Victor Crimson

Victor Crimson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
always lookin' down at all i see


Victor Allen Crimson

the spaces i can't reach
[li]FULL NAME:Victor Allen Crimson</LI>
[li]AGE: 15
[li]D.O.B.: August 15th, 2010
[li]PROFESSION:Student Gryffindor and Proud!
[li]WAND TYPE: Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
[li]Celebrity:Kenneth Nixon

could use somebody

[li]HAIR COLOUR:Jet-Black, molded to spike up or just withdraw from his eyesight.
[li]EYE COLOUR:Brown Hazel like his mom, nothing special about them, except they always seem fill with curiosity, and a bit of thougths and wonder.
[li]BODY TYPE:Athletic Lean mostly, more tone than definite thanks to water sport like surfing and wind surfing too.
[li]VOICE: He's a casual speaker, meaning its not the most outspken voive you would hear nor is it the weakest, maybe a little to mellow, Vic doesn't care how he sounds, long as he could still speak and make sense the world around him.
[li]PERSONAL STYLE:His personal style will probably a typical surfer style slash hanging around the park sort of mixture of things. he prefers wearing khaki shorts and long t-ees instead of some assorted gear up that has long white t-shirt and a tie. Ocacassinaly he'll wear it but not often will he wear it. he also accociate alot with bill-a-bong, nike sports, but secretly he wouldn't mind dressing up as an 80's icon once in a while.
[li]GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Victor is your typical laid back guy. He was born in L.A, California not a trace show of where he came from, just that L.A "cool guy style"
, besides being that, he's olive tone complexion, cut short hair, hazel bedroom eyes and of course a dazzling smile that could be spotted from a while away. Everything says simple about Victor, however his parents lifestyles and his are way too different to compare and gets more complex when you find out at age "11" that you’re a wizard.
and how you speak
[li]CHARACTER LIKES:Muggels Sports, into Surfing and catching waves, hang out and chilling, he's typically laid back when he's not around his parents political spot-light
[li]CHARACTER DISLIKES:Dislikes Chinese food he really can't bare the smell, the color gray hideous color and dull if you asked him. Getting chucked at by a dolphin that means getting squirted its very disgusting (happen to him twice),
[li]GOALS:To be something or somebody his parents will accept no matter what his career path he takes, he just wants to know if his parents will meet him half-way no matter the road.
[li]BOGGART:Losing his parents, Victor has a fear of something bad happening to them because he realizie the muggel world is much more dangerous than the wizaring world. Magic can protect you, but in the muggel world you’re basically a target of tragic happenings. Negative thoughts spoiled his mind mainly becuase of the muggels newsletter. There's always someone dying everyday in the muggel world, even in the wizaring world as well. When you get to the whole point of it Victor just plainfully scared of death.
[li]PATRONUS:His most foundest memory would probably be Victor discovering magic, he thought it was the most unbelievable day he'd ever encounter. Most muggels would be afraid to embrace, though Victor loved it and couldn't wait any longer to attend Hogwarts. It felt like a dream to him, but he's probably bot the only person whoever fely like this! Also when he made Chaser for Gryffindor, Vic's much into the muggel sprots and doesn't mind it all. However making Chaser for his House's team would be a memory he could never seem to forget.
[li]DEMENTOR: Earth quakes in California, they can be very brutal if your just a muggel and can't apparate away from it. His family had suffered really badly at one point when one of their family members died from a freak accident. It sort of reminded him of a muggel movie, "Who would’ve knew I live through that even after losing my uncle, it just scary to experience mother nature that way.." Anything that can't be control by human nature, Mother Nature’s worst nightmare.
Fresh Beach Water, the air in New Zealand (compare to California), Madam Rameses' home made cooking and the Qudditch Pitch Field when a rain shower just went by
Laid Back, Determine sometimes, Honest, Sweet, Defensive,Patient,Cool, Charming, Surfer, Daring other times.
under cover of the streets

William Crimson
[Italian American-Governor of California-Muggel]

Vivianna Zahra Crimson [muggel-

Madam Eshe Rameses
&Maori-Vivianna half-sister-muggelborn-]

Vincent Rameses
[Cousin by his aunts besides being Egyptain and Maori, he
was born in South Africa were his father originally from]
L.A, California
Hogwarts NZ, Churchill, NZ
Victor was born and raised in L.A, Californian. He was brought into this world by his mother Vivianna and William Crimson, whom are very caring muggels to their muggelborn child. Victor childhood as far as he could remember had always been rather normal and content. Both his parents are into politician so it didn't come to a surprise when his father later on became Governor of California and his mother his father’s campaign manager. While his parents were in the public eyes Victor spend his free time surfing, hanging out, basically being a kid for somewhat part of his life. Still het got just about enough attention from the public. How he felt about it? At first it was fun knowing your parents were just as important as the president himself, still time changes and it felt more bane for Victor, since he grew not really liking attention. Well it depended on what type, but the one part of his childhood he may have found annoying was lying about who he was or his name for example, when it came to entering minor surfing contest or even going to muggel, school. He didn't complain, just a little annoying dealing with the public 24/7.

When he found he was a wizard, it felt like the attention was finally gone. He had to move to New Zealand to attend school. At first he was confused why he hadn't attend somewhere near his location. Than it started to feel more like being normal again instead of being known as the Governor's son. Victor preferred being at Hogwarts just for the reason alone, than learning magic took sometimes getting used to it, his first two years had been a blurred.

Victor made friends with a first few students he came in touch with. From Hoshi who he dated briefly to Aiden, and Liberty who he thought were pretty decent. They didn't come close to his best friend Tyler at home, a muggel boy who he went to primary school while growing up. Still he didn't mind the friendship he encounter here. Later on he went on meeting Taylor Marion, Arisa Havishman, Beau (Can't spell his name), JR (hers as well) club mates and a sort of big brother for JR. Arisa a girl he dated for two years only to be broken up by similar disagreement. They had shared two Yule ball togethers, two Halloween, but recently things just not what they've seen anymore.

Now fifteen, sixteen soon, Victor stays with his aunt while his parents are still figuring out if they want William to run for president or not. They haven't seen Victor in a while and are deciding that maybe politics isn't for them anymore, despite Victor living with his aunt who is close by to him and his little cousin Vincent a boy of seven having a ball getting to know Victor more. And his years at Hogwarts are slowly counting now. Victor still unsure were he'll end up going. He has to decide soon, he will be legal to live alone soon, but as for his career path, well first he needs to decide Muggel world or wizard world?!?


you notice someone like me,
Maddiie Fields
Link Black

while you live it up
Template made by Cate aka girl talkk of Cautions 2.0 and lyrics by Kings of Leon (Use Somebody)

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