Vicenzo Antolini

OOC First Name
Curly 9 1/2" Unyielding Cedar Wand with Veela Hair Core
Don't tell the gods I left a mess ,
I can't undo what has been done ,

Say Hello to
Vicenzo Alfonso Antolini!
We are the heroes of our time ,
dancing with the demons in our minds ,

Vicenzo Alfonso Antolini

Vicenzo - as a boy's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Vicenzo is "prevailing" or "Conquering". Vicenzo is a variant of Vincent (Latin): from Vincentius. See also Enzo.
Alfonso - In German the meaning of the name Alfonso is: Ready for a fight. Spanish Meaning: The name Alfonso is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Alfonso is: eager for war'.
Antolini - Meaning "Powerful and Complete". Italian: from the personal name Antolino, a pet form of Antonio. Antonio is a Spanish and Italian form of Antonius, meaning 'beyond praise'. A famous bearer was the Renaissance painter Antonio Pisanello. Anthony is the English form of the Roman family name Antonius, which is of unknown Etruscan origin. The most notable member of the Roman family was the general Marcus Antonius (called Mark Antony in English), who for a period in the 1st century BC ruled the Roman Empire jointly with Augustus. The name became regularly used in the Christian world due to the fame of Saint Anthony the Great, a 4th-century Egyptian hermit who founded Christian monasticism. Its popularity was reinforced in the Middle Ages by the 13th-century Saint Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of Portugal. It has been commonly (but incorrectly) associated with Greek avoc (anthos) "flower", which resulted in the addition of the h to this spelling in the 17th century.

Vicenzo doesn't particularly have any nicknames, his family short his name in various ways but other than that, they don't do much. Vicenzo has never been too nickname in his life, though a lot of people at school do just call him Enzo, he'll never introduce himself as that, he'll never think that's a better name than the one he actually has. Vicenzo will however respond to it, and occasionally he'll find himself encouraging some people he's known for a long time to use the nickname, but it is only on those few occasions that he will ever openly use the nickname Enzo, he finds the name Vicenzo to suit him far better with the kind of work he wants to go into.

Enzo is currently 18 years old. He is very birthday, he loves throwinghimself a huge birthday celebration and only inviting the best of the best. He doesn't let muggleborns into his party, even if they are the other half of his friends. It's his one rule when it comes to parties. On his birthday people have to abide by that. He also always loves that his birthday in in July, so that means that when he's in Europe everyone can just go to the beach for the day and drink until everyone passes out.

July 6th 2020, Vicenzo was born in Wellington, New Zealand. He was born in the early hours of the evening and it was a rather quick birth. He was born a week before his due date, but was born with no complications and his mother managed to go home that night. Vicenzo was however a very quiet baby.

Student, he is in his final year of school at Beauxbatons, after which he wants to study art history at university in either France or Italy and then work in a museum of some kind, preferably an art gallery.

Carlo Antolini - Father, wizard.

Bianca Antolini - Mother, witch.

Rosa Antolini - Older Sister, witch, 21 attended Durmstrang.
Orsino Antolini - Older Brother, wizard, 20, attended Durmstrang, now works mostly with dragons
Clara Antolini - Younger Half Sister, witch, 13. Is currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand, Hufflepuff

Alvise Antolini - Grandfather, wizard.
Adelina Antolini - Grandmother, witch.

Vicenzo has no pets, nor does his family. Vicenzo has always wanted to have a turtle. It's a slightly more obscure animal to keep as a pet considering they are wizards, but he feels that pet like that would be more interesting to him. He doesn't share his sister's love of cats, or his brother's love of Dragons. Not to mention that a turtle would be very little work.

Mixed blood

Being so close to being pureblood, Vicenzo is always annoyed that he isn't. Enzo doesn't hate muggles, or muggleborns but he definitely thinks of himself as better and above them because of his magical heritage. He doesn't think that they should all be wiped out, but he does believe that they are lower than him and this should be reflected in how they act towards him and anyone else with mixed or pure blood.

Wellington, New Zealand

At School, Beauxbatons, Vicenzo does not intend to ever go back to New Zealand, only for the family events that he can't escape, he wishes to move to Florence, Italy at some point in his life.

Florence, ever since he first visited the place, Vicenzo fell in love with it, he loves everything about it, all the art galleries, all of the art. Everything about the city fills the teen with joy and lust. It's everything he could ever want from a place.

