
Celebi Kovalenko

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Celebi Kovalenko couldn't believe as it was, that Alessio would want to meet her again. Especially after their last time ended in such disaster. She replayed her honesty in her head over and over again, wishing she'd just lied to him about being nervous. She should have said something about how Leo told her he was really mean, or something. Anything but the fact that she had a crush on him. It seemed though her screw up didn't keep him from wanting to be friends with her.

Celebi dressed almost purposely in his favorite color. It helped that she was a gryffindor so her closet consisted of many red items, but after finding out he enjoyed the color she couldn't help herself. A large part of Cel hoped he might be interested in her. She smoothed the long skirt out and gave one more glance at herself before making her way to the library to grab a secluded table. She wanted to be there earlier than him, to pick a spot with a quick exit in case she made a fool of herself again. The blonde sat in the far back, hoping he would spot her through the bookshelves, though she wasn't sure if it was possible. Perhaps he'd think she stood him up and save her the embarrassment, though she didn't want him to hate her either. Celebi sighed and looked at her book, reading the pages but not processing the words.
After their last hangout, Alessio was kind of excited to see Celebi again, despite her blurting out her crush towards him during their first real conversation. It was pretty brave of her and every time he thought about it a small smile sneaked onto his lips, for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe it was because it had been a while since he felt flattered by someone's words. And it was nice. It made him feel cozy inside, and he honestly thought that it could develop into a beautiful friendship. Alessio made his way to the library and once he entered it, he cautiously made his way deeper into the room, looking out for his brother in case he was about to jump out like he did last time. That hadn't been cool and it certainly hand not made things better for Celebi, more her than Alessio, as he'd felt sorry that Leo would embarrass her like that. Once he spotted her however his eyes brightened and he walked over to the table, sitting down on the seat opposite hers. He hadn't missed the colours that she wore, she looked amazing. "Hey," he said casually, with a smile. Hopefully, Celebi wasn't as nervous as she'd showed the other time, he didn't want to make her any more uncomfortable.
Celebi's peripherals picked up on someone coming forward toward her and she felt her cheeks become hot again. She had requested, begged, Leo not to do anything stupid this time, after making sure to tell him how much worse he'd made things. She hadn't been ready to reveal her crush just yet. The blonde looked up at the brown eyed boy and gave a brief smile, before ducking her head down to her book and speaking. It was so much easier to speak if he wasn't looking her in the eyes. "Hey." She said in a small voice. "How have you been? I hope Leo hasn't been badgering you." Her eyes were pink, she wasn't going to be able to hid her nervousness around him and she knew that. She closed her book, acting as if she had to finish the page before she could, when in reality she hadn't been reading it at all. She looked up, eyes avoiding direct contact.
As Celebi greeted him, Less quickly looked left and right and then once behind him, still uncertain about Leo and whatever he was up to. He now knew he wanted to set him and Celebi up, but Alessio also didn't want their possible friendship to be forced or rushed, it always went a lot smoother if enough time was taken for the relationship to work. Although she was still red in the face, which the Hufflepuff thought was adorable, she didn't stutter, which was a good sign. "I've been good," he told her. He rolled his eyes at the mention of his brother, as much as he loved him Leo was a bum sometimes. "No, I asked him not to bother us anymore," he said, he was hopeful this would ease up the tension from last time, which had made things rather awkward. "You look great," he complimented, meaning it, his gaze still on her.
Celebi was relieved when Alessio remarked he'd asked his brother to stop bothering them. It wasn't as if he'd listen to Celebi after all. Maybe he would fear his brother, after all Celebi always imagined Alessio was well toned... Her face deepened in color. Now was not the time for intrusive thoughts. "Thank you." She responded to him, referencing that he had asked him to stop. "I doubt he would have stopped if i asked him." She remarked, knowing that Leo thought the whole thing was "precious". The blonde glanced around herself at his next words. "Me?" The word came as a squeak, her own voice giving out and betraying her. "You uhm, you always... you too." She said finally returning the compliment, lost for words in the moment. "D-did you want to study?" She asked, not a hundred percent positive why he'd invited her to see him again. Unless he found amusement in her nervous habits, such as picking at the corners of her book.
