Valera Zephyrine Vyhnal

Valera Vyhnal

Well-Known Member
Pine 12" Core of doxy wings
"Were you dying to go...

you just looked so exposed..."

Demure through the dark dancing lights, I, glided by
Warn your warmth to turn away
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[name] Valera Zephyrine Vyhnal
[etymology] The first name Valera means one who is vigorous and mighty. It gives off the impression of a pretty and sweet woman. The middle name Zephyrine means a breeze. The impression that it gives off is a freedom loving woman. The surname Vyhnal means baker. Putting the name together, and it would create her impression, that she is mighty, and sweet, though she loves freedom. She is also very good at baking, so even the last name meaning helps too.
[origin] The origin of the Vyhnal family comes from Latin. However the name was changed from the inbred and disgraceful Grimrar to Vyhnal, thus the branch that Valera descends from are basically unknown. They consist of two different immediate families that have abandoned the inbreds to go live elsewhere.
[nicknames] Valera does not have any nicknames that relate to her name, and she does not answer to any either.
[alliance] She is completely neutral, not giving a crap about the battle between good and evil.
[birthdate] Valera was born on October 2nd, 2013, in a hospital. She was born around two in the morning. It was a normal birth, and she came out healthy, if not a bit overweight.
[age] She is currently twenty-three-years-old.
[gender] Valera is a female.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Valera is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is males. When it comes down to choosing whether Valera is attracted to aesthetics or personality, it is both. Although Valera is not ashamed to admit that she can be rather shallow.
[dialects] Valera only speaks and understands one language, and that is English. She has no interest in learning any other languages.
[hometown] She was born in Boston, Massachusetts. She was raised there most of her life, and she has all of her childhood memories there. She visits there as often as she can as well.
[residency] Valera currently lives in Salem, Massachusetts, in a rather normal sized house. Valera has her own bedroom which she has decorated herself, and it is not too girly at all, which is not her. She is currently living with Jarrett Vyhnal and Astoria Snow.
[heritage] Valera's father is fully British, and her mother is completely Canadian. So, it makes her half Canadian and half British.
[blood status] Valera is a pure-blood because of the Grimrar's and their inbreeding with their own family in order to keep the blood going. Valera doesn't know her blood status, and she actually does not care.
[blood type] Valera has the B positive blood type. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits include wild, a doer and cheerful while the worst traits are selfish, irresponsible and arrogant. This is somewhat true to her character
[wand] Valera's personal wand is the Pine 12" Core of doxy wings. Pine is normally a wood that chooses an independent person that would be more than likely a loner but mysterious and intriguing. Pine can easily adapt to new methods and spells. However it does have a sensitivity to nonverbal magic. Paired with the doxy wings, it makes the wand to be stubborn when it comes to choosing masters. It also leans toward to making hexes and also a hint toward potions.
[occupation] Artist
[health status] She is perfectly healthy.
[allergies] She does not have any allergies.
[pet] Valera does not own any pets of her own.
I can't deny that the shadows betrayed you and I on that night
Here it's December, everyday
[five words] Artistic, Rebellious, Sly, Fun, Loner
[personality] Valera is mostly a loner because of her rebellious attitude and her disregard for the rules and boundaries. Valera is for the most part, what one would say a bad girl, and one that has a really bad reputation. However despite Valera's free-loving spirit and how she chooses to express herself, she can be a nice person, though she is heavily sarcastic. Valera's humor is normally in an insulting manner, but she means fun out of it. She does have a temper, but she does not bottle it up at all, and chooses to express her anger either through art, or also just by telling the person what she felt about them. She is very vocal, and she will get into people's faces when she is angry. Valera however does have a soft side to her, where her smile is very bright and cheerful. She is also somewhat intelligent, and will have witty comments when someone tries to insult her. Despite her tough exterior, she does have a sensitive side to her, but she doesn't want to show it.
[beliefs] Valera believes that everyone should have a right to show off their art work, no matter where.
[boggart] Her boggart would be making a painting that is so bad, people from all over would be laughing at it, and she would be a complete and total bore.
[fears] Her fears would be becoming too boring, and a total normal kid without any talents at all. She also has an extreme fear of chickens and farm animals, and she also has a fear of the cops for a very good reason.
[likes] The thing that Valera loves the most is art. She is an aspiring artist, painting and spray painting, the latter is what she does the most. Her art speaks for itself, and has a thousand words. She can write poetry, though only one thing of poetry, and all of it appears to be dark and full of anger. Valera can take pleasure in all kinds of music, except for some of the more recent. Valera also enjoys many muggle sports, and she enjoys playing basketball the most of them all. She also enjoys playing Quidditch, but she prefers to play the Chaser over them all.
