Valeria Maria José Iglesias,
a love like this won't come again,
a love like this comes only once,

a love like this won't come again,
a love like this comes only once,
[name] Valeria Maria José Iglesias
[etymology] Valeria - Valeria or Valéria is a female given name dating back to the Latin verb valere, meaning strong, brave and health "to be strong".
Maria - Maria is a historically feminine name of Latin origin. It can be translated to either mean “of the sea,” “bitter,” “beloved,” or “rebellious.” In some cultures, it's also considered to be a variation for the name Mary.
Jose - Spanish form of Joseph, which is from the Hebrew Yosef, via the Greek Iosephos and the Latin Iosephus, and, meaning "God will give".
Iglesias - Iglesias is a Spanish surname, meaning "churches"
[nicknames] Valeria is often referred to as Val, which is a surname she enjoys
[alliance] Valeria has no loyalty to anyone, she loves her family but she wouldn't say she was loyal to them.
[birthdate] 2051/2; Valeria was born in the spring month of May. She was born on the 1st of May in the early hours of the morning. She was a small light baby. She's always been smaller than most and has always enjoyed celebrating her birthday
[zodiac sign] Taurus
[age] thirteen; Valeria is the only child of her parents and thus her birthday is a big event which she loves.
[gender] female
[sexual orientation] Valeria loves boys, she thinks girls can be cute and she loves have friends that are girls but she knows that she is not attracted to girls, she is exclusively attracted to boys.
[dialects] english, spanish and portugese; her mother is spanish, her father portugese which has created a very vibrant and mixed langugae household. She picked up spanish and portugese as a child and spent a lot of time then learning English at school.
[hometown] Lisboa, Portugal; Valeria was born in Lisbon/Lisboa, the captial of Portugal, she spent the first seven years of her life in Lisbon before the family moved.
[residency] Dunedin, New Zealand; The family recently moved to New Zealand as part of her mother's work in aquatic life, she's been working in that field for a long while, and was given an opportunity by a former mentor to go to New Zealand and explore the area.
[vacation destination] Madrid or Barcelona; these are two places she's been on holiday before moving and she love it, in her mind they are stunning cities.
[heritage] Spanish & portugese; with her parents coming from both countries respectively, she was able to learn lots about both cultures
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] O (-ve)
[children] None
[mother] Maria Alvaro
[relationship with her] Valeria has a good relationship with her mother, they'd always been quite close and taken lots of trip together just the two of them. They've always managed to have a good relationship, her mother is very honest with her, will not often cover up or hide any truths from her. She blieves in teaching her daughter well as does so. Valeria loves her mother but wishes she could do slightly more alone, he mother does tend to be a little condensing to her, always checking in unnecessarily with tasks and mirco managing whenever she's given a task, this does cause them to snap at each other but overall they have a positive relationship that she is quite happy for. [etymology] Valeria - Valeria or Valéria is a female given name dating back to the Latin verb valere, meaning strong, brave and health "to be strong".
Maria - Maria is a historically feminine name of Latin origin. It can be translated to either mean “of the sea,” “bitter,” “beloved,” or “rebellious.” In some cultures, it's also considered to be a variation for the name Mary.
Jose - Spanish form of Joseph, which is from the Hebrew Yosef, via the Greek Iosephos and the Latin Iosephus, and, meaning "God will give".
Iglesias - Iglesias is a Spanish surname, meaning "churches"
[nicknames] Valeria is often referred to as Val, which is a surname she enjoys
[alliance] Valeria has no loyalty to anyone, she loves her family but she wouldn't say she was loyal to them.
[birthdate] 2051/2; Valeria was born in the spring month of May. She was born on the 1st of May in the early hours of the morning. She was a small light baby. She's always been smaller than most and has always enjoyed celebrating her birthday
[zodiac sign] Taurus
[age] thirteen; Valeria is the only child of her parents and thus her birthday is a big event which she loves.
[gender] female
[sexual orientation] Valeria loves boys, she thinks girls can be cute and she loves have friends that are girls but she knows that she is not attracted to girls, she is exclusively attracted to boys.
[dialects] english, spanish and portugese; her mother is spanish, her father portugese which has created a very vibrant and mixed langugae household. She picked up spanish and portugese as a child and spent a lot of time then learning English at school.
[hometown] Lisboa, Portugal; Valeria was born in Lisbon/Lisboa, the captial of Portugal, she spent the first seven years of her life in Lisbon before the family moved.