Al nodded once when Celebi thanked him, still wary of Leo's intentions, because you could never really know with him, but he trusted his brother's words of confirmation. He knew exactly that when Alessio was serious about something it wasn't to be messed, no matter the fact that he wasn't intimidating at all or that Leo didn't take him seriously half the time. But he was not the only one involved, so this wouldn't affect only him. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he'll stop," he reassured Celebi. "Yeah," he said simply, shrugging his shoulders slightly as if to say it wasn't that big of a deal. "You." There was a moment of silence before Alessio spoke again, his eyebrow raised a little. "You think I always look nice?" he asked, but the tone wasn't teasing nor was it doubtful, just neutral, a casual question with an answer to which he was curious. "Eh, I thought we could just talk. I wanted to see you, you know, spend time with a new friend. I mean, if you want of course, I don't want to force you," he added, secretly hoping they could get to know each other better since they hardly knew anything about each other.
Celebi liked that Alessio was confident in his abilities to control Leo's erratic behavior. The blonde was finding it hard to smile though, finding it hard to do anything other than try and avoid eye contact and keep her head from exploding with embarrassment. When he questioned her words she couldn't help but feel a little chill come over her, she needed to answer again? Did he enjoy hearing it? "I uhm... y-yeah. Your school uniform even." She muttered, looking away. This was ridiculous. She should have never opened her mouth. She could have died in embarrassment that day she'd said her feelings, but this was twelve times worse, as he knew them now and only wanted to be friends. Needing to change the subject the blonde searched for words. "Okay! H-how big is your family?" She asked, hoping that would do something to get off the topic of how good she though he looked in literally anything, and how good he probably looked - bad Celebi, he's a friend, friend, that's it.
So far, the Gryffindor hadn't smiled yet and she was avoiding eye contact, and Alessio was trying to find a way to make Celebi feel more at ease around him, especially since she told him she liked him. The seventh year shook his head to himself, somehow his thoughts always went back to what she told him. But great, she was stuttering again. The boy leaned a little forward unintentionally as she spoke and then asked him something about his family. Finally, a topic that wasn't awkward. "Too big, " he chuckled. "I have three siblings and a lot of cousins. Like, a lot," he said. "What about yours?"
When Alessio leaned forward a little, Celebi felt her heart skip a beat, only for it to relax when she realized he was just trying to hear her better. The blonde looked up at him again, meeting his eyes for a second. The awkwardness started to settle into a dust and she felt herself relaxing as a normal topic came up. Family. "Oh I have a sister that's all. You know about her already though." She remarked, clearing her throat slightly. "I uhm... Do you like music?" She asked, it was a stupid question. Everyone liked music, it was what kind of music she meant to ask. Her face remained pachy pink, and her eyes continued to point toward the table, keeping him in her peripherals.
Alessio hoped that eventually Celebi would be able to trust him. It would be shame otherwise, not to mention a waste. When she mentioned her sister, Alessio was already nodding, "oh, yeah right. Of course," he said, repeating his words. At the word music, Alessio smiled, glancing down at a moment before he looked up again. "Yeah, I love it. I, um, listen to different types of music. I think. What music do you like to listen to?" he asked, curious to know more about her. He blinked at this odd thought and the strange feeling in his stomach as he did so. "Look," he started, not sure where he was going with this. "About the other day...it must have taken a lot of courage to admit what you did. And you don't have to feel embarrassed," he finished, carefully reaching out to place his hand on top of hers, whatever he was doing or implying was lost to him.
