Veronica White

Veronica White

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
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The Basics
Character's Name: Veronica White
Nickname:Ver, Ronie
Character's Birthdate:1st Sept 2010
Hometown: Yakoruda, Rila Mountains in Bulgaria.
Blood Status:Unknown
Wand: Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
School:Attending Durmstrang
Year: Currently in Seventh year

Sexual orientation:Straight
Martial Status::Single (Not looking)

Ex-Boyfriend:Joshua Chase
Ex-boyfriend:Zac Kuang

Wand Power

Previous Wand:Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
This wand brings determination, strength and courage to it's bearers, however it is a wand for the sly, cunning and ambitious, those who deem kind and welcomingly are not welcomed by this wand. It is the excellent adapt for dark magic and for those that find pleasure in watching people suffer.


Current Wand:Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
A feminine wood commonly used for healing, health and protection. It is good for spells involving potion charming, astronomy and herbology related charms. However this wand can also unlock very dark magic, to the person with the right mind to do so. The pinkish tone comes from the fairy dust that gas consumed the wood.


Zodiac Sign:Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin
Your stone: Sapphire
Life Pursuit: To do the right thing
Vibration: Compassionate and caring
Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

Hair:Blone, silky, straight hair of medium length. Veronica many times curls her hairs and highlights them pink. length.
Curly,Straight, pink highlights,loose bun with pink streaks.

Eyes:Hazel brown,wearing lenses very often and Veronica is into dark eye make up and getting smoky eye look.
Eye look

Height:Short 4" 7

Style: Usually keeps her hair open, neatly combed and wears little make up. Veronica likes putting on dresses for the simplest of the occasions. She has a whole bunch of them in all colors and accessories to go with them. She does even wear skirts and tops but she is rarely seen in pair of faded jeans or anything that looks like rags or overlarge.

Dress style,Skirts and shirt style,Classy style.

Other Distinguishing Features:
Veronica bears a tatoo on the back of her waist.
This tatoo is her family symbol from her father's side.
Her great grandfather was said to be a dragon animagi and had concurred one of the most powerful dragons of the time.
Thus all of her father's line have this mark.


A Little Deeper
Veronica is very emotional sort of person but over a few years she has learnt how to control her emotions very well. She may get very angry, sad, hurt or happy in a fraction of second but it is not easy for her to snap out of the mood. She is very caring and friendly but only to those whom she considers 'friends' who are very few and she selects them on her own. To the rest she is rude, arrogant, unfriendly and does not trust strangers easily.Since she was a child she has been this way.

Veronica was born on 1st Sept 2010 in Autumn in a small village called Yakoruda which is in the Rila mountains of Bulgaria. From the very beginning she lived in the mountains like a village girl with her father William White. Veronica had never known her mother and had been told by her father that she had abandoned them after giving birth and had never returned.

Veronica does not remember her mother at all. Since when she was a little girl it had only been her father who was her only family. There had been a woman, who died when Veronica was five who lived with them and took care of Veronica and she was kind and caring but Veronica was very little at the time and had no clear memory of her. She had been her father's second love but Veronica doubts that her father had ever married the woman.

Veronica was grown amongst the mountains but she had been physically weak from the very beginning and this never changed. Her father ran a small bar for the village men and all of them were muggles. Veronica had no wizard or witch friends and her father was a drunkard himself so he never tried to explain her anything.

At the age of eleven she was sent to Dumstrang, the school which she dearly loves. She is an average student and had a very few friends whom she valued much. She never received any letters from her father nor did she send any. Only once a year she went back to Rila mountains to visit her father and stay with him for two months during vacation.

Once during the end of her fourth year, when she was 14 and had gone back to her father she met a boy who worked in the village. As she never trusted strangers nor liked them, she didn't talk to him. His name as she later found out was John and he was a muggle who worked as an iron smith. He was about twenty two then and told her that he loved her but Veronica took no notice at all for she had no interest in him.

During the same holidays he regularly paid visit to the bar and one such night he mixed alcohol in Veronica's drink. In the late hours of night he tried to rape her and Veronica who was nearly unconscious was very weak to protect herself. However magic worked on its own accord and John became blind.

Veronica went back to school, pretending nothing had happened. Soon she received the news of her father's death and of a mother's presence who had come to take her to New Zealand. Dympna Bella Donna is a real character but its very difficult for Veronica to understand her mother's real intentions. After lot of pleasing she is allowed to return back to Dumstrang to continue her fifth year.

