Veronica Kealders

Veronica Kealders

Well-Known Member
Who Am I?

Full Name: Veronica Minte Kealders (Ver-on-eh-ka Men-tay Keel-der)
Birthday: December 4, 2011 in Napier, New Zealand.
Hometown: Napier, New Zealand
Current Age: 11
House: Slytherin First Year at HNZ
Blood Status: Half-blood, but believes herself to be Muggle-born
Pets: Silvia, a sleek, white haired cat.


Veronica was born to Markus Alexandar Kealders and Daphne Greengrass Kealders on December 4, 2011 in Napier, New Zealand. They live in a small cottage a few miles away from the town where her father, Markus, is a merchant, selling homemade fine wine from the vineyard he owns on the family’s property. Daphne works as a business woman, traveling out of town and is rarely at home to spend time with her family.

Daphne Greengrass Kealders is a pureblooded witch who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991-1997 and was placed in the Slytherin house. After the downfall of the Dark Lord, Daphne left the wizarding world in hiding and placed herself in the Muggle world, where she had a brief love affair with Markus Kealders. Later finding out that she was pregnant and not wanting to place herself in the wizarding world for fear of rejection of having a half-blood child, she stayed in the Muggle world and eventually eloped with Markus in September of 2011.

Markus Alexandar Kealders is a muggle who has lived in Napier his whole life, traveling in and out as he pleases. He never attended a university, instead placing himself in the business that his family had been running for years: wine making and selling.

Relations/Family Members

Daphne Greengrass Kealders- Mother
Astoria Greengrass Malfoy- Aunt (Mother’s sister)
Draco Malfoy- Uncle (Daphne’s brother-in-law)
Scorpius Malfoy- Cousin (Astoria’s and Draco’s child)

Joseph Martin Kealders- Paternal Grandfather
Eloise Simpson Kealders- Paternal Grandmother
Markus Alexandar Kealders- Father
Sarah Marie Kealders- Aunt (Markus’s sister)
Andria Lewis- Sarah’s boyfriend

Physical Appearance

Hair: Long pitch black hair medium length hair with a little bang. Straight with the occasional hated waves brought on by the wind.

Eyes: Bright green that have a purple tint under certain lights, usually candle-lit and fluorescent.

Body: Very pale skin, as she doesn’t go out in the daylight too much. 4’11” and weighs in at a scrawny 74 pounds. Small bone structure and frame, has tiny feet and long fingers.

Scars: Veronica has scars on her arms and upper legs that she inflicted upon herself in the past. Most have faded, as she rarely uses the tactics of self-inflicted pain on herself.

Style: Veronica usually wears full black, her main articles of clothing including skinny jeans, converse, random t-shirts, and jackets and hoodies that are too large for her own scale.

Internal Appearance

Personality: Veronica strays from people, keeping to herself most of the time. If someone would really impress her, she may associate, but that would be rare. If she gets close to you, you better not let her down, or she will burst. Veronica’s not loud and doesn’t speak much, unless spoken to, though she may mumble under her breath every so often.

Depression: Veronica’s dealing with depression at such a young age has caused her to have less of a positive outlook on life than she already did. If something tragic around her happens or in a dark way that affects her soul, she goes back into the dark but safe coven of her own.


Dislikes: Preppy people, most animals, having to follow other people’s orders, her mother, doing any kind of muggle work.

Hobbies: Writing, digital photography, climbing trees in the woods, being solitary, helping her father make wine in his vineyards.

Music: She loves homemade-folkish type music or classical. The popular rock/metal/pop music has never interested her.

Books: Her favorite poet is Edgar Allan Poe, her favorite work of his being The Raven. She always loves rereading and over analyzing his pieces to find deeper meanings.

Colors: Veronica likes the color blue. She wears darker colors because she finds bright ones would describe her as a bright and bubbly person, which she is far from.

Magical Means

Patronus: Her Patronus would be her cat, Silvia.

Boggart: It would be her father lying on the floor, dead, as he was the only kind of family, even if it was little, that she felt she had ever in her life.

Animagus: Her Animagus would most likely be a black fox.

Mirror of Erised: Veronica would see herself standing on a hill, wand in hand, over ruling a great empire, with her mother standing in the back ground, begging for forgiveness.

What memory could they use to create a Patronus?: Veronica would use the memory of when her father first taught her how to make wine straight from the vineyard. This was the first time, at age 7, in her life that she felt like she could do something important, like she was worth existence.

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