unexpected diversions

Raziel Kim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
The definition of alive is having life or living. The definition of life is the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. So in technical terms, Raziel Kim is alive. At least.. he experiences the normal symptoms of life. But only the minimum requirements. He was lacking something, and whatever that something was, he still wasn't sure.

So, he ended up observing everyone around him, to see what he is lacking. He watched people getting frustrated or happy or depressed over the smallest things; like a grade or someone's opinion, and just recently he heard a talk about being crushed. After research, it was surprising to find that a word that was initially used to describe the action of pressing or squeezing something until it was destroyed or deformed; was being used in order to define the feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection towards another person. It was quite amusing he thinks. Anyways, Raziel has never been crushed nor had he crushed on someone. The closest he had ever managed, was respect for someone greater than him. And along with crushed, he's never been jealous as well. Never scared. He doesn't really argue, but he will tell you if he disagree. He sits differently from other people, and he has these quirks that makes him unique. This makes him different. And this is also why he's alone at the moment. Because when someone's different, people avoid them. At least... that's what's been proven to him so many times.

Shaking his head, Raziel looked at the board in front of him. He had just finished his puzzle, he was alone and no one was bothering him. Another round of putting together the white jigsaw seemed to be a little redundant, and he wants to do something else. He tried to walk his boredom off at first, but that didn't help. Walking is stale and uneventful exercise. He doesn't see the entertainment in it. Anyway, it wasn't what he would consider interesting. He sat down once more in the dry, crunchy grass. With his head resting on his knees, he watched, watched the people around him once more. Slowly, the ennui festering inside him went away. He couldn't say how much time he spent in that crouched position, his eyes darting back and fourth as he watched everything; he does know that when he went to stand back up it felt like his joints had been welded together. Everyone was splitting up to go and do their own things. And Raziel continued to observe, fingers absentmindedly playing with the pieces of the white jigsaw puzzle that he had just unconsciously disassembled once more.​
Hogwarts is the kind of place where people earn knowledge. That's why it is called "school" in the first place; otherwise it won't be at all. People come to the certain place to learn. Particularly, magic and everything that is involving it. Gifted people called "Professors" teach the new generation of magicians everything there is to know about magic. They give the child sufficient information for which the child may treasure in his mind and use the information as a strategy for the years to come. Casey kept on reminding herself that. She kept telling herself to work hard for her family. To be a great witch without the help of her idiot mother which stupidly left her alone in the world without a woman to call "Mom". Eleven years had passed but the nightmares still strangle Casey. No matter what she does, her brain still advertises her mother every night. Even though her father already explained the reason why she left, there seems to be something lacking that explanation. Questions still flood her stubborn mind as she comb her brunette hair which she inherited from her "mom". She looked at the lake stiffly as her comb ran through her hair. It was spring and the outside world looks extremely beautiful. Flowers blooming, trees overflowing with healthy leaves and animals crowding the surroundings as they share the beauty of the nature with people.

A smile appeared on Casey's face when she realized that. Suddenly, she forgot all about her nightmares and her mother. She cheerfully picked a pick flower and smells it dazzling smell. She looked around to see if anyone was looking as happy as she is. Apparently, everyone is except for a young boy on the corner of a lake. She looked awfully sad. Casey found this rather odd. Maybe the boy is having problems? She thought as confusion flooded her mind. She stood up from the ground and started walking to the boy's direction. She wanted to know why he was so sad. When she reached him, he looked at the boy, her face flooding with concern and confusion. "Why do you look so sad?" She asked curiously.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm very sorry for the late reply :unsure:

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