During this short time at New Zealand, Veronica meets Zac Kuang and falls for him. Luckily he asks her out and they start dating. When she is back at Dumstrang a lot of chaos comes into their relationship and Zac is not able to forgive her for snogging Enzo while she was drunk and breaks up with her. This breaks her heart but with help of Kenneth and Josh she tries to continue her life again deciding to remain single and ignore Zac for a while.After that she starts talking to Zac again and is happy to be friends with him.

In the meantime she finds Joshua Chase very amusing and attractive and falls for him. She is lucky enough that he likes her back and her second romantic relationship takes off. Their relationship lasts for a year and half until Veronica's seventeenth birthday when they make love and Veronica gets pregnant but Joshua is not ready to marry her or be responsible for the child. Veronica who had fallen in love with him is once again shattered and decides to abort her child and never allow herself to love anyone again but she does decide to play with men for her amusement and to break their hearts before they do the same to innocent girls like her.

Father: William White
Occupation before death:Bar and motel owner.

Mother: Dympna Bella Donna
Blood Status:Unknown
Occupation: Care taker of all the adoptive kids.

Veronica's mother is a very wicked woman who disguises herself behind her kindness and fake love. Her real age is unknown but she seems like she will be in her late thirties. She once owned a magic school in some rare area but that has been closed now. At the moment she stays at home and 'looks after' all the adopted kids. Veronica has sensed something fishy with all the kids since they are always ill or sick and she is trying to find out what her mother does with all the children.

Adoptive Sisters and Brothers
William MorteFirst kid that Dympna took in who is now 29years old and works in Department of Mysteries in Unspeakable section. He seemed like a nice guy who was concerned for Jasper. William helps with the manor but does not stay there. He is married and has a wife.

Jade ClowShe is Jasper's real sister who studies in Hogwarts NZ. She is twelve years old and in Hufflepuff house.Veronica has not met Jade but from Jasper she knows that Jade and Jasper do not stay in touch due to Dympna's fear.

Jasper ClowHe goes to Durmstrang and is thirteen years old. Veronica and Jasper have made a close bond but he is in pain due to whatever it is that he is suffering but he is under a charm and cannot reveal it to Veronica. According to Dympna Jasper is useless but Veronica has started to have sisterly affection towards him and she is trying to help him.He is kind and young and Veronica likes the feeling of being his elder protective sister.

Ruby ClowShe is ten years old and lives in the manor. She talks in Shakespeare type language and the little greeting that she gave Veronica was the only talk between them till now. She is sick like the other kids.

Zeal SoulWho is actually the son of William but no one knows that. He lives in Bella Donna manor and is eight years old. He warned Veronica to take care in the manor and escorted her to her room when she first went to the manor.

Sapphire Clow-She is eleven years old and first year Hufflepuff in Hogwarts NZ. They just greeted each other when Veronica came to the manor.Overall all the children are good except for the fact that they are sick and suffering and Dympna is the cause of all that.

Important Roleplays:

Through Year 9
My sweetest daughter
Veronica who is orphan comes to know that she has a mother who comes to take her to New Zealand. Veronica is not sure whether she trusts the lady who had once abandoned her but Dympna's story is different from her father and therefore she leaves Dumstrang and goes to New Zealand.

Bella Donna manor
Veronica comes to NewZealand and when she sets the first foot in her mother's manor she senses something fishy is going around. She discovers that Dympna has brought all orphan kids and given them home to stay but she can't help wondering why many of them are sick and what whispered conversation is going on between William Morte and her mother. She eavesdrops to find out.

Something new
Veronica is bored in New Zealand and goes to Makutu mall and meets Riley Smith. He is a nice guy whom she talks to and he shows her around a bit. She does have her suspicions on Riley being a Casanova but why he doesn't flirt with her she cannot tell. Veronica gets familiar with New Zealand and the famous buttebeer that they offer.

First Crush
Veronica meets Zac Kuang, a classmate of hers from Durmstrang. She instantly falls for him finding him very cute and nice. They chat and go for a walk and Veronica tells him her story. He invites her to his house and they hangout for a while and Veronica gets her first kiss. She promises Zac that she will return to Durmstrang for him and goes back home at midnight.

