Victim number one.

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah had spent the past week walking around like a zombie. She hated everything about her life right now. She'd been ignoring everyone. Steph was a bit annoyed to say the least. Shay didn't care though. All she wanted was to go home to her dad. She knew that was never going to happen though. He was in azkaban and he was about to spend the rest of his life there. The anger that was inside Shaylah had bubbled over and she was now a ball of rage just waiting to explose on someone. She picked a stick up by her feet and chucked it at a tree. The weak wood shattered into loads of different pieces. Then she heard someone behind her. She turned and saw a girl about the same age as her. An evil grin spread across her face.
izzy just needed time to relax so went out towards the lakefront to sit she approached she saw a girl about her age and watched as she threw the stick at the tree and was thinking wether or not to go and check if she was did so.`urm are you ok... you seem angry whats happened.`she said as she neered.
Shaylah walked the short distance between the two girls and punched the girl in the face so she fell to the floor. She then sat on the girls chest and pinned her hands down by the wrist. "That's for thinking I was going to talk to you about my problems."
as the girl punched her she went to place her hand on her face only to be pinned down by the girl and sat on.`look i was just trying to help `she said testing the girls strength. although Izzy was taller than the girl the girl wasa stronger probably as she had fought before unlike izzy who had only been beeten up she was a pro..
"Do I look like I want or need your help??" She yelled it at the girl. Although Shay was small, she was very strong as she had spent two years being taught how to fight properly. Her dad wanted her to be safe while she wasn't allowed to use magic and it payed off.
`well yeah actually `she yelled back.`and i guess im helping you know you know.`she laughed slightly whilst squirming to get out from under her.`so if you didnt want it then i guess you should get off me`she said still squirming from under girl who was virtually impossable to get away from
Shaylah laughed. "Never going to happen. I'm going to get my revenge and I don't care what anyone thinks." She let go of one of the girl's hands and punched her face again, this time harder. She got an adrenaline rush from this which she loved so much. She didn't want it to stop.
`oh really`she said as the girl removed her hands and waqs no longer pinned she was punched again she yelped in pain before throwing her fist deep into the girls stomach.then she lay there still in pain from being punched in the same place.
Shaylah felt the girl's fist hit her stomach but didn't feel any pain from it. "Is that all you can do?? That has to be one of the most pathetic punches I have ever felt."
Sydney walked, aimlessly, around the grounds. The news her mother had told her, backed up by the morning news paper, it confused her. She had gotten a family again, a real one with a dad who cared. And then, just as it had begun, it was taken away from her. She couldn't handle it.

Sydney looked up at the sound of yelling to see a young girl punch Shaylah, her sister, in the stomach. She walked in, what appeared to be, a calm manner until she reached the two. "Does somebody want to explain why you're hitting my sister?" She spoke in a calm way to match her posture. It wasn't the good kind of calm, it was the calm that came before a huge storm.
`she started it`she said pointing at the girl as the other approached.`all i did was asked her if she was ok`she said hurriedly`she just started to punch me` she said clutching her face where she had been punched.she realized that she was still under the girl and tried to remove herself by squirming
Shaylah looked at Sydney and then back at the girl she was sat on. "Well, then you'll know in future not to talk to me." She stared down at the girl with an evil gleam in her eye.
Sydney looked at the girl like she was stupid. "You're a hufflepuff aren't you?" She waited for her answer. "See, I could tell because only a hufflepuff would a brain so spongy they'd try and help an angry Slytherin. Perhaps you should get some help." She said everything in a monotone before holding Shaylah's arm softly, as not to turn her against Sydney herself.

"Come on, you'll get into trouble if you are seen doing this. Possibly expelled. Then you'd have to go back home." Her voice was still a monotone but she got the feeling that Shaylah didn't want to go home. The house would only have Tracy, Marcus and the twins in. The rouge residence taken up by the Caine's and a rouge by marriage. Not Shay;ah's cup of pumpkin juice Sydney imagined.
Shaylah looked up at Sydney. She was unbelievably happy to have her sister there with her. Sydney kept her calmer than she was at this point in time. She stood up and walked towards the lake, away from the girl who was still on the floor. "This sucks so much." Her voice was quiet but the anger in it showed. She wanted to be with her dad and she couldn't even have that small privelege any more. "Thanks Sydney." She turned away from the lake and looked at her sister again. She didn't know completely why she was saying thanks. All she knew was that it needed to be done.
`well yeah...` she answered to the girl`ok ok i should of left her but then i would feel bad `she said getting up as the girl got up.and turned looking backat her with her hand on her cheek hoping it wouldnt be too much damage.
Shaylah turned to the girl. "Do you not know when you're not wanted anymore?!" The only thing that was stopping Shaylah from putting the girl in the hospital wing was the fact that she didn't want to go home when her dad wasn't there.
`well i guess that it was for the whole conversation that i wasn't wanted but im still here and i don't care to be honest`she turned away and smiled so the girl didn't see.she knew the girl was ready or up to do anything to her if she pushed it too far so knew she would try not to see the girl again but was sure it wouldnt happen.she glanced over her shoulder cringing at the pain.

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