Virginia Clayton

Nurse Virginia

Active Member
OOC First Name
Ivy with unicorn hair 7"

Full Name: Virginia Annelisse Clayton
Nicknames: Vicky, Anne, just V.

Place of birth: San Mungo, Londond, England.
Nationality: English
Birthday: September 22nd. (05:12pm)
Zodiac: Sun: Virgo, Moon: Libra, Ascendant: Virgo

Spoken languages:
Native: English, French
Fluent: Spanish, Italian
Broken: Dutch
Learning: Russian
Blood: Half-blood
Current Age: 20 years old

General Appearance:She is a pretty good looking woman who is well conserved for her age. Her most striking feature are her eyes, which outstand because of their sincerity and warmness they irradiate.

Her smile is too a very pretty feature of her, as it's always welcoming and warm. She has a fresh laugh and uses it very often. Her theet are not a perfect white, but they are good-looking anyway.

She has a pettite frame with an apple shape and is well-built because of her working out. Her hair is pretty too, thanks to the redish highlights, but they rarely are seen, as a result of her always wearing it up and not being a big fan of the sun, thanks to her tendency to get pretty ban sunburns. Her face have frackles here and there, which Virginia thinks are lovely.

Dressing style: Virginia is a comfort and practicality woman. She usually wears tennis shoes a t-shirt and pants, besides her robes. She wears strong colors that outstand her skin color and usually match her eyes. In her wardrobe she has a vast variety of muggle clothes, as she founds them really comfortable, but she still full-fill it with her wizarding robes and cloaks.

As for jewlery, she never forgets to wear either earrings nor rings. Bracelets and necklaces are not that important to her, but she has always considered the first two as a sign of a refined woman. She only uses the best and won't tolerate nothing that is not silver or gold... Literally, she has an alergic reaction to fake jewlery. She needs to wear glasses.

Even if she is not a fashion nor trendy girl, she always looks good at parties or social reunions. She has some sense of style and it never fails, ever if she doesn't have the brand new dresses or shoes.

She does not have a large amount of shoes, just three pairs of tennis shoes and four high heels that she just bought to match this or that dress and rarely uses. She does, however have a large collection of purses as she really loves them. Again, she only buys the best for her and rarely is seen with a non-designer purse.

Other details: She has a tattoo of her name on the back of her shoulder. She made it on summer vacations when she was seventeen, as a shout to the world that she was a grown up. Yeah, her parents still scowled at her for that, but she didn't mind as it was something she would never regret.
Skin: Virgina has pale white skin which gets horrible sunburns whenever she is exposed too much time to the sun. She has some freckles that cover her cheeks, specially the high bone area and her nose and she actually likes them. It is pretty dry and she has to moisterize it quite often.

Shape: Almond shaped
Size: Average sized
Color: Grey
General appearance: They say eyes are the window to the soul and Virginia is the living proof of that. Her eyes betray her very emotion and it's way too easy to know how she feels, which can be quite inconvenient most of the time. Her eyes are a deep shade of grey, almost black when light is not enough and they are almond shaped neither too big nor too small, just average. Her long, thick eyelashes may make them look smaller from what they really are. Her eyebrows are thin and have a pronounced arch. The right one is ofter raised on it's own, specially when she is mocking someone or is doubtful.

Colour: Golden blonde with natural redish highlights that can be seen easily in the sun.
Lenght: Back lenght
Wavy, straight, curly: Wavy
General: Even if she doesn't care that much about a perfectly combed hair, Virginia takes care of her hair and it's always clean and soft. What she likes the most of it are the highlights that can be seen with the sun, specially when it's let down. Usually she wears it in a messy bow or a pony tail. She hates humidity, as her hair will get all frizzy.

Height: 1.60 meters. She is not short but not specially tall either.

Complexion: Virginia has a pettite frame and she has always been told she has a ballerina body, but she is way too clumsy for that. She is well formed because she uses to work out frecuently. She has an apple body shape, this means she has more breast than hips.

General: Virginia has a very soft nature. She was made to give and not expect nothing in return. She is kind with everyone, even if she doesn't likes them, and caring with all the people. She always offers you the helping hand you are looking for and is always available for a good talk. Virginia will always try to help and is willing to give her advice to anyone who asks for it.