New Friend
Veronica discovers painting as one of her talents and she practices in the North Tower where she meets Kenneth. They start chatting and they become close friends instantly. She learns about Kenneth's boyfriend and his parents not accepting the fact that he is gay.

Lovebirds at the Lake
Veronica and Zac meet up at the lake and catch up finally having found some time for their love life in their busy school schedules.

From a spark comes a fire!
Veronica makes enemies with Sunako Watanuki in Potions class when they walk into each other and start fighting and dueling. The Professors puts them in a month's detention but both have not learnt their lesson and are seeking further revenge.

Dangerous Flirting
Veronica has spent a whole day in loneliness and sneaks alcohol and puts three bottles of firewhiskey down her throat.While drunk she meets Enzo and looking for some fun she starts flirting and later snogging him. Zac Kuang finds her girlfriend locking lips with someone and decides to break up with her.

Veronica comes back
Veronica is chatting with Mark Stone and Joshua Chase when her boyfriend walks in and accuses her of flirting. She explains him that she was drunk and she loves him and only wants to see him happy. Zac is too confused and leaves the decision of break up for later on.

Making friends
Veronica meets Rosalinda Montez, a graduate from USA and becomes friends with her. They chat, shop and roam the streets of the village during Veronica's village trip. They become close friends and decide to write to each other.

Kidnapping with Uncertainty
Veronica has not heard from Zac for one and half week and decides to take him to the village trip with her. She has asked Joshua and Ken to help in case Zac says no. Zac goes to the trip with her but breaks up with her saying he cannot forgive her.

Veronica is heart broken and sad and has been crying for hours when Kenneth finds her and calms her down. He explains to her that it is not the end of the world and she should move on. She takes his advice but cannot implement and be miss sunshine suddenly. Her heart is broken and she decides to stay single for a while and concentrate in academics and Qudditch and also to ignore Zac.

Through Year 10

Talking again
During lunch Veronica is trying to hide away but Joshua spots her and comes to talk. She opens up and starts talking again. He tells her about Kenneth and his break up and Veronica is sad to hear that her two good friends aren't talking anymore. They chat for a while and Veronica comes to know Josh more better.

A family of sorts
Veronica meets Jasper Clow, her adoptive brother in the common room. They become close as she starts growing attached to the kid. When she tries to find out what illness he has he fails to mention it and she notices that they are unable to speak of it. She comforts him and become his friend. Something very wrong is going on in the Bella Donna manor and Veronica decides to find out by all means possible and help the children.

Breaking the mould
Veronica and Joshua discover that they have grown close and are developing chemistry between them. A first kiss follows and they decided to go out.

The Ruling Girls
Veronica moves into Sally's room and they start becoming close friends and good roomies.

Outing with friends
Veronica and Zac are going on a village trip together while Sally and Scipio don't bother showing up. Veronica tells Zac in detail about her mother's evil side and Zac comes to know that Joshua and Veronica are dating and takes it lightly.

Meeting more Kuangs
Veronica has one advantage from her evil mother, she is allowed to go almost anywhere she wants during school weekends and this time she goes to Paris for the Paris Fashion Week where she meets Brad and Vivian Kuang with whom she instantly makes friends. She is glad to finally meet Zac and Sally's cousins and other relatives and has a great time watching the fashion week, having dinner and enjoying herself.

Into the Maze
Veronica is spending the weekend in NewZealand and buying some potion ingredients from one of the shops in Bleak Street when she gets lost. Selwin Snape, a mysterious handsome and helpful guy agrees to help her out and she easily gets into conversation with him and like a stupid teenager directly crushes on him and kisses him. Too embarrassed of her actions she apologizes and goes back to her home scolding herself for being so immature.

A Date
Veronica and Joshua go for their first date and Veronica has a great time altogether. She gets to know more about her boyfriend and his likes and dislikes and they grow more closer to each other but Veronica is still considering whether to tell him about her family and her mother or not because she had shared that part of her life with Zac only and whether she's not sure if she can trust Josh with something so important just yet.

Through Year 11
The Seventh Year **Princess**
Veronica comes back to Durmstrang for her seventh and final year. She is glad that Hogwarts was not taking transfers this year because she did not want to go there which her mother wanted her to do. First day back at school she meets her friend Enzo and spends some good time chatting and catching up with him.