[residency] Dunedin, New Zealand; The family recently moved to New Zealand as part of her mother's work in aquatic life, she's been working in that field for a long while, and was given an opportunity by a former mentor to go to New Zealand and explore the area.
[vacation destination] Madrid or Barcelona; these are two places she's been on holiday before moving and she love it, in her mind they are stunning cities.
[heritage] Spanish & portugese; with her parents coming from both countries respectively, she was able to learn lots about both cultures
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] O (-ve)
[children] None
[mother] Maria Alvaro
[father] Lourenço Iglesias
[Relationship with him] Valeria has a trickier relationship with her father, he's a kinda man but can be quick to anger at times and is just the sort of person who'll speak loudly and passionately about something without too much concern for how it comes across. He doesn't always understand Valeria or why she does things and can be quick to be frustrated by this. He loves his daughter and does often make up to her by buying whatever she last asked for, they were a wealthy enough family that he was always able to do that.
[siblings] Valeria is an only child
[first wand] Straight 12 Inch Sturdy Redwood Wand with Acromantula Web Core
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Valeria has no known allergies
[first wand] Straight 12 Inch Sturdy Redwood Wand with Acromantula Web Core
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Valeria has no known allergies
a part of me is not going to let it come inside,
and the other opens the window for it,
and the other opens the window for it,
[five words] confident, artistic, selfish, vain, disloyal
[personality] Valeria is a confident and keen young woman, she is driven, artistic and happy. She doesn't always do the right thing and can sometimes only look out for herself but she doesn't go out of her way to harm anyoneand will try to not be too mean to someone's face. she is a keen reader and enjoys a bit of quidditch. She's a little vain and enjoys fancy clothes
[beliefs] doesn’t hold any religious beliefs.
[boggart] a devil's snare would appear and it would be trying to reach for her to suffocate her to death.
[fears] dangerous plants; she absolutely hates the idea of being eaten or killed by a plant and so is very wary of magical plants.
[likes] valeria loves painting, arts, singing to herself even if off key. She likes being around people, she thrives off that interaction. She loves being able to speak with people. She loves reading, she loves learning about things at her own pace.
[dislikes] Val dislikes shouting and yelling, she doesn't like colder days when she isn't able to get a cute scarf or something. She doesn't like when her nicer clothes get dirty or when she's unable to take part in things because she's not dressed for it.
[goals] Valeria wants to be an artist when she's old enough to not have to bother with anything else. her father was an artist and she would love to do more with him.
[strengths] Valeria is very smart, she's not usually one who couldn't pass a thing well if she gave it a try. She's a friendly person, though sometimes selfish she'd never go out of her way to hurt someone. She is patient with people around her, when she does interact with others she is calm and patient with them. She can be very confident and has very little self doubt, she can accept losses well.
[weaknesses] a little selfish, Valeria has been in an enivornment that's all about her, she doesn't often have to think about her parents or what her actions do for them, and everyone she interacts with is usually there for her, so she's not always the person whose going to think about others before she does things. She'll also do things that benefit her without too much regard for others. Valeria can be a little vain, she's always prided herself on looking nice and this can something appear in how she gets ready and how she compares herself to others.
[magical talents] Valeria has a natural knack for a lot of defensive and offensive magic, it's not her favourite subject but she doesn't struggle with those spells at all.
[other talents] Valeria has a very good memory, when she puts her mind to it, she can usually commit most things to memory within a couple of tries. She's a gifted dancer and artist too. Always having enjoyed the days when she could just paint. She's also a talented scribe
[patronus form] an Spanish Ibex; she just loves how they look and enjoys seeing them in the wild
[personality] Valeria is a confident and keen young woman, she is driven, artistic and happy. She doesn't always do the right thing and can sometimes only look out for herself but she doesn't go out of her way to harm anyoneand will try to not be too mean to someone's face. she is a keen reader and enjoys a bit of quidditch. She's a little vain and enjoys fancy clothes
[beliefs] doesn’t hold any religious beliefs.
[boggart] a devil's snare would appear and it would be trying to reach for her to suffocate her to death.
[fears] dangerous plants; she absolutely hates the idea of being eaten or killed by a plant and so is very wary of magical plants.
[likes] valeria loves painting, arts, singing to herself even if off key. She likes being around people, she thrives off that interaction. She loves being able to speak with people. She loves reading, she loves learning about things at her own pace.
[dislikes] Val dislikes shouting and yelling, she doesn't like colder days when she isn't able to get a cute scarf or something. She doesn't like when her nicer clothes get dirty or when she's unable to take part in things because she's not dressed for it.