[dislikes] Valera dislikes a lot of things. One of them would be boring people, and people that try to change what she was into someone that would be a proper lady. She tends to hate people that seem like they are uptight and perfect, and anyone that acts like a little princess. Those types of girls get on Valera's last nerves. She does not like it when someone is too serious, and she does not like it when people cheat on one and another. Valera dislikes farms and anything of the sort, and dislikes it when people hate on her town and city. She also does not like it when people hate on her for what she believes in.
[goals] To see her best work in a famous museum.
[good habits] Valera tends to exercise every day for at least thirty minutes.
[bad habits] She does not have the best manners in the world.
[strengths] Valera has many strengths, but the most notable strength that she has would be her beliefs, which exceed behind most her age. She believes that nothing will bring her down, and she holds it to heart. She would not change her beliefs for anyone or anything without a great reason. Another strength that she has is that she can express so much through her artwork. She can tell everyone her life story and struggles through it. Valera also has a lot of determination and spirit, which can prove to be unbreakable, and strong as platinum. Valera is often a good person to go to for advice because she tells it like it is, and she expects people to follow through her advice. When it comes to magic, she is very talented at Defence Against the Dark Arts, and hexes. She is also very talented at flying, and can do do a lot on a broomstick. She gets it from her older brother whom is a professional Quidditch player.
[weaknesses] Valera has a variety of weaknesses as well, but she prefers not to say or show any. She places on a tough exterior, but truth be told, Valera is actually very sensitive to people. She declares herself a loner because she does not like people as much, and she doesn't want to be judged when it comes to her artwork and such. She can be shy around people, and especially around cute boys, she will get majorly shy and not be able to speak about much. Valera can also lose her temper rather easily, and she can destroy potential friendships as well. She does have a weakness to a blank canvas, and that could even be on a wall of a building. She will make something artistic out of it, but she will pay the price by breaking the law. Valera prefers to avoid conflict if possible. When it comes down to magic, she is horrible at reading things for Divination, and she is awful for remembering much with History of Magic because she finds it dreadful.
[loyalties] She is loyal to her friends and her family.
[magical talents] Valera's best talent when it comes to magic would be casting hexes, and she can cast them with ease, even with nonverbal. She also tends to be really good at charms and she can fly extremely well. Flying would perhaps be better than her charms work actually. She tends to be better that the offensive spells over the defensive spells. She will have a talent for wandless, but it would not nearly be as effective as her nonverbal.
[other talents] Valera's most notable talent would be her artwork and how well she paints. She can express so much in one painting, and it is hard to keep her from it. She also has a talent for finding trouble as well, no matter where she goes, it seems to follow her. Valera also has a talent for writing, but only for one type of poetry. Valera can also ride the horse, and almost race them. She has a talent for decoration, and while it does not all have to be about anarchy, her sense of style blends well together.
[patronus form] She patronus form would be a horse.
[annoyances] Girls that act like princesses would be a quick way to get on her nerves, because she hates it when a girl has to be saved by a guy because she cannot help herself. She tends to get annoyed by people that seem completely normal, and would be a shade of gray. Valera also gets annoyed when someone thinks they know everything about art, but actually know nothing at all.
Oh I must confess I am overdressed, are you not impressed?
Press your lips to the sculptures
[chinese year] Being born in 2013, it makes Valera a Snake. People born in the Year of the Snake are deep. They say little and possess great wisdom. They never have to worry about money; they are financially fortunate. Snake people are often quite vain, selfish, and a bit stingy. Yet they have tremendous sympathy for others and try to help those less fortunate. Snake people tend to overdo, since they have doubts about other people's judgment and prefer to rely on themselves. They are determined in whatever they do and hate to fail. Although calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. Snake people are usually good-looking and sometimes have marital problems because they are fickle. They are most compatible with the Ox and Rooster.
[zodiac sign] Valera's sign is the Libra, the scales. Being a Libra makes her diplomaitic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable. On the negative side, it makes her indecisive, changeable, gullible, easily influenced, flirtatious and self-indulgent. All of these traits somewhat fit with her character however she is not that gullible and she is not that changeable. What a Libra likes are the finer things in life, sharing, conviviality and gentleness while they dislike violence, injustice, brutishness and being a slave to fashion. All of these fit in tightly with Valera's character. Her zodiac color is blue, which she does like. Her zodiac startstone is the sapphire. The Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and sought after gems in the quartz family. It is considered good luck in many ways and one of the major healing stones.