Angry and Hurt
Veronica and Joshua go out on a date to a restaurant and there they meet William Morte, Veronica's eldest adoptive brother who is a gay and had spent some time with Joshua a while ago. Veronica is angry at William because he is also involved with her thirteen year old adoptive brother, Jasper. She goes up to him and warns him to stay away from young innocent guys and says that she will complain to their mother about this.

Becoming of age
Veronica turns seventeen and Joshua has planned a surprise outing for her. They go to a wizarding club at the Makutu mall, drink and dance enjoying themselves very much. Veronica has realized that she is in love with him and later that night they have sex and Veronica loses her virginity. It is the most beautiful night of her life up to now.

Halloween Party **Spooky**
Veronica is dressed as a random witch in purple robes for the Halloween party and has a good time with her best friend, Sally Kuang in Durmstrang Hall as they drink wine and dance and pull prank on first years. However they are both a little surprised to not see their boyfriends and other friends with them and wonder where they are.
Not RPed: Later that night Veronica tells Joshua that she is pregnant and Joshua refuses to take responsibility of the child or marry her and breaks up with her.

Comforted by the twin
Veronica is heartbroken once again after her break up and at three in the night she finds Larissa Sedgwick who comforts her and advices her to get an abortion and do the same to other men because all men are evil and therefore Veronica's life takes turn to darker side.

Just another Victim?
Veronica sees Drake Parker and she wonders if she should target him and break his heart, the way she has been doing to many others at Durmstrang at that time. However all that takes place is a small introduction.

Facing the unexpected
Veronica is crying over her fate and her bad grades and drinking in one of the local bars when Enzo comes up and tries to stop her. At first she does not want to listen to him but she does and ends up accompanying him back to his house in London where she meets his parents and his sister.

Up in the air
Veronica is flying when she realizes that someone has been watching her and she decides to stalk them. It turns out to be someone who likes to stay alone and who ends up snogging her forcefully and angrily. Both of them end up in Detention and Veronica drank a love potion for a dare from Dederick and ended up kissing him before both of them left in an awkward state.

Cornering after class
Veronica has noticed that her best friend Zac is very worried and hardly talks to anyone so she corners him after class only to find out that he has seer abilities and has seen the death of his own cousin who is seventeen. She also promises him to not reveal this secret to anyone.

Not feeling well
In one of her classes Veronica faints and is helped to get out of class by one of her classmates, Jack Kaster and as she later has lunch with him she gets to know him and makes a friend out of him.

Three monthds to graduation
Veronica meets her old friend Kenneth and they catch up and talk about their plans for future. Veronica tells him her dream to play International Qudditch and maybe start a restaurant and they plan on doing it together if it works out.

Durmstrang Graduation 2027
All seventh years including Veronica graduate from Durmstrang with their diplomas and teary eyes.

Journal Entries

Entry One said:
Dear Diary,
I wouldn't have chosen to write a diary had it been my own choice. I am only doing this because I thought it would be nice to listen to dad for once and reveal my feelings to writings. I am not going to name you like many people do to their diaries. I will try to write whenever I get time and record the important events of my boring life and hope no muggle discovers it and makes a series out of it.I am getting late for the Qudditch tryouts but I am not going to ask you to wish me luck, but you could if you wanted to.
~Veronica White

Entry Two said:
Dear Diary,
I don't really know how to write this, diary. Well, Dad passed away.The Durmstrang administrator informed me last night that he passed away because he was suffering from some rare disease that had got worse due to his excessive drinking.I want to go to his funeral but I am told that I need a guardian letter and as I have no guardian I cannot go. F@cking rules!None of this seems real. Although dad did not care about me and was always drunk, I did love him.I am going to attend my detention for abusing the headmaster. He deserved it, don't you think? I have only you for a friend. Laters.
~Veronica White

Entry Three said:
Dear Diary,
I just received an owl from my mother!Well apparently I seem to be having one. She wants to meet me and take me to live with her in New Zealand, as if! No one can separate me from Durmstrang, its my second home after all and I won't allow it to be taken away.For starters, I have decided to go meet this Dympna Bella Donna to find out why she abandoned me while I was a child and why does she want my custody now? I might go live with her during the holidays but I will be back here, that's a promise to myself.
~Veronica White

