Um... Where...

James Gardner

Well-Known Member
James ran up from the third floor stairs, desperate to get up there before they change once again. He then stops, realising he has no idea where he is going. He stands in the middle between the stairs on a platform, he then looks around for someone to give him a hand with this.
Charlene was on her way up to the Gryffindor common room, whistling happily. She had just finished a hearty meal and she was beyond full, although she knew she'd be hungry again before long. She stepped onto one of the many moving staircases just as it was swinging left. She was beginning to get the hang of these things, but honestly, one day they would definitely cause her trouble. The staircase shuddered to a stop and Charlene stepped onto the platform. As she turned to climb the next set of stairs, she caught sight of a boy her age. He looked extremely lost. Figuring that he might just need some help, she took her foot off the bottom step and went over.

"Hi, I'm Charlene. Charlene Jung. Do you need help or something? You look sorta lost." She gave him an encouraging smile.
Luke continue looking around, lost and having no idea where to go when a girl, about the same age as him. He smiled as she offered to help him out. He then looked around quickly, despite his rudeness. "Hi Charlene, I am James, James Gardner to be in fact." He said, with a normal voice. "Yeah, I guess I am a little lost." James then gave off a little smirk as he said it.
Charlene grinned. "Yeah, I got here a few days ago, and believe me, it's pretty insane. Nobody would help me, so it took me like four hours to get from the first floor to the seventh." She shook her head. "Where are you trying to get to?"
James looked as the girl seemed nice and genuinely wanted to help him. He gave a little laugh, knowing how long it took to get to where he was. "I hope I don't need to get to the Seventh Floor, and I am heading to the Hufflepuff common room. Where that is I am not sure." He was led there the first time and now he wasn't sure.
Charlene scratched her head. She knew where Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's common rooms were, but not Hufflepuff's. She grinned sheepishly. "I dunno myself really. It would help if I knew what floor it was on, but I dunno that either. I hear it's near the middle of the castle though."
James smiled as he watches her trying to work out where he could be going. James then saw the portrait he had seen before when he first entered. "Hey Charlene, I think this is it. Come over here." James was happy that he found it but he wanted to spend some more time with Charlene, even though he didn't want to admit it.
Charlene sure wanted to go into the Hufflepuff common room, just to see what it was like, but she knew it was a rule that the students of each house couldn’t be in another house’s common room. She looked at James incredulously. “Uhh I don’t think I’m allowed in there.” She was tempted to go in, but it would get her in trouble, and her goal was definitely not to get into trouble in the first few days she was here.
James thought as she walked up behind him "I don't think that you are either. How about we meet down at the grounds or something after I run in and get something?" He looked back into her eyes, just cause he liked making eye contact with people.
Charlene nodded. "Cool, I'll see you down there then." She faltered a bit when James looked straight into her eyes and looked away for a second. As outgoing as she was, she wasn't and probably never would be good with eye contact like that. She briefly waved goodbye and then headed downstairs, completely forgetting about her trip to the seventh floor.

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