Bisexual, Vicenzo has known this for as long as he's had a sex drive. Enzo doesn't care about what the person is, male, or female, they don't even need to be either mixed blood or pureblood, he just enjoys people, and doing things with them.

Technically single, but in several friends with benefits situation. Vicenzo loves being able to do what he wants and isn't too interested in being tied down to one person, he likes being with people, and having lots of varying fun, he thinks that limiting himself to one part of the population boring and as uninteresting as being in a relationship. There is so much fun to be had in his head in just being with lots of people. In saying all of that, Vicenzo is very safe, he doesn't want any kids.

When Vicenzo first started at Beauxbatons, he meet a girl he really liked but they were young and ended up being together in a relationship, but all they did for months was hold hands until some point near christmas, she kissed him. The relationship feel apart after that, though Vicenzo and her have remained some what good friends.

Shortly after starting third year, Vicenzo got into a relationship with some boy, it was essentially a summer fling of sorts, they went out, held hands, kissed and then eventually Vicenzo got bored, and they both called it quits. It was a short relationship and though it didn't end particularly badly more on a mutual note, they no longer talk or even hang out.

Vicenzo has been in lots of relationships, though most of these are short, three month or so relationships, where more often than that he's been flirting with other people. His last relationship ended just as the end of sixth year after about two months of going out. Vicenzo had grown really bored of spending any time with her, and so had called it off. They are not on good terms, but since then they have spent nights together.

There are a number of these, so it would be difficult to list, everything after the summer between sixth and seventh year has been flings. He has friends he sleeps with, and then just people he hangs around with. He isn't interested in being with people, and prefers to just sleep with them and then move on. With the option to return for more.

Vicenzo lost his virginity on his seventeenth birthday, it was during his birthday party which he had with a good number of his friends at the seaside in Northern Italy. Everything was celebrating something, and Vicenzo and this girl ended up going back to his room at the house they'd rented together and they slept together. Since that point Vicenzo hasn't really stopped.

To Come
You better fire off your gun ,
live your life like there is no tomorrow

Vicenzo has dark brown hair, that most would describe as being fluffy, it's not an unruly mess but it does remain a large puff ball most of the time. He tries to keep it tame, but it suits him better to just have it be all over the place. He doesn't do much to his hair, just allows it to be, never doing much to it besides giving it a comb at least once a day. He does perfect his hair every time he does it, with his passions lying within art, Vicenzo has a strong affiliation with getting the right look, the right aesthetic so he'll deal with his hair until it perfectly matches and suits what he's wearing.

Vicenzo would never dye his hair. He would not let anyone with hair dye within twenty feet of his hair. He has occasionally gotten paint in his hair, and he likes it when other people dye their hair, but he doesn't like even the most remote suggestion that he too should dye his hair. He just doesn't want to damage it, and doesn't think he'd suit any other hair colour and is definitely unwilling to find out. He doesn't care much about how it looks on others, or how many colours some people dye their own, he's a very much each to their own kind of person, he just doesn't want it.

Vicenzo has pale but bright blue eyes. He has eyes very like his older brother, they seemed to share the same kind of blue, although Vicenzo has a lighter shade of the colour. He has always enjoyed his eyes, it is half the reason he would never want to dye his hair, since currently his eyes fit perfectly with the shade of hair that he has, and he'd rather not change that for the world. Vicenzo loves the way his eyes look, he'll stand amongst his family and just be in love with the shade that he has, he doesn't care for anyone elses, just his own. He thinks that his are the most amazing colour of eyes. He would be lost if he had a different eye colour he thinks.

Vicenzo has a few birthmarks scattered throughout his body, one of which is a pale one on his forehead, which is barely noticeable unless actively looking for it. Aside from that, Enzo has no visible marks on his body. He doesn't mind this either, mostly all that Vicenzo will have are paint stains, either on his hands or face. That's about it, and those always wash off.

While his father and brother are large built types, but Vicenzo is the opposite of that, he is slightly built but not overly so, just enough that he doesn't have any issues, but can wear t-shirts without them being too tight on him. He's taller and thin, with little fat, he keeps himself in shape by all the exercise that he does.