[goals] Valeria wants to be an artist when she's old enough to not have to bother with anything else. her father was an artist and she would love to do more with him.
[strengths] Valeria is very smart, she's not usually one who couldn't pass a thing well if she gave it a try. She's a friendly person, though sometimes selfish she'd never go out of her way to hurt someone. She is patient with people around her, when she does interact with others she is calm and patient with them. She can be very confident and has very little self doubt, she can accept losses well.
[weaknesses] a little selfish, Valeria has been in an enivornment that's all about her, she doesn't often have to think about her parents or what her actions do for them, and everyone she interacts with is usually there for her, so she's not always the person whose going to think about others before she does things. She'll also do things that benefit her without too much regard for others. Valeria can be a little vain, she's always prided herself on looking nice and this can something appear in how she gets ready and how she compares herself to others.
[magical talents] Valeria has a natural knack for a lot of defensive and offensive magic, it's not her favourite subject but she doesn't struggle with those spells at all.
[other talents] Valeria has a very good memory, when she puts her mind to it, she can usually commit most things to memory within a couple of tries. She's a gifted dancer and artist too. Always having enjoyed the days when she could just paint. She's also a talented scribe
[patronus form] an Spanish Ibex; she just loves how they look and enjoys seeing them in the wild
even though I keep calling you,
i know that I am to blame for saying goodbye,
[relationship status] single
[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships] Charlie Helkovaara, from December 2057 - June 2058
[first kiss] parker reed, yuleball 2055 -
[other kisses] Louis Alcott, valentines 2056 -
Charlie Helkovaara
[innocence] too young
[Living together] still lives with her parents[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships] Charlie Helkovaara, from December 2057 - June 2058
[first kiss] parker reed, yuleball 2055 -
[other kisses] Louis Alcott, valentines 2056 -
Charlie Helkovaara
[innocence] too young
[children together] too young
[pets together] too young
[relationship with in-laws] too young
[most beautiful thing about them] too young
[favourite thing about them] too young
[proposal] too young
[married] too young
[thoughts at wedding] too young
[wedding outfit] too young
i don't want to listen to that song,
if I lose my mind, the heart responds,
[playby] Rachel Zegler
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] long below the shoulder length brown hair, kept largely straight with very little curls unless the weather is very humid, which then makes her hair far more curly.
[hair modifications] none; too young
[eyes] dark brown
[height] slightly smaller than more her age
[weight] valeria is again slightly smaller than most her age and thus is lighter than most her age.
[complexion] Valeria has an olive skin complexion, with one birthmark on her face
[scars] Valeria has no scars
[smile] Valeria has a warm and friendly smile, she's not often caught without a smile on her face
[body build] Valeria has a petite body, helped by a healthy love of dance and an active enough childhood
[body modifications] she has no body modifications apart from piecered ears
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] Valeria has a very colourful style, she loves dresses and skirts and fancy clothes and loves a whole variety of colours, she doesn't often wear purely black, not even for halloween or any spooky celebrations. Valeria enjoys lose fitting clothes that are more flowy and fun than tight ones. She is often wearing very feminine and stylish clothes, she's never been one without a new outfit.
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] long below the shoulder length brown hair, kept largely straight with very little curls unless the weather is very humid, which then makes her hair far more curly.
[hair modifications] none; too young
[eyes] dark brown
[height] slightly smaller than more her age
[weight] valeria is again slightly smaller than most her age and thus is lighter than most her age.
[complexion] Valeria has an olive skin complexion, with one birthmark on her face
[scars] Valeria has no scars
[smile] Valeria has a warm and friendly smile, she's not often caught without a smile on her face
[body build] Valeria has a petite body, helped by a healthy love of dance and an active enough childhood
[body modifications] she has no body modifications apart from piecered ears
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] Valeria has a very colourful style, she loves dresses and skirts and fancy clothes and loves a whole variety of colours, she doesn't often wear purely black, not even for halloween or any spooky celebrations. Valeria enjoys lose fitting clothes that are more flowy and fun than tight ones. She is often wearing very feminine and stylish clothes, she's never been one without a new outfit.
but nobody sees the consequences,
because nobody understands that,
because nobody understands that,
[previous school] None, Valeria has never been to a traditional school, she's always been homeschooled by a bunch of tutors
[house] n/a
[special titles and awards] none, since it wasn't a real school
[extracurricular activities] none, though she did try and learn quidditch
[favorite subject] Valeria really liked charms, she always was good at that
[best subject] charms, it was her favourite one and she was good at it
[loathed subject] history, largely because her tutor made history the duellest thing possible
[worst subject] history, because she didn't like her tutor she never did try at it.
