Ugh, So Many

Heather Danville

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Heather reluctantly signed up for the Rose Deliveries thing expecting to only have to deliver one or two but there was so much more than she realised. She grabbed her firs bouquet of roses and made her way to the Library where she knew Veronica Willows would be. Heather didn't know much about the girl but she knew that she was curious and hard working so naturally she had to be in library, right? She hoped so anyway, she wouldn't walk around the whole school trying to find the girl. Luckily, just as Heather entered the Library, Veronica was sitting on one of the first tables and Heather headed straight over to her. She put the three roses on the table in front of the Ravenclaw girl, one of each colour and said "You must have an admirer since you have a rose in all three colours"
Veronica had been busy working on an upcoming essay for one of her classes, which had been slightly more difficult than usual because she kept becoming distracted with just how well it might apply to one of the little projects she had been working on over the holidays. So far she had caught herself going off-topic twice, which meant she had to start all over again on a new piece of parchment. Veronica was so engrossed in her work, head down and scribbling furiously, that she barely noticed something being placed down in front of her and only really snapped out of her studious haze at the sound of a voice. Looking up, Veronica glanced first at the girl speaking to her, and then at the objects on the table. Roses. Three of them. Her mind blanking in confusion, she turned back to the girl. "I'm, I'm sorry... I don't understand. Why are you giving me... roses?"

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