O (+ve)
because Enzo spends a lot of time away from his family, he believes that it is very important for him to know this. He doesn't think he'll ever need it, but he feels it is very important for him to do. Enzo has no problems with seeing blood or needles he just knows that he would never donate his blood. He wouldn't want anyone getting his blood because of the magic part and because he doesn't want just anyone getting what is his.

While his strongest hand is his left hand, Enzo has next to no issue when it comes to his two hands and being able to write. He thinks of it as simple and easy, he would just switch between them whenever one gets too sore he just opts for the other. It's a good trait he believes that he has. Enzo wouldn't change it for anything.

To Come

Because he grew up in New Zealand, Enzo can speak very good english, his english is essentially perfect. because of his school, Vicenzo has also picked up Italian and French, french is the language most commonly spoken at the school and his growing love of Italy, and the fact his family is originally from Italy has meant that his Italian has greatly improved. He has no problems with any of those languages and there is only a slight hint of an accent on his english because he speaks that the least of the three. He doesn't worry about sounding strange next to his family, he loves being able to speak those three languages.

Vicenzo is not allergic to anything, he would hate to be allergic to anything. He loves knowing that nothing he eats or touches poses a risk to him. He lives in this ideal world where he can touch and do anything that he wants. He would hate to watch what he eats or does. Vicenzo is a very much live free do whatever he wants when he wants kind of person.

Harry Threadaway

Sing it like a hummingbird ,
The greatest anthem ever heard ,



Vicenzo wishes to graduate from Beauxbatons with good enough grades, but is not so bothered about anything else. He wants to be able to go to university and work in amongst art. He loves art so much, he doesn't understand how people don't. He wants to have fun with his personal life, and has little intention of settling down. He doesn't care about kids, all he wants is to essentially live and breath art.

Rejection from his family, he knows that he is slightly different from most of his family, he hates failure of his own doing when he doesn't try, but he would very likely see his family casting him out because of his interest in art. He might also see himself accidentally hurting any of his family because of a spell that he was creating.

Vicenzo's patronus has begun to take the shape of a horse. He's interested by this, since he's never actually ridden a horse, though he does find them to be incredible creatures.

There is little doubt for Vicenzo about what it is. For him, it was the day that he first went to Venice, he remembered being allowed to go, and he'd seen pictures of it, but the entire weekend which he spent there stands out so clearly in his mind. Everything about it was just mind-blowing. He is honestly so pleased he went. And despite how short the trip was, he has not been that happy since. It made his heart grow with joy just standing amongst the buildings.

His worst memory would easily be the only time he got emotionally attached to a boy during a relationship. They'd been going steady for about two months when things began to get strange and shortly after the relationship completely fell apart, the spent ages screaming at one another about this and that. Enzo couldn't believe it, and it completely left him with a hollow feeling inside, he didn't like how it made him feel and he really desires to never repeat it again. He doesn't bother trying to get to know people to be in relationships with, he thinks he has too much to lose with them.

Vicenzo is not particularly honest, he doesn't feel the need to be honest, so he isn't but if given the potion he would probably say that he wishes he was adopted. Vicenzo has always felt separate from his family, he's always felt like the odd one out of sorts, he gets along perfectly fine with his parents, and his siblings for the most part, but there are many occasions where Vicenzo really wishes he was adopted.

Because of the split that he faces between the forces of both magic and art, he would see in the mirror that he has found the very perfect balance between both. Both excelling in his own art, and in his charms.

He would only smell paint. While there are a lot of smells that Vicenzo likes, like old books, the only thing that he would smell from this potion would be paint. It would be all and any kind of paint. He loves many things, but paint is one of the smells he loves most in the world. He would rather that than anything else really. He thinks it's the most amazing smell that has ever graced his nostrils.

Leonardo Da Vinci
While most would look up to a person whom they know, Vicenzo admires and looks up to most artists, he just hugely respects and admires Da Vinci, his pieces of art, his work in science, everything the man has done, Enzo finds inspirational. He thinks that anyone who puts in that much work is amazing, and he respects the man's intelligence. He thinks that everything the man did was amazing and if he could go back in time and do anything Vicenzo would spend time with him. Over absolutely everyone else. He thinks the world of him, despite never having met him.

Having been raised in a magical household, Vicenzo has never been to church or had any religious beliefs. He likes churches and religious art because he enjoys the granduer and the structure of the buildings and not for any other reason. He'll go into a church just to see what it looks like on the inside and to see how it it. He doesn't believe in any higher power and he doesn't think he ever would. He doesn't think that the views of most religions are right, and most of them he knows would frown upon him and his escapades so he doesn't exactly follow it and want to follow it.


