Hi Andromeda, thankyou for asking me questions.
Well I dont know what OCC and IC is but I will try and answer your questions well. It would be a help if you tell me what it means.
1. Have you ever wanted siblings?
Valiant never wanted any siblings as he had people to give him company especially his grandmother and so he never felt in need of a sibling although when he grew up and lost his grandmother, he did feel lonely for some time and a thought did come in his mind for a sibling but didnt wish to tell his parents as his parents were too busy for him at that time. And so as time passed, that thought in his mind vanished and never came to his mind again.
2. Was there a specific reason why you never had a pet?
Well there is no any specific reason as to why Valiant never had a pet but it is simply that he was never too good with pets and didnt like any and he knew he would not be able to manage them and so he never had a pet and for time being doesn't wish to have one.
3. Will you be getting one for magic school? If so any ideas on what sort?
As he said before, he would not like to have a pet of any kind at this point of time but if his mind changes later he will think of one but he is not willing any at this time.
4. Why are you attending school in New Zealand if you live in Texas?
Valiant received a letter from Hogwarts that he was selected to be a wizard in Hogwarst NewZealand and did not want to miss the oppurtunity to be one so he decided that he would like to move to New Zealand to attend the school. His parents also didnt object to his views and gave him the permission to start the school here.
5. Why would a white leopard be your patronus?
My Patronus will be a White Leopard because I have always admired Leopords. I had this friend of mine when I was back there in USA who always used to tell me that each and every person on this earth has a corresponding animal to which it resembles, in what way I dont know. So whenever I see a Leopard it kind of shows me a mirror. Like a leopard is brave, so am I, it likes staying on trees which are of great height and so do I. I like heights and so I would like my Patronus to be a White Leopard.
6. What happened to say your boggart is a serpent?
My Boggart will be a Serpent as I am really scared of them. When I was small I and my grandma used to go to these parks and gardens for picnics. One day we were sitting near a bush and suddenly a snake comes out of nowhere and bites my grandma who falls unconsious. My grandma being very dear to me, it was a sudden shock and I suddenly started getting afraid of snakes and since then I try and avoid them as much as I can and for my grandma she was taken to the hospital and discharged after 2 days and so this thing has really made me scared of snakes or serpents as how we call them.
7. Could you share your feelings on how you felt when you got your letter from Hogwarts?
Valiant had a holiday on that Friday morning sharp 10 o'clock when he was leaving his house with his friends. He was going to play soccer in the nearby pitch. He was just wearing his sneakers when a letter snicked into the house banging straight on Valiant's face. Valiant not ready for something hitting on his face. He turned the letter and saw it had a logo on it with a 'H'. He read it slowly taking in the message slowly.
It was informing them that Mr. Valiant Gray was selected to be the new student of HOGWARTS NEWZEALAND. After hearing this Valiant got so excited and alot of emotions in his mind which he could hardly control. He was happy, sad, excited, speechless.... he then cancelled his plan of going to play soccer.He told his mother about it and she was surprised too ,to know that he was a wizard He went with his mother to the sitting room and discussed with her. His mother said she will talk to his father tonight. Valiant could hardly wait for the nightfall.
As time passed, Mr.Eric entered the house and found a different atmosphere. Valiant rushed to him and dragged him to the sitting room. There he told him about the incident(a happy one though) that happened in the morning. After a long discussion that night they agreed on sending Valiant to Hogwarts. That was the happiest moment of his life and of any kid who could be selected to attend hogwarts.
8. What interests and hobbies do you have?
Valiant likes reading books of all kinds but especially novels. He also likes playing sports. He likes making new friends as well. He likes hanging out with friends and spending time with them.
9. What house do you think you would best fit into?
Valiant would like to go in Gryffindor. He thinks the qualities needed to be a Gryffindor are there in him and would really wish to be sorted into Gryffindor.
Thankyou so much Andromeda for asking me these questions as I believe they will help in developing my character. Feel free to ask more questions.