This makes her a very sensible person and she can get hurt very easily, as she always gives her heart to others not really thinking if they would make her cry. She is not aware of evilness in the world and sometimes she is way too high in the clouds, in her own pink bubble where all people love each other to really look to all what's wrong down on earth.

Virginia is a very sociable person and it's very easy to love her, as she is always open to new people and tries to make them feel at home with her warm smile. The thing is, she is very easy to hate too. Always in her fairytale world she can be rather irritating if patience is not a virtue. Besides, she can be quite talkative and sometimes she can go on and on about something with no sense at all for hours.

She is a wise woman, but she can be in her imaginary world too much time like to show. When it comes to make an important choice she will almost always make the right one, of course always putting the others before her. She is persistent, she never gives up and always gets what she wants.

When it's time to stand up to herself she can be very week and not really know how to do it, because she doesn't wants to be on the bad-side of anyone, but she won't shut up if one of her beloved ones are attacked, she will stand up for them as if her life was gone if she didn't. Virginia has always been a loyal friend.

Meeting new people: This whole idea is thrilling for her as she is always open for a new friend. She will make the first step if the other person is too shy and will try to destroy their barriers until she gets in to meet them further. She can be quite annoying at first, but it's worth to befriend her as she will be the most loyal of the friends.
Singing: Virginia has been doted with a beautiful voice, thankfully, because she simply loves to sing. She will be singing everywhere everytime. She likes sharing her voice when she is asked to and just can't get tired of singing while working or showering.
Healing: Since she accepted her job as nurse, she found out she was made for it and she does it the best way she can. She cares for her patients as she cares for family and that gives her great advantage.

Insects: Even if she loves animals, she can't stand insects. Her office always lack of them, as she is constantly taking care of it. From a tiny ant to a huge bee. That is one of the reasons she don't go to the gardens or forests.
Dirt:Everything has to be clean always. She won't accept a single sign of mud anywhere she pass by. If she ever see any single tiny spot, she will either clean it herself or make something do it for her.

Habits: Everyday, Virginia wakes up and the first thing she does is drink a cup of green tea. She will change into her clothes and gather her hair in a messy bun. Twice a week she works out in her room by making push ups and sit ups. Besides, she will go for a run on sunday and saturday mornings. Her usual breakfast are two toast and a cup of pumpkin juice.
Mannerisms: When she is happy, Virginia tends to sing out loud, which is most of the time. She tends to play with her hair tips when she is bored or nervous. She rarely is impatient, but when she is she taps her left foot. When she is in deep thought, Virgina plays with the rings she is wearing. She rans a hand through her hair when her fringe bothers her or when she is hot.


Name: James Ulysses Clayton
Age: 65 years
Blood status: Muggle
Nationality: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, French
Place of birth: London, England.
Profession: Doctor.
Relationship: James is Virginia's hero. He inspired her to be a nurse and her dream is to become as good as him. She is very attached to him and is afraid of the day he will pass away.

Name: Jeane Annelisse Clayton
Neé: Johannson
Age: 60 years
Blood status: Half-blood
Nationality: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, French
Place of birth: London, England.
Profession: Housewife.
Relationship: Jeane and Virginia are best friends. Virginia will tell her anything and they have always have the best relationship possible.

Area of Residence:


Hogwarts House:


Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

To have enough NEWTS to become a healer/nurse

Best school subjects:

Potions, herbology, charms.

Worst school subjects:

Transfiguration, defense.

Current Job:
Nurse at Hogwarts

Wand:: Ivy with unicorn hair 7"

Ok, so as you see, it is still a WIP so, tell me what you think so far :)
It is looking stunning, the creativity is wonderful and the use of the spoilers is a nice touch which make it easier to keep some information from the rest. I love the detail and quality of the work you have done and I can tell you put a great deal of time into this development. Well allow me to begin :p

You seem to be a melting pot of langauges, but why so many? Is it easy for you to pick up a new language or is it a passion of yours to simply learn?

Why a nurse, especially a school nurse? Do you have any knowledge of medicine outside of magic, such as muggle or giant even?

You seem to be refined and delicate, how come that is? Does it come from your upbringing?

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