Those born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the zodiac's enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their astrological symbol - the Crab - Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside. However, for those of us who know and love a "Moon Child", we understand that deep below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special. Just as the Moon goes through many changes as it moves from its new to full phases, Cancers too go through many new and full phases of experience. Life doesn't stand still for this sign, even if they remain in one place, because they live so much in their internal oceans of emotions. Their link with the Moon often makes it impossible for them to operate on an even keel from day to day. Up and down like the proverbial yo-yo, most Cancerians feel one way one minute, then sometimes totally different the next. But this characteristic is part of their charm.

Vicenzo's personality is a little all over the place. He sees himself largely as above others and will often not talk to certain people if he believes they are below him. However that being said, he is also quite naturally friendly and open. His is quite stubborn, and when he does finally put his foot down about something there is usually no swaying him at all. He doesn't enjoy drama, and much prefers flirting to actual relationships and despite being sixteen has never been in a relationship of any kind, however he can act romantic when he wants to be. He has no preference between boys or girls. He takes everyone at face value. Those he choses to flirt with are those whom he sees as being almost equal to him. Those he is only slightly superior to. Vicenzo is hard working, but can be easily distracted, he will often leave things to last minute before doing them. Often being interested in something else than the work in front of him, even if he actually enjoys it, despite this, Vicenzo's grades do not suffer that much. He is loyal to his friends, but is also very careful about his friends. He will only trust certain people. He can appear very open and friendly, but over all, Vicenzo will only trust very few people. He trusts his family, and a few select friends. He does not care so much for sarcasm, finding it frustrating, but has often done it himself. Vicenzo likes a more relaxed way of life, and always believes in expressing his emotions fairly openly and usually by the way he speaks to people. He will at times be blunt, and not really care about if what he says hurts someone.
The crickets sing a song for you ,
Don't say a word don't make a sound

<SIZE size="50">WAND:
Curly 9 1/2" Unyielding Cedar Wand with Veela Hair Core

Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: 'You will never fool the Cedar carrier' - wielders of a Cedar wand have great strength of character and excellent perception of the motives of others.
Core: Much like the creature that they come from, wands with veela hair are temperamental and volatile in nature. They are good for use in divination work and with charms. Wands with this core are usually inherited.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

Vicenzo was at first worried about the length and the core, the length because of how short it is and the core because he himself is not a veela, but as soon as the wand was in his hand he felt like it was the most amazing thing he'd ever touched. it was just perfect, it felt like an extension of his hand, and while some spells take him time to master they are always worth it. The pack a good punch in the end. Vicenzo is deeply in love with his wand, and it's the only thing he'll take with him if his house caught on fire. He prizes his wand above the art that he wants to focus his life on.

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

While Vicenzo didn't know what to expect from the school, he didn't expect what he saw and he definitely wasn't overly impressed by it. He did love how it was built and everything but he'd seen pictures and some of the pictures he'd seen were better than how this building itself actually looked. He loved the art work inside and everything else about it, and the location of the building itself, he doesn't understand why his older brother and sister would want to go to durmstrang and his sister Hogwarts New Zealand, when this school was available to them.


7th Year


To Come

Vicenzo has not achieved many positions aside from becoming a Prefect. He was very surprised to have been made a prefect. he didn't expect to, though he has good enough grades to become a prefect he doesn't know why someone would make him one. He does his work and is well behaved enough but he didn't imagine that he should get more responsibility. He has not achieved anything else, and is happy with that, he knows that at least he'll leave with something.

To Come

Charms or Transfiguration, charms is the class he does better in. He loves it as much as transfiguration. He thinks that both are incredible interesting and do seem endless. They are eternally interesting to him. He thinks that he could spend his entire life studying spells in this field and never actually grow bored of them.

Astronomy, it's a subject he's carried with him all during the time at school, it's easy. He finds it really simple, but it bores him so much that he ends up not wanting to do it at all. He just doesn't do any of the work, and so ends up not getting the best grades for it.

I never left your side ,
you were lost I followed right behind
Coding Done by me, Emzies, if you want to use it just PM me and I'll get it to you!
Lyrics: Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw

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