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Warren Hewitt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Hey all,

So I've got one character. But he really doesn't do anything. Or know anyone. And so far has not lived up to my expectations of vicariously living a life similar to Harry Potter.

So I’m looking for people to role-play with. So if your roaming the site saying “jeez I wish I had another roleplay” you should chose me! If you there being all like, “I need friends.” Look no more. “I need enemies” I guess I can do that. “I need love!” A bit creepy but doable. “I want some action filled updates!” I’m SUPER down for that. "I need to get high" Then Warren will be there with you huffing potion fumes!

So ya… I have nothing planned for this character till he gets to like fifth year. So lets fill the dead time !
I have Amber and Arielle, ^_^
Amber is a second year Puff and Arielle is a second year Slytherin. I thought that since Arielle and Warren were both in the Midnight Society they could have a friendship spawn from that, and Amber really needs a friend or two.
Let me know what you think. :r
This sounds wonderful on both counts. How do you feel about doing a small thread where Amber and Warren meet? I'm thinking the Hufflepuff Commonroom.

Warren and Arielle will become friends in the future thanks to the midnight society. However, if you'd like we can always prod it along. I think a Yule Ball thread would work well (I figure Arielle would want to go, but I'm assuming we do a we both go stag and just joke around for a bit nothing actually romantic)? What do you think? We can skip the intros for these two cause it will be happening in our midnight society thread.

Feel free to start either right away if you like the ideas!

Also, I'm always looking for more interaction. So anyone else who wants some new blood in their roleplay is encouraged to post!
I'll start up the one with Amber tonight. I wont have time to do both tonight (kinda getting ready to head on a bus for a six hour ride to Ottawa, Canada). However, I can always get to the Yule ball thread in the morning.
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