Violet Stark-West [WIP]

Violet Stark-West

Active Member
OOC First Name
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
11 (10/2048)
The Basics
Character's Name: Violet Sage Stark-West
Character's Birthdate: 1st October
Hometown: New Zealand
Blood Status:

Hogwarts House:

Hair: light Brown long and straight getting a little bit wavy when it gets wet
Other Distinguishing Features:

A Little Deeper



Mum: Leigh West
Mama: stephanie West-Stark
Brother: Hugo Stark-West

at hogwarts
Sorting post
It was a long day, and Violet made no attempt to stifle the yawn that escaped her as they waited to enter the great hall. Why did they have to wait so long? As she waited she looked around at the others trying to work out who should get to know and who she should avoid. She stepped away from one boy who reminded her of Hugo and again who seemed all too chatty and friendly and stood by a girl who seemed like someone she should get to know.
It wasn't long before they were taken into the hall. She had heard about Hogwarts and the great hall from her mums and more recently from her brother who had described it and the ceiling. she had always thought that they were exaggerating when they said how awesome it was going in and having the sky on the ceiling and how grand it looked, the house tables. Green for Slytherin, Red for Gryffindor like her mama had been, Green for Slytherin, Yellow for Hufflepuff, and blue for Ravenclaw. As her eyes rowed along that table, she kept an eye out for her brother. She wasn't going to wave, she wasn't that uncool. but when she saw him they made eye contact for a second before giving a half nod before moving on. Thankfully she didnt have to pretend for long to know him. as soon the hat started to speak or rather sing. She listened to the descriptions of the houses and decided that Slytherin also didnt sound too bad. but she definitely didnt want to be in Ravenclaw with her brother and Hufflepuff didnt sound that great. Soon, names were being called and people were being sorted. Being a stark-west meant that she would be one of the last people to go. Though she was glad at least, it was stark west not west stark.
Finally, it was her turn. She stepped forward trying to look as confident as she could and sat on the stool. Any attempt of looking cool vanished as the oversized hat fell over her eyes she closed them even though it was already dark, and made no difference as she waited for the decision.

"I can see that you have a very specific desire, and while you would manage there perfectly fine, I can see a place where you will excel, and definitely find more like minded people...Slytherin,"

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