This was going to be okay, the conversation was going to ease up and she would be able to breathe and her face would return to normal. The blonde smiled and nodded. "Yeah I do, I'm mostly into classical music, like old music. I know it's silly, it sounds so interesting compared to what we have now." She noted, wondering if he'd feel the same. She was about to continue on sharing questions with him, but he stopped her dead in her tracks. Celebi could swear her heart actually stopped when suddenly Alessio's hand was over top of one of hers. She looked at his tendrils, larger than hers, and then up into his face for a brief moment, her face completely vermilion within a few seconds. When he brought up the other day Celebi nearly groaned in disapproval, but she kept her mouth shut. She looked down and watched his hands once more. "I... I uhm. I only feel awkward because I... Like you not because you know. It doesn't matter if you know, it's not going to happen. Bloody hell if I could just shut up when I'm ahead." she spoke, her head finding the table quickly.
"I'll make sure to look out for old music, then," he said with a soft smile. Alessio's ears went as pink as Celebi's face when he realised what he'd done, that he had put his hand over hers like a non-normal person would do. What was he thinking? Now, she was going to get confused and probably frustrated and she might not want to talk to or see him ever again. That bothered him. Al wasn't sure if he should draw his hand back or keep it where he was, because he also didn't want Celebi to think he was rejecting her in some way. The puff then frowned when the girl said it probably wasn't going to happen. For some reason, that bothered him too. "Celebi. Please look at me," he begged, hoping she would. "I kind of like it when you ramble, it's cute," he admitted quietly, his cheeks going a slight shade of pink as he said it. The fact that he had this effect on her was somewhat flattering, if he was honest.
His remark about looking out for old music was sweet, and she couldn't help but give a faint smile, though her head pointed at the table didn't reveal that much. His hands, remaining over hers, were warm like an oven, she didn't mind them but a part of her wished to draw away to still her racing heart and tell herself it wasn't in the way she thought it was. When Alessio begged her to look him in the eyes, the Gryffindor obliged, her blonde bangs nearly mingling with batting eyelashes, brown eyes full of worry, uncertainty, and embarrassment. His next statement didn't do anything to assuage her either, and while his cheeks were a dusty rose, hers were crimson in shade. The Gryffindor, once he was done talking, looked down again at the table. "Guess you'll have to make me nervous more often because man can I not shut up when I'm concerned, mom always said I put me foot in me mouth, oh lord my accent gets so bad. Six years here you'd think it would... have diminnished." She slowed at the end, realizing she could stop her verbal spasms unless she concentrated really hard. "D-do you like dogs?" She asked, trying to return to some semblance of normal, though with his hands on hers it was difficult to do.
Alessio squinted when Celebi looked at him with a mixture of emotions, not being able to help but watch her while she talked, of course it was normal, human conversation and behaviour that people made eye contact while they spoke, but Less was trying not to look like a creep. He decided though, or well hoped, that his hand over hers would be somewhat comforting. He doubted that Celebi's face was going to turn back to its normal colour anytime soon, so he'd have to get used to it sooner or later. "Your accent is cute," the seventh year chuckled, and sent her a wink to let her know he was teasing. He also realised he was using the word 'cute' around her to often for his own good. "Hey mine hasn't completely faded, either. I've been here for seven days years, I guess it isn't as easy to lose your accent as a kid as some people say." It was getting easier talking to the Gryffindor, although still a little awkward. "I love dogs, but I never had one," he explained, leaning on the palm of his free hand. "Do you?"
The fact that Alessio still kept his large hand over hers was a good sign to Celebi, that he wasn't afraid to be in contact with her. Perhaps she was making everything out worse than it needed to be, however he insisted that they barely knew each other, which made her wonder if he just wanted to get to know her better and then explore the option of being more than friends. Celebi was trying to shake thoughts such as those from her head but found it almost impossible when he used the word cute to describe another aspect of hers. Every time she thought she was in the clear he said something to make her blush again and Celebi felt like soon since all of her blood was in her face, she might pass out. "Yours is nice... I always loved romance languages. By that I mean like Spanish and Italian and French, not like when people talk romantic stuff... and...I have one dog. She's a golden retriever named Lilly." She muttered trying to get away from her conversation. "Wh-what about animals at all?" she asked. "But of course you probably have an owl, that was a dumb question." She said, resting her forehead on the cool table. Leo might have been a welcome distraction at this point.
