Closed Wait, What?

Charlie Helkovaara

Loves Sports- Finnish- Violinist
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Fir Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
9/24/2041 (20)
Charlie didn't like to talk to unknown adults. But he was legitimately worried about something, and he was sure that his dad would tell him to talk to the Professor. He'd put it off for a few days, but after a bit he sighed and walked down to Professor Holland's office. He sighed, hesitating outside the door. This shouldn't be too hard, right? He bit his lip, reaching up and knocking on the door.
It wasn't uncommon for first years to seek Grace out in her office during the first semester, so she tried to be there as much as possibly outside of classes. So when there was a knock on her door, Grace wasn't very surprised. "Come in!" She called, wondering what the student would want. She hoped it wasn't another kid trying to get out of her lessons.
Charlie swallowed nervously and walked into the office. "H-hello, Professor," He greeted, fidgeting nervously. "Do... do you have a minute?" He asked quietly. This was really a matter of safety, right? Still, he couldn't help but feel like a bit of a fool, and a bit of a coward all at once.

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