Up for a new place to go..

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Alexa Venturino

Well-Known Member
So I have these triplets you see. Alexa Dyfan and Jace. Well the boys have been on the back burner for a while now, as I've made Alexa my main and I'm not sure what to do with the boys so sadly I'm here to give away one of my boys.

Jace Venturino was originally going to be my friends until she relized she wouldn't be able to handle comin on every day or so to post for her characters. So I was handed Jace to complete the set. I had plans for him, like him being gay in the future. But when I realized I hadn't been using him or logging on to him much I was going to offer to Andrew Bruke, Alexa's death eater 'friend' who is going to turn her evil to kill him I realized then my plan for Alexa would also have to change for she would she the evil and not like it at the point.

Jace comes with an avatar and banner i made. But you're welcome to change them. And you're more then welcome to elaborate on his basic bio once you get him, just don't change the history of his family or his family unless you just want to add his thought on them and such, considering his siblings are staying with me and it'd be odd if his bio said one thing about his parents while Dyfan and Alexa contradict that, you know? Though once transfer and sorting becomes open you are welcome to choose the school he attends, though right now they are homeschooled.

So Let me know, this will be a first come, first serve basis and I look forward to working with you on with siblings hanging out in topics and such. :)
When I saw this I was so worried :o but anyway, I think I can help you and take Jace for you :) I'm pretty sure I can get into his character since he is remarkable like two of my characters :r
So yeah if anyone else really really really wants to take him, too bad ;)
So how bout it?

P.s Still cant believe you are turning Alexa evil :o <<<Blow it up to read it :r (Use RS button.)
Why were you worried? Did you think I was giving everyone away and leaving, lol?

Jace is like the triplet form of Speed really, so what character of your's should I send the password too?

And yah! someone wants him I'm glad, now we can have sibling threads and I won't have to be do it all myself! And I know, but I think i want one of the them to be evil and Alexa seemed right.
Yes I was :o but now im OK :)
Ahh just send it to Speed or Austiin Hayes.
Yeah I understand, the fact that her brothers dont really let her in would be highly annoying and could make her spiteful :p
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