🌹 Rose Giving wait for me!

Angelo Dela Cruz

gamer • i need my internet • competitive
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Poplar Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
It was probably a good thing that he did the delivery for Mr. Pirrip so early. That meant that it was still early enough that he could hope that the Head Boy hadn't really left the Common Room yet. Angelo wouldn't know how to find him otherwise since he was so old, and it was impossible to predict the schedule of someone that was so old. "Kuya Zerrin! Kuya Zerrin!" he called out when he thought he caught a glimpse of the older student.

@Zerrin Fergusson
Zerrins head felt like it was in the clouds, and he was struggling to focus. That wasn't helped by what had happened over the break- or maybe it was because of what had happened over the break. He shook his head, trying to focus. That was helped a little by someone calling out his name. He stopped, turning to look with a small smile. "Hey, what's up?" He greeted, turning to face the boy.
It was a relief when Angelo did not have to run to catch up with the older boy since he stopped so quickly. "Hi!" he greeted as he picked through his roses and got one yellow rose to present to the older boy along with its accompanying note. "Delivery po for you!" he said with a grin.
Happy Valentine’s Day. Looking forward to tonight.

Zerrin's smile brightened a little. "Thank you," He offered, taking the rose and the note. He smiled. Savannah. She was sweet. He looked back up to the boy. "How are your deliveries going?"
Angelo couldn't help but grin since the flower obviously made the older boy's day. He couldn't help but scratch the back of his head sheepishly though when asked how his deliveries were going. "Ah.... You're my second," he said rather awkwardly as he tried to make the English flow more smoothly but just felt more awkward. "One is uhhh... my classmate but ah... ano... ah... I do not know others. Milo, Victoria, Esme, William," he recited. Maybe the Kuya would know since he's older.
Zerrin nodded. "Oh, I know those," He pulled a yearbook out of his bag. "Would you like me to show you? It could make it easier to find them," He offered, remembering having to do the same when he was younger.
Angelo couldn't help but blink and stare at the older student. Who carries a yearbook around?! People here were weird. But he nods anyway, "Yes pleeeeease." It wouldn't help with finding them now, but at least he'll know what they look like while he looks for them.
Zerrin smiled and nodded for the boy to sit down with him nearby. "Okay, do you have last names?" He asked, racking through his brain to try and pull up any students he knew. He chuckled. "It might take me a minute to find them," He admitted. "I've just been looking at last years speeches a thousand times, but I'm sure they're in here."

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