Closed Various Plants and Flowers

Jerara Tapsell

alchemist | curious | necromancy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 13" Sturdy Yew Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
11/2030 (31)
Jerara hadn't been back in New Zealand long, though he had arrived back later than intended. He'd spent a little time after he'd finished his studies, travelling around, doing a bit of research and exploring into dark objects. It had been a good thing, a good time, but eventually he'd come back. he couldn't keep travelling around without also getting a job. The man had linked up with Tristan again, had been able to move back in and had reached out to Ellie. It had been somewhat fortous that as he'd been looking for a job, that she had been able to give him something temporary while he figured out what his next step would be. It was just well timed, as she'd begun selling wares and plants and if Jerara had anything, he had plenty of experience with selling things. Being a shop assistant was sort of what he knew. The man arrived with drinks for them both and spotted Ellie quickly. He liked Ellie a lot, they'd not had too much fortune yet, but he was thinking it was time to settle down a little. "Hey!" he greeted as he approached. "Brought drinks, hopefully I still remember your preference," he said, holding out the cup for her.
Estella had been very excited about her new business that she was setting up. It had taken some time to come up with the vials and the labels for everything she was selling, and it was definitely helping her clear up her greenhouse. Everything was neat and organised and she really liked to see it that way. She hoped that it would attract some customers in the middle of Obsidian Harbour, particularly during the holidays when the streets would be bustling with students buying school supplies. The woman was standing with her stall in the middle of the path, smiling at the people that had walked by. She had never been too good at calling people over, but she was sure that would get better with time.

At the sight of Jerara, Ellie beamed, accepting the drink with a smile. "Hey, thanks Jerara!" she exclaimed, happy that he was here to help her. He had been looking for a job upon returning back to New Zealand and she couldn't be more happy to offer this one. It was nice having someone else help her out, particularly Jerara. "No one has seemed to be interested yet, but I'm sure they will be soon." She shrugged, trying her best to stay positive as she then took a sip of the drink. "Does it feel weird being back at New Zealand after so long?"
Jerara gave a little smile as she took the drink. She was the one constant in his life other than Tristan and he knew he'd always want Ellie in his life to some degree. "I'm sure they will be soon," he would let some of his friends know about the plants which Ellie was selling, there was always a market for plants in his circles. "Very odd," he replied glancing around at the street as he took a sip of his coffee. "But also like coming home.., I missed these streets and the people, it was nice to travel, but this is home," it wasn't where Jerara had been born but Jerara hadn't visited his muggle family in years, hadn't seen any of them in a long while. "Hows your sister keeping?" he asked
Eleanor smiled as Jerara reassured her that people would come soon. He was always so caring, despite having his own life, and she really thought he was a great person that she wanted to keep around. She hadn't spoken to many of her friends from Hogwarts in a very long time, however Jerara was still there for her. The woman nodded in agreement as he answered her question. "Oh yeah, I definitely agree." she said before taking a sip of her drink. "I like being in New Zealand. Calling any other place my home just feels like... I betrayed it in a way." The woman had grown up in New Zealand, and so it was the place where she felt the most comfortable. As Jerara asked about Lilyanna, Eleanor smiled. Not many people usually cared. "She's good! She actually just became a professor at Beauxbatons this year, teaching Astronomy. I told her she needed to get a job to help me pay for the house." she explained. She was proud of Lilyanna for taking a big step and just hoped that she would do well.
Jerara took a long sip of his coffee, as Ellie spoke. He would never go to his real home, there was nothing for him there, and they were muggles, he had nothing in common with them any more. He sometimes wondered why him over his siblings, but none of his reading explained it. Sometimes magic was in multiple children, other times it was not. He wondered if Ellie remembered that he wasn't originally from New Zealand, his accent had softened and adapted over the years. "Wow, Beauxbatons? that's cool," he replied, "Has she talked about the way they teach up there? Comparatively to our learning?" Jerara knew that Durmstrang had different classes, and he was sure that beauxbatons might have it too, just what off. The schools were always seemingly secret about what they taught comparatively with others, which only ever solidified that there was just knowledge and classes they'd barely touched on during the seven long years of school. "Are you buying a house?"
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Eleanor nodded when Jerara said Beauxbatons was cool. She knew it was a place her sister had found intriguing her whole life, and whilst Eleanor didn't really feel the same, she was happy that Lilyanna had found a place where she could work and be happy. "She doesn't say much to be honest." she told him. She took another sip of her coffee before talking again. "I think it's pretty flexible there though in regards to how they teach, at least for Astronomy. Probably because it's a common subject." Eleanor shrugged, figuring that was true. After all, Lilyanna reorganised all of the lessons and made them her own, so there had to be some sort of flexibility.

At Jerara's question, Eleanor shook her head. She realised she hadn't told Jerara too much about her living plans as he had been working when it happened. She figured now that he was back, he could tell him. "No, not a house exactly. We moved into a cottage a bit ago. It's really small, but I made it look pretty. It has a garden out front and a greenhouse out back. Not much yard though." she explained. "It's given us some sort of independence. Our parents paid for it, but we are slowly paying them back." Eleanor liked living in the cottage. It was mostly her own space and surrounded by nothing but nature. "What about you? You're still living with Tristan aren't you?"
Jerara would've asked more questions to Ellie's sister about beauxbatons and what it was like teaching up there, but he knew he was perhaps to find out if he met her again. He took a sip of his coffee and nodded, it had to be flexible if Ellie's sister who hadn't been taught in France could teach astronomy there. The man therefore wondered how deep did all of the core teachings go between locations and how uniform was everything.....he didn't know if he would like the answer if it was very uniform.

Jerara listened as Ellie talked about the cottage she had, it made sense to him that she would get sucha space, a place to grow for exactly the purpose they were doing now. He didn't need a house to be given to him to be independent, but he knew that he and Ellie had come from different backgrounds and he had needed to be independent from the moment he'd gotten his hogwarts letter. And he'd certainly always aimed to be independent since graduating. Untethered. He nodded. "Yeah, he let me move back in," he told her, "Once I've figured out my job stuff, i'll maybe look to live alone," Jerara did like living with Tristan, it was easy, and though he knew he skirted pretty close to the line with living with such a guy, he felt safe. "I don't know what to do next honestly,"

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