Vrael Graves

Vrael Graves

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaaan!
Ebony Wand 12'' Essence of Phoenix Talon & Dragon Heartstring

We Can Make A Change, Take A Step Out Your Door.
F*ck The Money, F*ck The Fame.
Know We Can Still Change The World!

The Basics
Character's Name: Vrael Xavier Graves
Character's Birthdate: 2nd June, 2014
Hometown: New York, America
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Educated At: Durmstrang Academy
Occupation: Vocalist in the band Traitors

Hair: Hazelnut coloured, with the left side of his head shaved shorter and the main bulk of his hair combed to the right.
Eyes: His eye colour is a light shade of green.
Style: Vrael is your typical 'metalcore' musician in appearance. He tends to wear skinny jeans of different colours accompanied by his vans and usually prefers tall tees, cutoff singlets, leather jackets and his cutoff flanno jacket over his shirts. He wears a stylish watch and always appears well shaven and styled.
Other Distinguishing Features: Vrael has tattoo's that cover the top of his hands, both of his arms as sleeves and his full cheest. He also has the odd tattoo's on his legs and the top of his feet but they are rarely exposed.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Vrael is a bright and vigrant kind of person. He thinks positive in just about every aspect of life, and is always willing to take the time to listen to others. He is kind, caring and compassionate and strives to be the utmost best person he can. He can be a little dark at times due to his upbringing in Durmstrang, but since returning to the muggle world he had found peace of life and has been happy ever since.
Special Talents/Abilities: Vrael is a Vocalist for a living. He can sing an scream fluently, and can also play a range of musical instruments. His favourite tends to be the acoustic guitar though.
History: Vrael's parents split up at a very young age. Shortly after Vrael had found out that he was a wizard, his father had left his mother, taking Vrael with him and had moved to Scotland. Given the choice between a few wizarding schools, Vrael had opted for the one that took him as far away from his father as it could, and started at Durmstrang Academy. He hadnt quite understood at the time what he'd been in for, but after suffering through 7 years of schooling, Vrael came out a graduated wizard, and threw it all behind. After the way his mother had treated him over being magical, and the way many wizards at Durmstrang had treated him, he had decided to leave his life as a wizard behind (though he still carries his wand) and take up the life of a touring muggle musician in the muggle band Traitors. Living peacefully by himself in Brooklyn, America, Vrael tours majority of his year all across the world. More to be added...

Father: Talbolt Richard Graves
Government Official / Muggle / Lives in England
Works as a government official in London, England. Is newly married with his new wife Hannah Graves, who has two daughters Nina and Ashley. Vrael hasn't talked to his father since he ran off with Hannah when Vrael was 18.
Mother: Sophia Alyssa Graves- Deceased.
School Teacher / Muggle / Committed Suicide
Worked as a primary school teacher at the muggle school Vrael went to as a boy in New York, America. Never remarried after Talbolt left her, and has always hated magical people. She despised Vrael for leaving with his father, and for being magical. After years of living alone with the disgust that her sons were freaks and that her husband had left her and was happy with his new family, she committed suicide, leaving Vrael and Rhys alone.
Brother: Rhys Xavier Graves
3rd Year / Muggleborn / Slytherin. Hogwarts
"A gentle and honest boy. He is was a kind and nurtured child until the death of his mother, which caused him to shut off from the world somewhat. He is a talented quidditch player and a passionate acoustic guitarist. He enjoys adventures, reading and a good chat."
Uncle: Demyx Tiberius Demon Bane
Auror / Pureblood / Gryffindor, Hogwarts
"A stern and respected man. Dedicated to his work and his study, he persisted with the Auror's throughout his earlier years, jailing many Scitorari and Death Eaters and earning himself a high reputation. Unfortunately he never married or had children, and continues to work heavily with the ministry."
Aunt: Maya Elizabeth Demon Bane
Writer / Pureblood / Ravenclaw, Hogwarts
"A devoted writer and passionate traveller. Said to have a fiery spirit and a mean attitude when annoyed. She spent her school years in quiet devotion to her studies and her graduate years travelling the world. She later returned after her fathers passing to work and support her mother. She recently released a book on the studies of depression in women."

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