to the lake, with her diary and quill out. She hadn't written in her diary for weeks now, it took so much of her time to get to lessons and complete her homework. Lea put her hand on the silver pendant hanging from her kneck and remebered her parents, she so wished she could go home for the holidays. As she looked over she saw another girl approaching. "Hey" she said quietly.
Aimee glanced over at the girl who spoke. She clearly wasn't in Slytherin but since she was in a good mood she couldn't be bothered being mean. "Hey." She repiled noticing her tone was a little icy she smiled hoping the girl didn't pick up on it.

I know its lame soz
Lea smiled up at the girl and placed her quill and notebook down on the soft grass. "I'm Lea, what's your name?" she asked the girl, looking up at her. The water trickled along the rocks and glimmered in the sunlight, making it look as the though the young girl had a glimmering halo above her golden brown hair. Lea was so glad that she wouldn't be alone today, she had had quite enough of that this week.
Aimee couldn't help but smile, she was so innocent. "I'm Aimee." she rolled her eyes "I'm your classic 1st year Slytherin...what house are you in? Not Slytherin I take it?" she asked and sat down beside Lea and crossed her legs waiting for her to answer.
Lea looked up at the girl, Aimee she said her name was. She also said she was Slytherin, which worried her slightly, but this girl seemed nice enough. "I'm in Hufflepuff" Lea said, as the girl sat down next to her, "my parents old house" she added shyly. Lea crossed her legs and ran her fingers through the long, flourishing grass, it was a beautiful day to meet a new friend, she thought to herself.
Aimee frowned, "I don't know what house my parents were in of if they went to hogwarts at all." she rolled her eyes "Not that, it matters." She added and looked away from Lea. Biting her lip she considered leaving this awkward situation but then said "But who cares?" she rolled her eyes and doodled in her note book.
Lea's eyes flashed as the girl admitted to not caring about the magical side of her parents. "Oh" she said quietly, looking over at the girl, doodling in her notebook. Lea couldn't imagine ever not caring about her parents, because of how she had lost hers, she found it so heartbreaking. "So, you like to draw?" Lea asked Aimee, watching her presice lines and shades. Lea opened up her spiral bound notebook and it fell open to a drawing, shaded and dark. "I draw and write too, it keeps my mind off of my parents" Lea said, her voice growing quieter with each word. She didn't often talk about her mother or father, it was too hard for her. Lea forced a small smile onto her face as she watched the other girl.
Aimee noticed that Lea didn't like how she talked about her parents and she shrugged "My parents are...well...as my sister would put it...I am the blot on the Darkhart family tree...my parents and I don't get on very well...and...whatever" She shrugged again "Like I said...It doesn't matter." She noticed that Lea was watching her doodling and she shut the book with a snap and she rolled her eyes. "I don't normally draw, I usually write...I guess occasionly I do illustrate...Its the only thing I'm better at than my sister..." Looking at Lea's note book she smiled "It's good" she stated and she noticed she went quiet. Giving her a small reasuring smile she said "You'll get through...well what ever your going through... I don't ususally give out advice but...I'm sure you will..." Trailing of she looked out over the lake. "We...well if you want to be friends with a slytherin...can get through it all together..." She whispered just loud enough for Lea to hear.
Lea listened to Aimee's troubles and really felt for her. They both knew what it was like to be excluded, to not feel like they belonged. "Thankyou" Lea replied, perking up at the compliment to her drawing. Lea found drawing a way to esape, a creative outlet as her mother put it. 'We can get through it together' those words made Lea smile, she moved towards the girl and gave her a small hug, letting her notebook fall to the ground. "Thankyou" she said, as confirmation to their friendship. Lea felt so happy, she finally had a friend at Hogwarts, maybe school wouldn't be so bad after all.
Aimee gave another small smile which turned to a look of shock as Lea hugged her, 'So that's what a hug is all about' she thought and softened to it then when it was over she picked up Lea's note book she handed it back. Standing up she dusted off her clothes, "You want to go and do something?" she asked. Hoping that she would. 'At least I finally have a friend' she thought happily 'and school will be bearable when my sister arrives' she added to herself.
Lea smiled sweetly at Aimee, "Sure!" she said in a chirpy tone. Lea was so happy to finally have a friend at Hogwarts, and she would have never believed she could make friends with a Slytherin but Lea counted herself lucky. There was one thing that was still bothering Lea though, she walked closer to the girl "If you don't mind me asking, is that your um- your real hair?" she said, rather hesitantly. Aimee's black hair seemed to have a small strand of golden peeping out from beneath it, making Lea wonder. Aimee didn't have to hide from Lea, and change her appearance. Lea would accept her for whatever she was.
Aimee grinned for the first time in ages and she watched as Lea got up and moved towards her and said those dreaded words 'If you don't mind me asking, is that your um- your real hair?' sighing she sat back down "This could take a while." she said. She took a deep breath, "Are you sure you want to hear this?" She asked seriously.
Lea watched as Aimee looked slightly aggitated by her question. She wished she could take it back, the last thing she wanted was to upset her. "Yes." Lea said nodding, and taking a seat next to her new friend. "Whatever it is, It's fine, I won't judge you" she added smiling at Aimee. Lea knew that whatever it was, she could take it. She placed her notebook down next to her quill and ran her small fingers through the long cool grass.
Aimee fingered the friendship bracelet on her wrist 'so many memories surrounding this one bracelet' she thought and looked at Lea "Well...where to start? Um...well I had long chocolate brown hair once but when I was 8 I was diagnosed with cancer it wasn't much but enough to get me hospitalised and on Chemo..." Taking a deep breath she blinked back tears "Then I met my best friend Aliana at the hospital she was battling Lukemia and...well... I was put into remission and she passed away..." She bit her lip and wiped a single tear from her cheek "and the Chemo made me lose my hair and...It grew back blond and to be quite honest I hate blond hair so...thats why I wear the wig...To kinda disguse my self and make me forget those memories I guess." She looked down at the bracelet "She made me this..." She whispered. Looking back up at Lea she added "So... thats...my story..."She shrugged "You know you're the only person out side my family that knows about my wig." she giggled sadly and pulled out a handfull of grass.