[grade average] didn't have grades
[year of graduation] can't graduate as its not a normal school.
[house] n/a
[special titles and awards] none, since it wasn't a real school
[extracurricular activities] none, though she did try and learn quidditch
[favorite subject] Valeria really liked charms, she always was good at that
[best subject] charms, it was her favourite one and she was good at it
[loathed subject] history, largely because her tutor made history the duellest thing possible
[worst subject] history, because she didn't like her tutor she never did try at it.
[grade average] didn't have grades
[year of graduation] can't graduate as its not a normal school.
i will never forget you,
and it's meaningless to try to do it,
and it's meaningless to try to do it,
[school] Hogwarts New Zealand - Transferred in, in 3rd year
[house] Ravenclaw
[sorting post] Due to being a transfer student, Valeria was not sorted in the traditional sense, but sorted private once her transfer was approved.
[special titles and awards] none yet, having just joined the school.
[extracurricular activities] valeria joined the quidditch team as an alternate beater and signed up to the heta omega club where in her first year of the club she was assigned Tina Seville-Lopez as her big sister. during this year, Val was a big sister to Somjai Wu.
[Yearbook Pictures] Y40 - Third Year , Y41 - Fourth Year, Y42 - Fifth Year, Y43 - Sixth Year, Y44 - Seventh Year[house] Ravenclaw
[sorting post] Due to being a transfer student, Valeria was not sorted in the traditional sense, but sorted private once her transfer was approved.
[special titles and awards] none yet, having just joined the school.
[extracurricular activities] valeria joined the quidditch team as an alternate beater and signed up to the heta omega club where in her first year of the club she was assigned Tina Seville-Lopez as her big sister. during this year, Val was a big sister to Somjai Wu.
[Yuleball Pictures] Y40 - Third Year , Y41 - Fourth Year, Y42 - Fifth Year, Y43 - Sixth Year
[valentines pictures] Y40 - Third Year , Y42 - Fifth Year, Y43 - Sixth Year, Y44-Seventh Year
[halloween pictures] Y40 - Third Year - a Sophisticated man , Y41 - Princess Fiona (Shrek), Y42 - Ariel (Winner of Magically enhanced), Y43 - Barbie
[favorite subject] charms
[best subject] transfiguration
[loathed subject] potions
[worst subject] astronomy
[grade average] EE
[apparition] passed first time - 2059
[year of graduation] 2060
[graduation post] [best subject] transfiguration
[loathed subject] potions
[worst subject] astronomy
[grade average] EE
[apparition] passed first time - 2059
[year of graduation] 2060
For someone who had not started at the school with the rest of the class, Valeria was very excited about graduating. She had thought Hogwarts would be a for a year, but she had spent most of her schoolng at it, and it was perfect. She liked the company that she was able to keep, the opportunities given and the lessons learnt. Certainly the boys and the dating was the thing she had most enjoyed about it, but she had found passions and desires beyond what she had expected. She had always figured that art might be in her future, but it was being at this school which had made her thing that it was definitely something for her to do.
Valeria had put on a pretty but occasion appropriate dress and was sitting amongst the class of students. She wasn't surprised by the speeches given as it got started. It felt very in keeping with both of the head people. She didn't think the school was bad, but she had been homeschooled, her opinion on it was clouded by the knowledge that education was always a little like that. She was continuing her education at an art school. She was looking forward to it. Valeria was glad they moved on and the people were crossing the stage. Val was eventually called forward and she walked the stage to get her diploma, happy to have made through the school, and to have come out the other end. Sure, it hadn't been perfect, she had spotted charlie in the crowd and was pointedly ignoring him. But all in all, Valeria was happy with her schooling, and how good it had been. She was still ready for the next adventure.
Valeria had put on a pretty but occasion appropriate dress and was sitting amongst the class of students. She wasn't surprised by the speeches given as it got started. It felt very in keeping with both of the head people. She didn't think the school was bad, but she had been homeschooled, her opinion on it was clouded by the knowledge that education was always a little like that. She was continuing her education at an art school. She was looking forward to it. Valeria was glad they moved on and the people were crossing the stage. Val was eventually called forward and she walked the stage to get her diploma, happy to have made through the school, and to have come out the other end. Sure, it hadn't been perfect, she had spotted charlie in the crowd and was pointedly ignoring him. But all in all, Valeria was happy with her schooling, and how good it had been. She was still ready for the next adventure.
a love like this won't come again,
i keep looking for it like an idiot,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from idiota by morat
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye
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