[cardinal sign] A Libra is a cardinal sign, and a person that is this sign are associated with initiation, creativity and leadership. This is true to her character.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a Libra someone principally aware of and concerned with social and societal concerns. This is does not go with her character.
[planet] The planet that rules Libra is Venus. Many ascribe love to the planet but it is the appreciation of love and beauty that is more accurate. Venus has a sensual quality which represents the higher aspirations of spirit and shows softer aspects of femininity; giving the power of attraction. It is the sign that represents our more artistic side and denotes the spiritual vibrations over mundane matter. On the bright side of being ruled under this planet of love is that one is affectionate, likable, magnetic and socially correct. The downsides of being rules under this planet would make someone oversensitive, snobbish, cold, vane and demanding.
[element] Valera's element is Air. Airy people are usually natural communicators. On a positive note they are great and conceptual tasks and often tend to 'have their head in the clouds'. On the down side though, they may be so busy living in their head that they lose touch with reality. The lack of air in a birth chart can indicate difficulty in the expression of that person. Communication of ideas and the ability to conceptualise may prove difficult. Some of the positive influences that the element of air gives out are intellectual and thirst for knowledge, social, idealistic, rational and theoretical. While on the bad side, it seems to be unemotional, objective, impersonal, opinionated and distant.
[birthstone] Being born in October, the birthstone for that month is Opal. The opal is thought to have the power to predict illness. This is because the opal responds to heat. Sickness increases body temperature before signs of illness appear. The increased body heat causes the opal to lose its shine, leaving it dull and lacking color.
Darling I want to, I'll confess this too, must you know the truth
And surely you'll say, love like winter
[martial status] Valera is currently single, and she is not looking for anyone, nor is she crushing on anyone.
[whom] N/A
[innocence] Valera has yet to lose her virginity.
[turn ons] Forcefulness, sarcasm, art
[turn offs] Boring, plain, cheaters
[aphrodisiacs] Strawberries and whipped cream
[the perfect male] She wants someone that can understand and get her sarcasm, and can take a few shoves as playfulness.
[the perfect date] Valera's perfect date would be going to an art museum.
This is all for you, darling I want to destroy you
For of sugar and ice, I am made, I am made
[playby] Jessica Stam
[ages used] Ages nineteen to present
[former playby] Kaya Rose Scodelario
[ages used] Ages fourteen to nineteen
[natural hair] Her natural hair is a medium shade of blonde, however for secret reasons, she dyes it dark brown, which can be mistaken for black. She has it wavy, and she normally wears it like it is, which is long and flowing down, almost to her waist. When it is straightened, her hair is typically past her bottom.
[eyes] Valera's eyes are a shade of purple, and she can show all of her emotions through her eyes. When one looks into them, they will see a ferocity, but when she is around friends, they softened, and they look like she is very pleasant and nice. Also, there would always be a mischievous gleam in them as well. Exquisite and sophisticated color that has connotations of spirituality, nobility, psychic energy, and purity. Violet eyes can indicate a refined and noble person who is both a natural leader and seeker of spiritual truth.
[height] She stands at a height of five feet five inches.
[weight] Valera weighs about one hundred and three pounds.
[complexion] Her complexion is a light beige, and she tends to have some freckles on her face from where she has been out in the sun. She tends to have oily skin, but she uses products to reduce the oil to a medium.
[scars] She does not have any notable scars.
[birthmark] It is too faded to see anymore.
[smile] Her smile is generally sweet, and soft. Though there are times when it looks like she is up to something.
[body build] Valera is quite small, even her bone structure is small. Valera is very skinny, and not very muscular at all. She appears to be almost breakable, but she is tougher than she looks.
[body modifications] She has her tongue pierced.
[dominant hand] Her dominant hand is her right hand, and she uses it for writing and her wand work.
[style] Valera has a very punk style. Her clothing typically has black and white in it, but she does not wear much colors. She does wear red and purple. There are rare times when she will dress up and wear something that is not jeans and punk shirts. She can be very stylish, if she wants to be, but she chooses not to. One would say that her style is nothing short of badass.
As you reached for my hand did you then understand?
It's in the blood, it's in the blood
[school] Valera has attended Salem Institute for her years of schooling.
[special titles and awards] She has not received any special titles or awards.
[extracurricular activities] Valera does not participate in any activities in school.
[favorite subject] Charms
[best subject] Charms
[loathed subject] History of Magic
[worst subject] Astronomy
[favorite professor] Potions professor
[loathed professor] History of Magic professor
[grade average] Exceeding Expectations
[owl grades]
Potions: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Poor; Exam: Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable
Ancient Runes: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Divination: Poor; Exam: Acceptable