Alessio smiled at Celebi, enjoying how much simpler the conversation seemed to become, and he relaxed his shoulders slightly. He was now also a lot more reassured about Leo not popping up in surprise and scaring the hell out of him. He didn't feel as if he was being watched, which was a great sign. "I know what you mean," he nodded. "Romance languages are pretty cool. I speak more Italian than Spanish, but I can have a basic conversation in Spanish too. Uh, I could teach you one of my languages one day if you want!" The idea was kind of exciting for Less who, so far, hadn't been able to share much about his culture with his little to no friends. And it would be cool if he could pass something to one of them, if Celebi agreed. "That‘s awesome, I wish I could have a dog. Maybe someday," he shrugged. "I don't have an owl actually. I love penguins and dolphins too. I don't have any pets, sadly," he admitted, not afraid of explaining why to her if she asked.
The Gryffindor heard his offer and jumped on it. "Yes! i mean that would be cool." She spoke, urging herself to come up with articulate sentences. She struggled as it was to feel intelligent considering her lacking grades, but now was even harder. "I'd love to learn, but I don't really have anything I can teach you in return..." she admitted, and while it shouldn't have been a big deal it seemed like one inside the Gryffindor's mind. When he mentioned not having any pets Celebi frowned a little, her lips pouting outward. "Well you could always use Mii." Upon realizing how it sounded the flustered girl corrected herself. "MiiMii! It's my owl, that's her name I wasn't like insinuated that I'm a pet or anything weird like that, frick." She spoke. "I think I..." She begun to pull her hands away, flustered for what she hoped was the last time. It was so easy to run away when she was uncomfortable after all.
Alessio chuckled quietly, under his breath, as Celebi basically jumped at his offer of teaching her languages. "Which one? Orrrrr both," he said, his eyes widening a little. "I mean not both at the same time obviously, because that would be confusing." He then wondered if he was confusing her just by saying all of this. Probably. "Oh don't worry, it‘s not an obligation. I would love to teach you whatever you want to learn," he said and then his cheeks went pink at how vague and rather ambiguous that statement had been. He cleared his throat and sent Celebi a small, awkward smile. He chuckled at her next sentence. "It‘s okay, Cel, you‘re funny and make me laugh, which is a good thing," he smiled, a little hurt that she pulled her hand away like that. Alessio‘s however remained where it was, since he was over awkward moments.
Alessio's words urged her to stay, and Celebi adjusted back to sitting. She moved her books out of the way and looked at Alessio's hands, still where she'd left them. Glancing between his hands and his eyes, with a scarlet face, the blonde slid her hands beneath his once more, and gave. A half smile, trying to convince herself her heart wasn't going to jump out of her chest. "I like your laugh too." She murmured. "I would love to learn both, but whichever one you like more I'll learn first." She said in just above a whisper. The young woman found her left hand wandering on top of the pile of hands. At least if this caused him to reject her she'd get over it right? Her thumb stroked the smooth skin of the back of his hand, and she continued to ask him questions about himself
Alessio was relieved when Celebi didn't just up and leave, it would have complicated things and he really needed a friend right now. And currently, Celebi was it. His stomach did a funny thing when Celebi placed her hand back under his. He glanced at their hands for a moment, getting a weird idea. He shook it off though, not knowing why he was suddenly feeling the way he was. "I speak Italian better so um, how about that one? It‘ll be easy to switch to Spanish then," he explained, moving slightly so that he was in a more comfortable position. They talked for a bit, and the more they did so, the more Al was enjoying Celebi‘s company. And the more they became friends, something Alessio missed. She seemed to ease more around him however and that made him feel glad and happy.
It took time, an hour or so before Celebi was completely blush free while talking to Alessio, and it felt good to get to know him little by little as they talked about their own countries, their families, and their interests. The blonde might have been disappointed that it didn't seem Alessio was interested in her romantically, but she'd never turn down any sort of friendship. The girl smiled gently when it was finally time for them to part and gave Alessio a brief thank you, and while she didn't explain she hoped he knew it was for convincing her to stay so they could finally get to know one another.

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