Vanessa Iris Parker

Vanessa Parker

Well-Known Member
The Basics
Character's Name: Vanessa Iris Parker
Character's Birthdate: November 6, 2010
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Lignum Vitae
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Hair: Red (natural red), wavy that sometimes looks brown
Eyes: Blue (usually in a daydreaming way, looking off into the distance)
Height: About 5 feet
Style: Casual, nothing too fancy
Other Distinguishing Features: Pale skin
A Little Deeper
Personality:Wants everyone to be nice to each other, doesn't like it when people are mean.
History: Vanessa was a muggle before she knew about magic. She lived life as a normal muggle would, no magic at all, until she got an invitation from Hogwarts. She had been extremely excited. Her parents had been okay with whatever she wanted. Vanessa chose to go to Hogwarts. They had helped her pack, using no magic of course. Her first class at Hogwarts was when she first used magic in her life.
Family: Parents Dan Parker and Julie Parker are surgeons. They do life-saving surgeries in Massachusetts. Vanessa has one brother named Zack. Zack is still a muggle, so he doesn't do magic at all. Zack goes to a muggle school and feels like he can still beat Vanessa in anything even though she can do magic. He likes to think that just because he is 4 years older than her, he is better. Everyone in her family is a muggle, but Vanessa is the only one studying magic.

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