Valentin Grimm

Valentin Grimm

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OOC First Name

Valentin Grimm
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Full Name:
Valentin Jerk Grimm.
Valentin is a Scandinavian male name, meaning Strength and health. Jerk is also a Scandinavian male name, meaning Ever-ruling, or Lone-ruler. Grimm is an Old German name, meaning One who is fierce or savage.

Date of Birth:
Valentin was born in the early morning, on the seventh of October, twenty-twenty-eight.

Current Age:
Valentin is currently Eleven years old. He missed this years' sorting, something he is grateful for.

Basic Appearance:
Valentin has short dark brown hair, and stands just off of 5" tall. He comes from a family of relatively tall people, so he expects to grow much more. He has dark brown eyes, that almost appear black at times. He has pale skin that burns quickly, and will frequently be seen wearing male muggle fashion, and does not enjoy wearing robes.

To come.

Valentin's parents' names are Michaela Grimm, and Armin Grimm. The two have been in a shaky marriage for years, but show no signs of divorcing, as neither believes in such a thing. Because of their frequent disagreements over the treatment of their children, Valentin and some of his siblings were sent to live with their grand parents in New Zealand, Till and Anja Grimm, who migrated to New Zealand just over twenty years ago.

Valentin has six older siblings, four being female, and two male. Xavier Radman, Felicity Kira, Vendella Xada, Zephyr Kendrix, Dominique Chrysanthemum, and Francesca Mercelline - the last three living in New Zealand with his grandparents and himself. His older sisters, Dominique and Francesca, are attending Hogwarts New Zealand, in 6th year Gryffindor and 4th year Slytherin respectively, everyone before them attended Durmstrang, except Zephyr, as he had been homeschooled by his grandparents after entering into magic later than most.

Valentin is not the youngest child. He has four younger siblings, two sisters and two brothers. Amberlyn Gwenavere, Adessia Zenevieva, who live with his parents in Sweden, Aristide Sorin, who is currently with him and his grandparents, and finally, Thaddeus Vladimir, who is currently also with his parents in Sweden.

Valentin has seven maternal uncles, the older brothers of his mother, whom he has never met, seeing as he left his parents at a rather young age. Of these seven uncles, six are married, and five have children of their own. These numerous cousins, Valentin has never met. His father was an only child.

Valentin has no pets, however, his older sister Dominique has a British short hair cat named Mister Sniffles, as he always seems to be sniffing around - Valentin finds the name stupid, and tried to convince her that Storme, or Beast would be better, but she laughed at him.

Area of Residence:
Valentin was born in his mother's hometown, Marstrand, Sweden. Upon being cleared to return home, his family moved to Melnik, Blagoevgrad Province, Bulgaria. However, at the age of three, he was then moved to Christchurch, New Zealand to live with his grandparents, and has been here until presently.

Blood Status:
Valentin is a pure-blood, as are his siblings. He does not look much into blood, and if asked he would probably lie about his status to begin with, to avoid stereotyping. He was raised by his grandparents, who enjoyed living life as muggles, especially when it seemed that their grandson, his older brother Zephyr, was a squib. Valentin enjoys the muggle life, and feels much more at home in a muggle environment than a magical one.

3/8 German, 2/8 Bulgarian, 2/8 Swedish, 1/8 Finnish
Valentin's father was born in Germany, as was his father. However, his mother's parents were German and Finnish. His mother was born in Sweden, however, while her mother was Swedish, her father was Bulgarian.

Special Abilities:
Valentin has no special abilities, being only eleven, nor does he have any inherited abilities. Furthermore, he is not planning on working towards magical abilities, such as becoming an animagus, as he is not entirely inclined to magic, and has a terrible habit of changing his mind on things frequently. He doubts he would have the discipline or dedication.

Interests or Hobbies:
Valentin has had many habits throughout his eleven years, ranging from archery, to painting. However, he has never stuck with anything for more than a few months, and has numerous instruments, and other specialist equipment in his closet.

Additional Skills:
Valentin can speak two languages fluently, English and Swedish. He knows enough Russian to be a tourist comfortably in the country, but has had little reason to use it. English had been his home language since he was three years old, as his grandparents speak English rather than any other language at home. However, upon the arrival of his older sister Dominique, whose English speaking skills were very weak at the time, his grandparents, and siblings Francesca and Zephyr spoke to her in Swedish, thus causing Valentin to also pick up the language.

Valentin has numerous skills, in varying stages of excellence, seeing as he has tried many things in his young life, and retains all materials for them. Through his attempts at archery, he can fire an arrow reasonably well, and will sometimes return to this activity if he finds himself upset. He cannot fly a broom, as he lives in a muggle area. He attempted ballet and tap dancing at a young age, but found that he had two left feet. He is particularly good at balancing things on his nose, and loves to sing, although he only stayed in the local choir for four months. He is rather terrible at drawing, he found, and somehow managed to be worse at painting. He is a reasonable skater, but cannot do anything fancy, and at one point attempted knife throwing. This ended badly. He is not a good actor, though he did try, as he found himself perpetually giggling. He can only juggle up to three things of a small to meduim size, such as ping-pong balls, apples, and shoes.

Describe your character in three words:
Undisciplined, playful, indecisive

Hogwarts House:
Valentin hopes that he is sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, simply because his sisters are in Gryffindor and Slytherin. He wishes to be independent, and does not want to be compared to his sisters in any way.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Valentin is not exactly in-love with the idea of a magical school. He hopes to make friends, really, and hopefully find what he wants to do in the future.

Your Patronus:
Valentin, if able to conjure a proper patronus, would probably be a hare, or some form of skittish creature, that tends to twist and change course upon finding themselves threatened, or bored.

Your Patronus memory:
Valentin currently has no memories that would be sufficiantly powerful enough to use to cast this spell.

Your Boggart:
Valentin's boggart would currently be a swarm of bees. He is allergic to their sting, and has a nasty reaction should he ever be stung by one. Fortunately, this has only happened once, but it was still a frightening experience for him, and he has feared the creatures since.

Your Animagus:
Valentin does not plan on being an animagus, as he suspects that it requires far too much time and dedication to achieve.

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