[newt grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Ancient Runes: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding

[graduated] June of 2032

-----Too be continued on the next post
"It was I who would...

lead you that night...?"

When you begged to know I was glad to show
I met my love before I was born
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[mother] Donnah Ariella Grimrar Lestrate-Vyhnal
[born] March 3rd, 1983
[died] December 6th, 2014
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Canadian
[seeing] Gerald Mycroft Vyhnal
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Salem Alumni
[playby] Anna Camp


[father] Gerald Mycroft Grimrar Vyhnal
[born] June 10th, 1980
[died] December 31st, 2014
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] British
[seeing] Donnah Ariella Lestrate-Vyhnal
[occupation] Hit Wizard
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor Alumni
[playby] Sam Tramell


[older brother] Jarrett Wade Vyhnal
[born] December 11th, 2005
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Canadian, 1/2 British
[occupation] Beater for Transylvania
[education] Salem Alumni
[playby] Danny Masterson
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older brother] Camden Mason Vyhnal
[born] November 30th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Canadian, 1/2 British
[occupation] Chaser for Thundelarra Thunderers
[education] Salem Alumni
[playby] Christopher Masterson
[roleplayer] Jessye and Kaitlyn


[older sister] Taralynn Sage Vyhnal
[born] November 8th, 2008
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Canadian, 1/2 British
[occupation] Model
[education] Salem Alumni
[playby] Taylor Momsen
[roleplayer] Jessye


[younger brother] Nason Cristin Vyhnal
[born] December 6th, 2014
[died] December 6th, 2014
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Canadian, 1/2 British
[playby] Freddie Boath
That I needn't be scared either way I still bite
He wanted love, I taste of blood
In January of 2004, a man named Gerald Grimrar changed his last name to a Latin name of Vyhnal. He met a woman who approved of this change, and then agreed to wed him as soon as possible. They have been in love for the past few years as well. Gerald's younger brother, Cristin also changed his last name as well. Donnah Grimrar soon became Donnah Vyhnal, and she soon became pregnant with Jarrett Wade Vyhnal. Jarrett grew up in Devizes, England; however in 2006, in March, the family of three moved off to the United States to start new, however the name change have not changed the screwed up gene of the grayish-purple eyes when Jarrett's blue eyes changed over to purple while he was a toddler. Not too long later, they had a son named Camden whom had blue eyes and blonde hair, and then Donnah had another baby, this time a girl. And her name was Taralynn. She inherited her mother's beautiful blue eyes. Then two years later, they had another baby girl but had inherited her father's eyes, and her father's hair. After Valera, they did have another child right after her, but in the end, Nason was a stillborn, and their mother died as well. Then, the father was murdered. Valera does not remember her parents at all. She was being raised by her siblings, and homeless the entire time. The Vyhnal family went overseas to Diagon Alley, where they found the vault, and it did not have much in there. When Valera was five, she was placed in boarding school along with Taralynn, and Camden, but there was not enough money for Jarrett to go too. Valera grew up most of the time in the boarding school, being taught to be proper when she hated it. When Jarrett was sixteen, he was able to get a job as a professional Quidditch player, and he earned enough to take the family out of their desperate state that Jarrett burdened, and then the life appeared to be lightening up. She was soon enrolled into Salem. Valera received some crap after her brother had attended, but she managed to make her own reputation, so that no one could get her down. She made very few friends, but there was just a small number that she was closest to. Valera grew up in Salem, but she managed to get in trouble several times for her protests and her art painted on places that they should not have been. When she was sixteen in the summer, she tagged a wall, and was arrested. Since she was underage, she spent a night in jail, and earned bail. Jarrett paid that, and she got off for just having to do community service for sixty hours. When she was a sixth year, people heard about that, and kept out of her hair which was the way that she liked it. Valera continued to do what she thought was best, and that was sharing her artistic values, and not taking anything from anyone. She basically lived by her own rules, and that was it. Also, while Astoria was living with her and Jarrett after Taralynn moved out, she has been hiding most of Astoria's funds so that she would not be able to find her own place to live.
"So here's the final scene...

when I finally come clean..."

I've watched you for years, years and here's my favorite part
He bit my lip, and drank my warmth

[third year] Years 2027-2028
none in this year
[fourth year] Years 2028-2029
Rough Game, Rougher Player
[fifth year] Years 2029-2030
none in this year
[sixth year] Years 2030-2031
I am, I am too fabulous</FONT></SIZE>
When you beg for my heart and I disappear
From years before, from years before

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="arial">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Indigio - Darling, I Want To Destroy You by A.F.I.; White - Love Like Winter by A.F.I.
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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