excuse the lameness bitty but i'm tired
Lea listened to Aimee's story and couldn't help letting out a few tears herself. She hugged Aimee tightly. "You look beautiful the way you are. You shouldn't have to hide that. You survived, you should be so happy to show that" Lea said, still holding the girl in her arms. What happened to Aimee was terrible, they had something in common, they had both experienced death very close to them, too close for comfort. "Smile, you deserve to" Lea said looking at the girls tears and pressing a smile across her own face.
Aimee waited for Lea's reaction hoping it wouldn't be bad but when Lea gave her another hug she smiled sadly "I like the wig but it's so uncomfortable when its hot" Giggling she pulled it off and shook her blond hair around her face "This is what I look like at home...My parents won't let me wear it in the house." she sighed "My mum has all these stupid rules...My sister 'miss goody-good' actually wrote them all down for me once 'cause I never could remember them all and I was forever getting in to trouble" Laughing she stood up and picked up her note book and quill and put the wig back on "I've worn this for so long that its become a habit..." She said adjusting it so none of her golden hair would show through "Maybe one day I won't put it back on again." she shrugged and held out a hand "You coming?"
"I don't have any siblings, I wish I did though" Lea said, sighing. "I can see how you could get used to wearing it" she said, understanding how Aimee felt. Lea took Aimee's outstreched hand and lifted herself up from the warm grass. She packed her quill and notebook into her bag before tying back her long hair and slipping her sandals on "Of course I'm coming" Lea said smiling back at her new friend.
Aimee giggled "You can have my sister if you want." she saig "For free!" she added with a sly smile. Lea took her hand and she pulled her up. Grinning she looked around, "Do you want to go for a wander down to the cliffs? I haven't gone there yet?" she asked. Walking slowly in that direction, hoping Lea to follow.


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