Old School Week Walking.

Scarlet Frost

Tuscan Charms Beater • Gryffindor Alumni
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Chestnut Wand 14" Sturdy with Boomslang Venom
Scarlet had spent a lot of her time training but decided for an impromptu walk, Still in her training gear Scarlet grabbed her over robe and draped it over her arm before she took the Floo network to Obsidian Harbour.
Stepping out of the network she dusted her clothes off and flung her robe over her shoulders and fastened it at the neck before taking a stroll along the Harbour and looking out across the water.
Since connecting with her family Selina had been spending a lot more time in New Zealand. She might not have been impressed with some of her new relatives but she was enjoying her time in the new country. Selina apparated to an alley in Obsidian harbour and made her way out onto the main street but almost ran into someone. Trying to keep her composure and keep her temper in check she looked up at the girl and held back her usual sneer. "Sorry,"
Before she could secure the fastening of her robe she had to stop suddenly to not walk into the person who had cut in front of her, which cause the person behind her to bump into her and her robe to get knocked off her shoulders 'Oh, I'm sorry' she said over her shoulder to the person behind her as she bend down to pick up her robe and dust it off, she looked to the woman who apologized 'It's fine' she said
Selina sighed, "What was so distracting anyway? Or do you make a habit of stopping abruptly?" She asked suddenly hit with the urge to make small talk with a beautiful stranger. It was better than looking at the stupid faces of her cousins after all.
'Unlike some people, I have spacial awareness so I don't walk into things who apparently can't pay attention past the end of their own nose' she quipped back as she fastened her robe securely at the front 'Hence the abrupt stop' she added wondering if the stranger would have something else to add or was just in a bad mood today.
Selina bit her tongue, she was in a new country and didn't want yelling at strangers to be her reputation, but she was impressed with the attitude the girl possessed. "Excuse me, I'm in here, just getting my bearings,"
'You're Excused' Scarlet said looking at the girl who seemed to be adamant on fighting with her 'If you're getting your bearings can I help you with something?' she asked as the Girl did seem genuine that the surroundings were unfamiliar to her.
"Thanks," Selina said, she wasn't sure what to make of the girl but she hadn't bitten her head off at least. "Yes you can, I'm looking for somewhere to get a drink,"

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