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- OOC First Name
- Ana V.
- Wand
- Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Something had happened to young Sapphire Bookchild this year. Something far greater than being thrown out of the only home she had ever known, greater than finding people that actually cared for her. Sapphire had found herself somehow, not totally to the point where she could say that she knew herself compleatly but she had a confidence to herself now that had not been there before. May have come from not having to go back to Bella-Donna Manor that did it but Sapphire could see an entire life in front of her now.
Sapphire had not seen her friend in the evening after 'Rumor' had torn through the school like hell fire. Not the next night ether. She had every intention to get in contact with him but first classwork, then O.W.L had gotten in the way. Now she was out excuses she had to see him before school ended. More over she had to see him before the yearbooks went out. They had gotten nominated for cutest couple when there was not couple to speak of. The very thought of it brought the pinkest blush to her cheeks. If they won they it would be all the more embarrassing. Sapphire choose a spot on a window still and looked out at the sky. She was actually looking forward to the winter vacation this time around. Even if she was going to stay local.
Sapphire had not seen her friend in the evening after 'Rumor' had torn through the school like hell fire. Not the next night ether. She had every intention to get in contact with him but first classwork, then O.W.L had gotten in the way. Now she was out excuses she had to see him before school ended. More over she had to see him before the yearbooks went out. They had gotten nominated for cutest couple when there was not couple to speak of. The very thought of it brought the pinkest blush to her cheeks. If they won they it would be all the more embarrassing. Sapphire choose a spot on a window still and looked out at the sky. She was actually looking forward to the winter vacation this time around. Even if she was going to stay local.