Umm ... Sorry?

Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Another day and another day ends right about now. Classes had just ended and Lexi was on her way at The Lakefront to soak her feet on the water for a few minutes. The day was very exhausted for her, OWL's will be arriving very soon and she have to save her energy for the exam. Arriving at the edge of the Lakefront, Lexi took off her school shoes and sat at the ground while soaking up her feet in the water. The water was a little bit cold in the Autumn season but her feet didn't complained, she tried to play with the liquid as she passes time, splashing water all over making her skirt hem wet. Lexi thought of something and raised her eyebrow a little bit of fun won't hurt she thought to herself and stood up from the water, only to be known that it wasn't shallow for her to drown. Lexi started to splash water upward, water droplets drop on her head and made her giggled, Lexi continued splashing everywhere.
Tohoru was walking alone the lake his thoughts running through his head. Why was he such a bad person? He treated Eden like a princess and she left him and after that things had just gone bad. First he went on a kissing spree every girl that crossed his path was his next victim and than out of no where wham. He meets Hilde and he likes her. He could have even fallen for her but before he could get the chance JR walks in and there is something so different about her that he has no choice but to fall for her. If only he had broken up with Hilde right away he could still have JR his love. But that was not to be. Looking over he saw a girl splashing in the lake she looked really happy. Walking a bit closer the water she was splashing came up and hit Tohoru. "Hey be careful the waters cold." Tohoru said with a smile on his face as he came closer. He was not in the mood to be friendly but this girl had done nothing to hurt him so he could be nice for a time.
Lexi did another splashing and targeted it on the grounds where she heard someone spoke referring to the water. She opened her eyes to see a familiar face, it was one of the Koshiba's, Lexi stopped splashing once and starred at the boy who she didn't know the first name but only the last name. The Koshiba's are very popular around the school, she heard that the male Koshiba is very flirtatious and will get a girl no matter what while Hoshi is the prankster. "I'm sorry..." Lexi trailed off and looked at herself to see that her blouse became see-through, she covered herself fast by crossing her arms around her chest and walked out of the water and came on the ground. "I'm really sorry about that ... Didn't see you came." She explained and smiled nervously as if she's with a monster that she can't get rid off. Actually, she made an emergency situation if she luckily passed by the male Koshiba; One. Smile, Two. Silence and Three. Run. "I ... Umm ... better run." Lexi said after a brief silence between them, she then attempted to turned her back toward him.
Tohoru noticed that the girl was looking nerves and she was covering herself because of her shirt. Taking off his jacket Tohoru held it out to the girl. "You can borrow my jacket if you life." Tohoru asked kindly. If this was the old Tohoru he would have surly made a pass at the girl but now he was just to sad to do such things.Looking at the girl a bit more he noticed that she was pretty but still Tohoru did not have the heart to treat her like he treated all the other girls. Maybe it was time that he started treating girls with more respect than he had treated the others. Tohoru continued to hold his jacket out to the girl just in case she decided to take it.
Before she made her turn the guy just offered his jacket to her maybe its his signature move she thought and didn't stopped herself from saying "Is this your signature move to get a girl?" and smacked her fore head softly with the palm of her right hand. "Nevermind what I just said I'll just take your offer." Lexi took the jacket from the guy and wear it around her while heads down. She just couldn't looked at the guy in the face because of the words she had just said, nice, Lexi. Now everyone's going to hate you, Lexi tighten her grip on the zipper hem of the jacket waiting for the guy's response.
Tohoru smiled sheepishly as the girl made a snide comment. "No no. I am not like that anymore. If I was I would have splashed you more or something stupid like that. I am just trying to be friendly is all. I am Tohoru Koshiba by the way. Tohoru looked down as the girl took the jacket and put it on. Kicking a few pebbles out of the way Tohoru wanted to ask her for her name but decided that would be a bit to bold and just continued to look down at his feet.