Entry Four said:
Dear Diary,
I did meet my mother and according to her it was father who asked her to leave and she never chose to abandon me. It is all so confusing and I don't know what to believe anymore. I am going to New Zealand with her and she said we will 'think' about my schooling. I just hope I can come back because I really have a bad feeling about her.
~Veronica White

Entry Five said:
Dear Diary,
I have for the first time in my life set foot outside Bulgaria.New Zealand seems like it can suck but I haven't been anywhere except the manor as if I were a prisoner.But that's not what's fishy.All the kids that live in this manor that my mother adopted are sick or ill. It seems she is doing something bad to them. It's really boring and tiring to be in the house all day and I just hope I can see some of New Zealand before I die of boredom.
~Veronica White.

Entry Six said:
Dear Diary,
I finally did get a chance to go out to see the streets and places of New Zealand. I went to this placed called Brightstone Village and did make a friend too, a bit surprising really for me but well her name is Vanessa Parker and she is very sweet.She goes to Hogwarts New Zealand and said she would write to me. I also drank the famous butterbeer in Three Broomsticks and I must say it is very delicious. It beats the cheap alcohol anyway in taste so I bought a few bottles.
~Veronica White

Entry Seven said:
Dear Diary,
Today was one memorable day for sure because I did not expect anything nice to happen in New Zealand but it did. I went to Makutu Mall and met one of my classmates over there. His name is Zac Kuang and somehow I hadn't noticed him in class. And guess what? I fell for him and then he asked me to his house and we danced on the streets and my first kiss, it was magical.Now I know I am destined to go back to Durmstrang so I can meet him again :wub:
~Veronica White

Entry Eight said:
Dear Diary,
I am back in Durmstrang!!Seems that Dympna was happy to get rid of me as I was being so nosy and irritating.A lot of fishy things are going in but now I am here so I don't care anymore.I just met Zac again and we both are very happy to see each other. I am a week late but I'll catch up and the tryouts are still open so I'm going to try for seeker. Fingers crossed.
~Veronica White

Entry Nine said:
Dear Diary,
I have finally finished all my homework and the work that I missed last week.This year seems to be completely new because I have finally made friends. Kenneth and Joshua are my new friends and they are a couple as well! Joshua shares his dormitory with Zac so the whole thing works out great for me. Outside school I made a friend with Rosalinda Montez, she was visiting Bulgaria from USA and she was pretty cool.The loneliness from my life is finally evaporating and I love the new me
~Veronica White

Entry Ten said:
Dear Diary,
Loads have happened this week. I drank some alcohol last night snogged some guy called Enzo and Zac saw me at it and now he is not talking to me!I know it was my fault so I tried apologizing so many times and told him I was drunk but he won't listen!I really think I have broken his heart. I am taking him to the village today to sort everything out between us so please wish me luck. I don't want to lose him too
~Veronica White

Entry Eleven said:
Dear Diary,
I am talking again. The past week was the worst ever especially after Zac broke up with me.Today I talked to Joshua, he made me talk again and said he had broken up with Kenneth. Looks like its a break up season going on in school and I miss being with Zac so much that sometimes my head hurts thinking why couldn't he just forgive me? At least I am talking now and thanks to Josh for being a friend indeed.
~Veronica White

Entry Twelve said:
Dear Diary,
Well you wouldn't believe what just happened!I wasn't going to believe it first myself. Joshua and I are dating and he is my boyfriend. I know I shouldn't have gone into a relationship so fast but I couldn't help it as well when he asked me out and kissed me because he is so understanding and cute!I gotta add he looks super hot with his shirt off. Gotta run now, am late for my first date with him!
~Veronica White

Entry Thirteen said:
Dear Diary,
When I got up this morning it was heavily raining until I realized that even if it would rain I wouldn't feel the water on me and then I realized that the plumbing in my dorm was all messed up! Ugh!I decided to shift my dorm and Sally Kuang, Zac's sister was happy to accept me. She is very sweet and I think we'll make the best of friends.
~Veronica White

Entry Fourteen said:
Dear Diary,
I went to Paris, France! Yes, for a fashion show. It was amazing and I got myself loads of designer clothes and jewelry.But that was not the most exciting part. I met Brad and Vivian Kuang there, they are Zac and Sally's siblings and they are twins. I even met a cousin of their's Darla and had dinner with them. It was all so entertaining and fine.
~Veronica White

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