Walking, just walking

Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Willow breathed in the fresh cool air, her mind was at ease and she had an aura of calm and confidence.
Just moments ago, she was skipping a class and now she has acquainted her self with a new friend.

She looked over at the lake, a clear greeny blue flowed through the waters and she was positive
that there were more than just common fish wading it's way through it's water.

"The water is glittering...it's kinda nice here hm?" She turned around and smiled at Stefan,
he was ever quiet. Willow wondered what went through his head, maybe she didn't like her company? She wouldn't know.
Stefan had closely followed the girl, he'd just met to the outside grounds. As soon as he stepped outside the light blinded him. He had to stay pretty close to Willow, to be sure, that he wouldn't lose her. He could make out slight shapes, from shadows, but not much else. Stefan sighed slightly to himself as he walked. The light was too bright. So, as he walked, he reached into his bag and took out a pair of sunglasses. It was better. He was able to make out more of the shapes. Only slightly. It just helped to make sure he wasn't walking into anything. And to make sure he did not walk into her. Literally. Stefan smiled slightly. He wasn't sure how he felt about the girl. He thought they would know be classed as friends, but he wasn't completely sure if he trusted her. Although in the first few days, Stefan had been pretty open about his condition, he wanted to now wait longer before saying. He did not want to be deemed a freak. Stefan looked out to the lake, and just nodded, with a small, I-don't-really-see-it smile. Because he didn't see the glittering. He saw bright white light. Mixed with slightly grey areas, here and there. "It is." Stefan muttered quietly. "Hogwarts is all kinds of nice."

OOCOut of Character:

Sorry about the wait.
Willow's eyes started to hurt after staring into the glittering water.
Sure she would absolutely love to go for a swim right now, but she wasn't so sure if Stefan was open to the idea.

Walking towards a nearby tree, she stood in the shade and made small conversation;
"Mmhm, Hogwarts is all sorts of nice...I'm not sure if I still completely like it though...some parts can be a little scary."
Her mind drifted back to various lessons. She wasn't sure if she was completely comfortable with magic yet either.

"So...have you done anything exciting at Hogwarts so far?" She smiled at Stefan.
She had her own idea of what exciting was and she wasn't sure if Stefan's idea of exciting was breaking school rules.
Not that Willow actually broken a lot of school rules, but she did wander into the Forbidden Forest with Chris.
Stefan merely shrugged. He wasn't really sure what could be classed as exciting. Exciting for this boy, was just being with out a parent. It was being alone in the world for the first time. It was being able to breathe, to let the bruises heal. Let the scars fade, and gain some colour. Colour he wouldn't see. But Just being at hogwarts for young Stefan was exciting. Colour or no colour. "Just being at Hogwarts is exciting." Stefan muttered absent mindedly as he looked out onto the water. "I'm not sure what can be called exciting. Matter of opinion really. Have you?"

OOCOut of Character:

Sorry it sucks so bad
Willow felt her words backfired, she wondered if she done anything exciting.
She stood for moment, trying to think of examples that she thought was legitimately exciting
but nothing came to her head. She stared out to the lake, and thought over the past
few weeks; "I guess, The most exciting thing I have done so far here
apart from being at Hogwarts...is meeting new people, who come from different backgrounds."

She nodded as she spoke, to her, that was probably the most exciting thing she has done so far,
casting magic in Defence against the Dark Arts was just scary and doing manual labor in Herbology was
just pointless.

Willow gave another smile to Stefan, after all - she was hoping to call him a friend.
It was pretty clear to the Slytherin, that Hogwarts was an interesting and amazing place. With millions of exciting things to do. It would be pretty easy to do something exciting, even without meaning to. That was just what hogwarts was like. It seemed like a brilliant excuse to have constant fun. But Stefan was nervous. He had no idea what kind of punishment came after breaking the rules. He knew that it would not be like his home punishment. But he would really never know. It wasn't point blanc clear. magic was in the school. "That is prettyexciting. People come from all over. I was completely taken aback. I thought each country would have a magic school." Stefan Shrugged. He hadn't really looked into it much. He didn't feel the need to. It would come with time, learning about the different magical schools. Stefan gave a small smile to Willow. He was a terrible conversationalist. "Back in the Muggle world, seems odd to say that, what did you like to do in your spare time?" Stefan asked, hoping this would be a good way to start a conversation. Obviously, he didn't know for certain, but he saw no harm in trying. He didn't bother hiding the fact, he was very social awkward.
Willow held back a giggle, she enjoyed watching peoples reactions to many of her lame replies.
Although, she did think meeting new people from other places in the world extremely exciting and fun.
She wondered what kind of stories that they have in their head and many memories of their homeplace;
what was it like back at their home? Is it any better now that their in Hogwarts or is it just not the same?

She learned that there was many other Wizardry schools out there also - why did they decide to come to
Hogwarts New Zealand? Maybe she'll never know, maybe it's too personal to even ask. She smiled
and thought at Stefan's Question; "Well, back in the muggle word....you're right, that's
weird saying that, but anyway I never really got out much and didn't really have many friends but I
just y'know looked after animals on the farm and baked a lot...nothing exciting really, how about yourself?"

She looked at Stefan, she thought back to what she was thinking about before. It was just another tiny story-fact
that'll she'll hear from another individual who just arrived at such a magical place, only to find themselves
immersed in something quite out of the ordinary.

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