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Han Yeo Seul

OOC First Name
So I've decided to create a new character - Meet Yara ;D

Since sortings closed, I'm going to spend some time developing her so that come "next year" I will know more of who she is. What I'm looking for is a couple of friends that she could get to meet now, and continue to be friends with once they're at school.

Yara is South Korean, she's had quite a hard childhood but she's ready now to fight the world. She's not especially cruel but she does enjoy getting dirty, pranks, and she is rather stubborn and argues alot.

Let me know if you're interested!

- Phoebe
Hey my very first character ever, Nina, has a daughter who will be a student next year and I'd be happy to figure her put more. Isadora's quite a happy kid who really likes Quidditch and also playing with dolls. She is probably going to be a Ravenclaw or a Gryffindor because she likes to think of the easiest way to do things as she is quite lazy. Idk, I'm still developing her.
Hi! I have Helen Mowry here, and she is Korean too! Her older brother is a werewolf, she happens to be the only family member that knows this though. She is a very sweet girl, but she is a bit clingy. She is know to go along with whatever people say. She isn't very strong willed. She doesn't really hold her own. But, she is very sweet, and she needs friends other then family members xD.
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