Lexi was actually going to believe what he have just said but she had seen the girl's that he had hurt, crying in the Slytherin common room, and sometimes she's tired to hear them crying. Lexi just smiled as he said that his not like that anymore and at the same time introduce himself to her, she now know his first name. "I'm Lexi Rodriguez, I've known your sister and by the looks you two are similar but not on the personality." Lexi was getting a nerve on her mouth now and want to smack it with something, she noticed Tohoru was not looking up to her. "Is there something wrong?" She asked a bit concern.
Tohoru felt the sting in her words when she told him that he did not act like his sister. "It is nice to meet you Lexi. I know my sister and I do not act the same but that is changing I don't wanna be the same person I used to be. The old Tohoru was a heartless jerk but this new Tohoru is just hurt because of all the girls I have hurt." Looking over at the lake Tohoru noted that it was a nice day and if it was a bit warmer Tohoru would have gone swimming. "O nothing is really wrong I was just looking down so you could put on my jacket and not have to worry about me sneaking a peak." Tohoru said honestly. Looking up but making sure that he looked from his feet right into her eyes so that she would know he was trying to be nice and not a jerk how he used to be.
And now she's really believing what Tohoru is saying about changing, she too have done the same. From being evil to being back to her old self which is being good, "I'm sorry if I don't believe you changing ... its just that the guy like you, in my own opinion, won't change ..." Lexi trailed off just to sigh, "... But I believe you now as you look really sincere." She really doesn't know why is she really drawn by Tohoru's present but she's fighting it not to happen, "I thought somethings wrong. I thought there is something on my face." Lexi giggled softly and touched her face to re-sure her that there is nothing on her face. But something was bothering Lexi, Tohoru is hurt? that's new? "What do you mean by hurt? did you got into fight?" She asked her voice a bit louder.
Tohoru looked at Lexi as she spoke. "It is ok if you do not believe me I can understand that. With all the girls I have hurt it is understandable if you did not believe anything that came out of my mouth. " Tohoru looked back over the lake wondering how the mermaids where doing and wondering if he could see Mist again she was really nice and Tohoru was sure that she would understand how he was feeling. "No there is nothing on your face. You look perfect. Realizing what he had said Tohoru looked down again. It may have been true what he had said but he still did not want her to get the wrong impression about him. "No I was not in a fight. It's just the last girl that I hurt I was starting to really care about her and now I feel like a arse about everything and I wish there was something that I could do to let her know I am truly sorry." Tohoru whispered under his breath.
Lexi smiled warmly at Tohoru and rolled her eyes, "The last time I check I'm not perfect, I do crazy stuffs but you don't want to know that." She exclaimed, Lexi wouldn't be perfect at all. She noticed him again looking into his feet, "You know its a bad habit that your not looking into the person your speaking with ..." Lexi was now bother on her face or hair, she just got out of the water and might look a bit ugly. But hearing what Tohoru say about his problem, Lexi's heart soften and sigh, "I can help you with that, I know every girl's personality and what they like ... Maybe a talk or a date." She really can't shut up but helping Tohoru is her start being good and friendly. "Who is this girl anyway?" Lexi asked because she can't help him without the name of the girl.
Tohoru forced his self to meet her eyes, and grin sleepishly. "So sorry I can't help it sometimes I guess." Listening as she offered to help him try and talk to JR again Tohoru shook his head. "No no. That's ok. I have hurt her enough I do not wish to do that ever again." Tohoru would never again near JR he had heard from his sister Eden that JR hated him and wished she had never met him so Tohoru was going to do his best to make that promise come true.
He really had change she thought and smiled, "So, this is the effect of changing? Letting go of the one's you love? ... Say no to that." Lexi said while getting on the ground to seat, "Take a sit." She offered while taking something out on her school bag, a brownies and some tart she had taken from the great hall. "You want some?" Lexi asked Tohoru, then a cold breeze sweep the twilight. Lexi's legs shivered as the breeze touched it, I shouldn't got in the water at the first place "Next time I wouldn't get into the water when its going to be twilight, Its starting to get cold." Lexi folded her legs up and hug it.

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